Back with another tale from the Symbiosis festival.
I had dosed the Friday and by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around I was discussing with the alchemist if there was a snowball's chance in hell of getting off on acid tonight. I had already been planning to take some MDMA, as everyone I know who has tried this combination has highly recommended it. The alchemist and a couple new friends suggested that my only reasonable tactic would be to try for approximate triple the original dose. I went in to this with 20-year old memories telling me that I had NEVER successfully gotten off on LSD twice in a two to three day period. It had been 46 hours since the previous dose when I tried this combination.
Took 100 mg X and 12 hits LSD 20 minutes later. The alchemist and his wife suggested 10 as a nice tidy number, but I have had a lifelong fascination wtih the mathematical elegance in the number 12. I kept the paper underneath my tongue for a good, long time before swallowing the entire colorful mess with a swig of water.
Well, I went to the Lake Stage, understanding that Bassnectar was scheduled to play. Of course, everything was late in the schedule, so when I arrived the previous act was going strong. I settled in to see what would happen. I had a lot of body and temperature symptoms resulting in a staggering level of nausea, which I found to be really frustrating. I didn't want to lose the psychedelics before they had a chance to absorb. I fought the nausea as long as I could, but finally everything came up in a watery stream. After a quick repeat, I could tell that that was finished for the evening. I swore, basically said, "Nice try," and lit a joint, which soon thereafter fell to my side, extinguished and forgotton.
After no more than two or three minutes I came to suddenly realize that I was tripping , . . hard. One minute feeling a bit tingly and nauseas, the next minute, hallucinating wildly. Fantastic! It had worked - the X and acid stayed in my system long enough to absorb.
I had many fantastic and outrageous hallucinations, both OEVs and CEVs. Every time soneone walked by, they cast six or eight smokey shadows or trails that would follow them for awhile, then wander off in other directions until dissolving. I laughed out loud and saw oily rainbow streamers emerge from my mouth to float and dissipate above. I laughed some more and leaned back to assess how strong this experience might be. It was very strong. I could definately feel the X making me feel tingly and "alive" or "lit up" all over. But, it didn't have a speedy edge. No eye twitch, a bit of jaw tension but no grinding.
While sitting up, I placed my arms behind me and leaned back. I was being hit by increasingly strong waves of sensation and hallucination and realized that although I could walk, I definately wasn't going to get up and go anywhere anytime soon. So I layed back to enjoy the trip.
The music was non-memorable, but the visuals while laying there for close to three hours (the sun set on me), were fantastic. Faces appeared in the trees. Entire trees became joyous, dancing tree-people, dancing and swaying in time to the music. The sky was filled with fantastic figures, some people-like, some more tunnel-like.
Whenever I tried to "focus" on something, it would appear to come closer and assume crystal clarity. The individual details of the trees and leaves were ever more finely visualized. I would look up in the sky and see (real or hallucinatory I do not know) airplane streamers. I would focus on these and the plane would become clearly visible. Incredible clarity of these visions, considering I did not have my glasses on . . .
Well, overall I had a fantastic evening and it was a great way to end the festival, but now I come to what I believe to be the heart of the matter:
I think I know why people, especially young people, are so ennamored with candy-flipping. The LSD makes the experience delightfully hallucinatory in a way that MDMA could never approach. But,the MDMA locks the ego down. Tight. Ratcheted (with lag bolts) deeply into the foundation of the sense of self. The X takes the ego-ripping edge off of the LSD. Thus, the ego is not loose, even with a massive dose, not split, not floating, detached, not dying, just centered and safe. Everything is juuuusssstt fiiiinne.
I have always been fascinated with the "analytical aspect" of LSD and candy-flipping eliminates this from the experience. Thus, if a psychonaut is young or has a shaky foundation or sense of self, this would allow that person to take LSD or even larger amounts of LSD without having to worry about a "bad trip," keeping them completely centered in their self.
This is an experience that seems inherently appealing to young people - it allows one to trip safely in a (even hectic) public environment. The tripper can effectively interact with those around them because they remain centered and "in control."
Part of my love of tripping is the giving up of control. This leads to easier ego-death experiences (I don't know why, but I'm up to eight with more to come . . .) as well as being able to depart the physical body to explore tremendous, space-like realms - flying over tryptamine landscapes, etc.
Thus, I would like to try the candy-flipping thing again, but I am in no rush. I would like to do it with my husband in a public place, preferably a nature trip. But, I am more passionately interested in the pure LSD and the LSD/DMT combo experience myself. This seems more amenable to opening the doors on the path that I am currently following. But, I am glad I had this experience and am also glad that I was in my 40's before experiencing it. The appeal of the "high" is minimal - it's the analytical, ego-shredding aspect (along with the visual and sometimes cognitive hallucinations) along with the, "Hey, you've just opened you mind up wide - why not take a took deep inside." of the LSD experience that is continuing to pull me back (or forwards?).
Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU