Cant post in the other section, but this is about LSD and drug tests... Options
#1 Posted : 2/20/2011 9:03:48 PM
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So swim was just doin some research on drugs, (He likes to know how they work, what they do and what to expect) and he came across drug detection tests and detection times. Of course it had thc and cocaine and all of the five basic drugs employers test for and then there was LSD. It said that it was detectable in fluid samples for anywhere from 2-10 days, which is believeable, and then on wikipedia it said that it was detectable in hair for about the same about of time, about 3 days.... now here is where I have trouble understanding that fact. The hair grows during the anagen phase and usually grows about 0.5 inches per month (it can grow longer or shorter in that amount of time depending on the person) from 1/2 inch of hair they can still see everything youve done in last month, at least. If you keep your head shaved they can still pull from legs, armpits, eyebrows, etc. Of course testing for LSD is very uncommon, and only done if specifically requested most of the time. Im just curious Razz

So if anyone knows anything about this, care to discuss? I dont see how they can only detect LSD for that amount of time in the hair follicle.
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#2 Posted : 2/21/2011 1:25:14 PM

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After finding that page:

Under the hair section of LSD:
up to 3 days[citation needed]

So basically, it appears that the 3 day value was extrapolated from the detection window for urine (which is up to 3 days). Furthermore, I'm pretty sure that 99% is flushed out in the urine within the first few hours anyway.
#3 Posted : 2/21/2011 6:04:47 PM
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Ahh I see now. yes i'd agree that it is flushed out within a few hours too, acid goes through the system pretty quickly. But once its in the hair, it would be there for a while. Of course lsd it potent in such small doses im sure one would have too do quite a bit for it to show.
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#4 Posted : 2/22/2011 7:48:32 AM

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I heard somewhere that if you have ever done acid, even if it was 30 years ago, you cannot become a pilot in case of a flash back mid air. Now i am very skeptical about flash backs, let alone being able to find traces of lsd use from over 30 years. So is this just another fear fact to scare of the kids?
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#5 Posted : 2/22/2011 11:53:05 AM
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Yea that is absolute rubbish made up to scare children like the rest of the useless propaganda. I think they say that LSD is stored in the spinal fluid and can cause flash backs. Here is a great page on Wiki
#6 Posted : 2/23/2011 7:18:34 AM
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Yeah, there is no possible way to tell what drugs someone did 30 years in the past Razz I call bs on that one, not unless you tell them lol. Just tryin to scare people Smile.

George- great link! thanks for sharing!
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#7 Posted : 2/23/2011 6:40:26 PM

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georgescanlan wrote:
Yea that is absolute rubbish made up to scare children like the rest of the useless propaganda. I think they say that LSD is stored in the spinal fluid and can cause flash backs. Here is a great page on Wiki

from that wiki page:
"Another legend about PCP is that some people who have taken it have engaged in cannibalism and other bizarre acts of violence, and this one is unfortunately true. In 2002, for example, rapper Big Lurch did in fact do exactly that while under the influence of this substance, killing an acquaintance and eating her lung.[113][114] He was subsequently convicted and is currently serving a life sentence for murder. This incident then inspired an episode of the television crime drama CSI, in which an otherwise unassuming high school girl cannibalized a fellow student while on this drug. Another more recent case involved a California man eating his 4 year old son's eyeballs in 2009 while on PCP, leaving the child blind.[115] Though relatively rare, extreme and bizarre violence such as these do in fact occur on occasion among PCP users.[116]"

Shocked Shocked Shocked

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I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#8 Posted : 2/23/2011 9:57:51 PM
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Shocked Oh shit.... didnt see that part I just skimmed to the LSD part. Wow thats insane!
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#9 Posted : 2/25/2011 12:07:06 PM

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Note to self, stay the F**k away from PCP! Confused
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