Posts: 33 Joined: 18-Feb-2011 Last visit: 19-May-2013 Location: Canada
I am booking a vacation in the next couple of days somewhere in the caribbean, i need a place that i can easily find marijuana because i am not willing to travel with it in airports, any suggestions? Do you think it would be sketchy to bring a small amount of spice in my bag? I wouldnt think dogs would be trained to smell that, most busts you hear about are with marijuana. "Everything i say is Fiction, for those who dont understand  "
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 103 Joined: 16-Feb-2011 Last visit: 04-Mar-2011 Location: US
Well I wouldnt know where to get it down there, but I know theres always a place you can find it  as far as bringing the spice, I dont think I'd risk it. I see your in canada, idk if your airport security is as stringent as in the US but if they search through your bags and find it you can say goodbye vacation baecause youll be pickin up a possession charge. That would be bad for any future jobs or careers. I would look at a lot of the shops around there, im sure you can find a DMT plant that you can use an extraction tek on. Or just ask around the forums what to do. cdoc is a fictional character, and does not represent any real life persons actions. Anything said is also ficticious in nature with no ties to real events or people, any tie to real life events or persons is purely coincidental.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 166 Joined: 21-Feb-2011 Last visit: 26-May-2020
Caribbean? I remember hearing about some place in the Caribbean where they had trees there which were actually used by the natives for divinitation and spiritual purposes. I remember the island being a super small one though, don't remember the name either.
Any place will probably have something to offer though. As far as dmt, I've never heard of any police dogs which are able to sniff it out. It's just too uncommon a drug and too much a hassle to work with since it's in that "grey" legality area.

Posts: 3830 Joined: 12-Feb-2009 Last visit: 08-Feb-2024
Are you serious? Transporting a Schedule I substance across international borders is about the craziest idea I've heard on this board. I mean, I still can't believe you're asking this. There is NO "GREY" LEGALITY AREA here. It is Schedule I. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Posts: 33 Joined: 18-Feb-2011 Last visit: 19-May-2013 Location: Canada
Ya forget i asked about bringing the spice with me. That is stupid expecially since i already received a possession charge last year while speeding with a lit joint. It is just a nice thought to be able to blast off on a tropical beach somewhere. Any suggestions about where to go would still be appreciated. "Everything i say is Fiction, for those who dont understand  "
Posts: 1183 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 12-May-2024 Location: Scotland
It is stupid going through airports with stuff My cousin was in the carribean a couple of years ago and she said theres weed everywhere, she said she was out at sea in a boat and a guy appeared with a snorkel, trying to sell them weed! She said it was crazy, everywhere she went people were trying to sell it! I had the pleasure of an albert hoffman tab and a tropical beach last month, amazing expereince!