Very interested in DMT, have some questions. Options
#1 Posted : 2/26/2011 10:48:07 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello, first off I'd like to say thank you for any advice or information you may share with me. I have been interested in DMT for a while now, and have gotten to the point where I am finding it more and more essential to my being. I would love to try it, but there are a few things standing in my way, and feel the need to have some of my questions answered before I jump into it.

1) I have heard many stories of the experiences people have had. However not much on the physical aspect of it. If I do it in bed, or in a comfy chair, will I feel inclined to move or walk around? Will I be conscious and affected by my surroundings, the objects or people in my room, etc? I say this because of obvious safety hazards if I were to have a bad trip or feel the need to wander around.

2) Which leads into my second question... If I were to have a bad trip, is there any chance of physical harm? I ask this because I had an experience with my first time on mushrooms, I did way too many and when I was coming down felt very depressed almost to the point of suicidal thoughts though I knew I wouldn't act on it, however I had a friend there to comfort me.

3) Would it be a smart idea or a bad idea to do it completely alone? I don't have many people I can trust with this or do this with. The person I do feel comfortable around, I am not sure if he would want to be a sitter for me.

4) If I were to do it in front of a trusted friend, what would it look like to them? Would I be communicating with them?

5) I don't know many people who have DMT to sell, but one of my "friends" claims to be able to either buy it or make it. Which makes me nervous. I don't know his sources, I don't know if I can trust his "home-brew", and he's kind of a sketchy dude. So I want to know if anyone can describe to me what it would look like/smell like/whatever if I were to buy it. Is it dangerous to use home made DMT? He claims he has made it multiple times, and to have done DMT about 20 times, but I don't know if I can trust him.

Any other info would be helpful as well, and I'm sure I'll think of more questions. Thanks guys!

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#2 Posted : 2/26/2011 11:20:07 AM

Hyperspace Architect/Doctor

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psystem wrote:

1) I have heard many stories of the experiences people have had. However not much on the physical aspect of it. If I do it in bed, or in a comfy chair, will I feel inclined to move or walk around? Will I be conscious and affected by my surroundings, the objects or people in my room, etc? I say this because of obvious safety hazards if I were to have a bad trip or feel the need to wander around.

2) Which leads into my second question... If I were to have a bad trip, is there any chance of physical harm? I ask this because I had an experience with my first time on mushrooms, I did way too many and when I was coming down felt very depressed almost to the point of suicidal thoughts though I knew I wouldn't act on it, however I had a friend there to comfort me.

3) Would it be a smart idea or a bad idea to do it completely alone? I don't have many people I can trust with this or do this with. The person I do feel comfortable around, I am not sure if he would want to be a sitter for me.

4) If I were to do it in front of a trusted friend, what would it look like to them? Would I be communicating with them?

5) I don't know many people who have DMT to sell, but one of my "friends" claims to be able to either buy it or make it. Which makes me nervous. I don't know his sources, I don't know if I can trust his "home-brew", and he's kind of a sketchy dude. So I want to know if anyone can describe to me what it would look like/smell like/whatever if I were to buy it. Is it dangerous to use home made DMT? He claims he has made it multiple times, and to have done DMT about 20 times, but I don't know if I can trust him.

1)You Probably will not want to walk around, its better to just lay were you are until it wares off.

2) If Have a bad trip i dont think it has any physical harm, i wouldnt worry about bad trips if things feel like they are getting bad then just open your eyes. and DMT is a little different than mushrooms.

3)If its your first time you probably want a sitter unless you really feel fully comfortable to.

4)it would probly look like you with your eyes closed you might make some faces, and not everyone communicates with entities there first time but u might its not up to me.

5)Well first we at the nexus dont know too much about buying or selling nor do we talk about it, secoundly its very possible your friend is home brewing it lots of people do it, its very simple its gotta come from somewhere.

You Could even learn how to do it yourself its very easy to do if you can obtain the materials, Good luck to you
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
Mad Professor
#3 Posted : 2/26/2011 12:10:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi psystem, great that you are thinking about this and take it seriously. To answer your questions:

1) Usually, you won't feel the need to walk around, and if you were to stand up on a good dose of DMT you would probably fall right over. Therefore, especially the first time, it might be important to have a sitter with you. How conscious you are of your surroundings, depends on the dose... Unless you really go into the rabbithole, you will probably still know where you are. You might not want to go that deep the first time, but definitely don't underdose!!!

2)If you have a sitter around, no. The trip and comedown are so short in duration, that you will be back to baseline before you know it. Besides, DMT is more likely to be leaving you with a feeling of WTF this is the best than very negative emotions.

3)For the first time, bad idea. Once you are more experienced, it's fine! Too bad you don't have a lot of choice regarding sitters, but I'm sure you can convince this person. It only takes 10/15 minutes, so he won't be sacrificing a whole night babysitting you. It's also nice to reflect your experience afterwards. Explain to him that you really want to do it, and I'm sure that after the experience you will be so excited that you will convince him to do it himself, and you will be HIS sitter a little while later!

4)It might look like you are sleeping, moaning a bit here and there, HMMMM..... AAAHHHH....
You might be smiling, making funny faces, laughing, or saying things like WHOAAA... fantastic... amazing... etc. Tell him to shut up, unless you start talking to him first. It usually looks quite nice when people are on spice!

5)Here on the nexus we don't promote the selling or buying of DMT. It's a sacred spice, it should be given to you as a gift or you should make it yourself, especially since you don't trust the guy who makes it. Homebrew DMT is safe, furthermore: All the DMT being used is homebrew! Everybody on this site makes their own! It's really not hard to do, it's a fun experience and a lot cheaper than buying it, plus you know what you smoke, and can build a relationship with the plant. You can order Mimosa Hostilis online, all the other ingredients for your extraction are easily available in stores. Plenty of people here willing to help with your extraction.

Good luck, keep us updated!!!
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