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#1 Posted : 2/22/2011 5:25:14 PM

A Light-Breather

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SWIM is gettin' salvia and is wondering:

What dose would you recommend for a 15X Salvia trip?

The guy who is getting SWIM this 15X Salvia said: "You should take no more or less than 0.1g for a trip". However that's only what I've heard, thats why I wanted to check with you nexians who have experience of this plant. What do you have to say about this. As skeptical as I am, I'm afraid that this is a 'marketing trick' for this guy to say that only 0.1g is enough (It's quite expensive in my country and people are often shitting each other to earn money) However I wouldn't be surprised if this would be correct. I just need to know that this guy isn't shitting SWIM. Confused
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#2 Posted : 2/22/2011 5:44:58 PM

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Read this.
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#3 Posted : 2/22/2011 5:56:19 PM

A Light-Breather

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Thank you!
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#4 Posted : 2/22/2011 6:57:04 PM
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Best of luck with the Salvia.

To me it has been nothing but a very confusing drug/experience.
#5 Posted : 2/22/2011 8:08:03 PM

A Light-Breather

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neZ wrote:
Best of luck with the Salvia.

To me it has been nothing but a very confusing drug/experience.

SWIM has smoked it two times! But however didn't breakthrough. The potency of the salvia was unknown (it might have been salvia from the food store ment for cooking, who knows) and there was too many people sharing on that little amount. But there was some sudden memories from childhood and a lot of laughing and everything went in a 'circle'. It was very nice.

How many 'X' was your salvia, what was your dose, and what was you set and setting?


Nexians, Do you have any tips on how to weight your dose if you you only have a gram scale. SWIM only has acces for a gram scale, so the only thing I could think of is to weigh 0.1gram and then cut it in smaller 'slices/pieces' so to say and then "weigh the doses with my eye" (I'm having problems finding the correct english words to describe the things I mean, excuse me). Does anyone have a better idea?
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#6 Posted : 2/23/2011 1:49:13 AM

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Weigh out the smallest amount you can (0.1g) and split that into three or four doses. Start small and work your way up, or you WILL be overwhelmed. Smoking technique can take a while to get right. Hold the flame on it the entire time and hold the smoke for at least 15 seconds. Good luck!
#7 Posted : 2/24/2011 4:23:39 AM

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Hi SWIM, you are wise to seek knowledge before using salvia! Years ago some difficult salvia experiences led me to a salvia forum. One of the main things they emphasized is the importance of intent. I found meditating (while sober) on what I am seeking from salvia to be very helpful to steer the later trip into useful territory, if for no other reason then at least while "there" I knew "why I was there." Salvia is a material with which you need to develop a relationship in order for it to work well. One big blast is not the way to go. As an earlier poster implied, she isn't that kind of girl!

I haven't used it in several years now, though I expect I will again. I've only recently acquired a milligram scale, so I can't tell you what doses of plain leaf and 6X extract I smoked. The reverse tolerance thing is weird but true, and over time less will get you just as far and farther.

For me, oral use was far better than smoking. The experiences this way are wonderful! Consuming it this way allows for a slower, more gentle come up and it is easier to bring back more memories from the trip. Salvia tincture was the best way, but it is expensive. Quidding plain leaf is the traditional method and is also very effective, but it takes some patience and practice to get it right.

Poking through my old salvia web links I found this user guide:
Note that it is from a web site that also sells salvia tinctures. I am not affiliated with them or suggesting you buy their stuff. I never did! Their information is good though and they encourage its free distribution.

I hope this helps you to have meaningful experiences. Namaste.
A scale is a wonderful thing. Everything else posted by CS is lunatic fiction.
#8 Posted : 2/24/2011 7:39:22 AM

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I find when I smoke it in a water bong I can grab a bigger hotter rip. In my pipe I always wonder if I got it hot enough. Of course no question with a butane.

Also .1 of true 15x is plenty, as dioxippus said, weigh as close as you can to .1 and break that into 3 or 4, or even 5 piles. Either dive in or learn to swim.

Salvia is good meditation medicine no doubt.
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#9 Posted : 2/24/2011 7:57:56 AM
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neZ wrote:
Best of luck with the Salvia.

To me it has been nothing but a very confusing drug/experience.

i second this statement.

fucking weiiirdddddd.

best of luck to you. many of my friends love it.
#10 Posted : 2/24/2011 1:37:50 PM

A Light-Breather

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Thank you for all your replies!

I was asking the amount of the dose, and now I know "everything" about the plant. Thanks to gibran2 and curiousSeeker for the links, and everyone that responded.
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#11 Posted : 2/24/2011 3:27:31 PM

If they ban it, it has to be good!

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Best think is to smoke it in a vapourizer pipe. The first time i'd smoked Salvia, it was 15x in one hit... It was 'wáy' to much!
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#12 Posted : 2/25/2011 10:05:50 AM


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its best not to do too much for a first salvia trip, i did 40x and loaded up my bong with what looked a very small amount, it was literally like my bowl was under 1/4 full compared to how much bud i load up it looked like nothing and like i wouldnt get hardly any smoke form it. i was wrong, i took it all in one hit held it in for as long as i could and tripped more than ive ever tripped before(besides with spice) i cant say i really enjoyed but it wasnt the worst salvia trip ive done in fact probably the best, basically i had discovered that my human life was non existent and all a lie implanted in my tiny mind, and all i am is a single atom belonging to my sofa in my living room, this seemed more real than real at the time an im still baffled by it some 1-2 years later. ive had other salvia trips since but it just seems that im an oil painting an ive been smudged through everything in my surroundings which is somewhat distressing and painful also it feels like my mind is splitting in 2 very odd an not very nice feelings. im sure ive only started getting those feelings due to some meds i started taking for another addiction a while back, once im off those the ripping away from reality an my brain splitting apart should hopefully stop a bit, im got half a gram sitting in my grinder, i dont think it will get smoked for a long while, its more fun for me to give it out to people an watch their reaction to it.
imo its best to load up a pipe with too small amount at first then if its not enough wait a few hours an do a bigger one. but then you may not like the smaller hits and be put off by it whereas a decent one to may just blow your mind alltogether, imo its similar to dmt in ways in that you can forget youve enve done salvia it was only the fact i tasted it an still had my bong in my hands that i could remember doing it, it took me a good 5 mins to gather my thoughts realise it was just the salvia. dmt i find i can always remember to some extent its the drugs effects an it has much more liquifying and dissolving feeling as opposed to a being ripped feeling.
but salvia seems vert different for each person so my accounts are probably not gonna be like yours. my partners trips are very very different
id say go with the 0.1 that your were advised to use and see how that hits ya.
goodluck an hope ya fun, that salvia stuff is beyond weird imo.
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#13 Posted : 2/25/2011 2:54:12 PM

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ChampionPuffa wrote:
its best not to do too much for a first salvia trip, i did 40x and loaded up my bong with what looked a very small amount, it was literally like my bowl was under 1/4 full compared to how much bud i load up it looked like nothing and like i wouldnt get hardly any smoke form it. i was wrong,


id say go with the 0.1 that your were advised to use and see how that hits ya.
goodluck an hope ya fun, that salvia stuff is beyond weird imo.

A full dose of legitimate 40X salvia extract is about 10mg.

A full dose of legitimate 15X is about 27mg. Advising someone to take 100mg of 15X is not very responsible - it's 3.7X a normal dose.

You wouldn't recommend someone starting out with DMT to vaporize 185mg in their GVG, would you? Then why recommend someone take 100mg 15X salvia?
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#14 Posted : 2/25/2011 10:42:59 PM

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tincture is more troublesome than it's worth.
smoking 15x with a cheap vaporizer yields maybe 3x.
Go with a pipe or bong. Bic lighter works fine. Even plain leaf is worth the ride.
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