A dark past - Experianced advice appreciated. Options
#1 Posted : 2/15/2011 11:31:57 PM

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I have been talking to someone i have known for the last 4 years about spice and Aya recently, its potential to heal, to opens eyes, inspire creation etc. He's an artist and a Budhist by his own words(mediation)

With my recent extraction activities the posiblity of introducing him to spice has grown and being the fascinating molecule that it is i would be happy for him to smoke if he was keen.

Now.. after watching The Spirit Molecule film he explained he was interested.. very much so, but also scared at where it might take him. I knew a little of his past but what he proceeded to tell me was very dark, very real, extremely upsetting and definitely concerning about how to move on in terms of DMT. with out going into detail he ws involved in terible child abuse from a young age and then went in to the army where he killed alot of people and did some horrible things. after a few more nasty things he living in solitude in the mountains for a year or two and from about 24 started on a path of spiritual redemption if you will. hes been about 20 years on that path and were you to meet him today you would be greeted by a wonderful man, who really does a lot for community.

Now with this depth of information it makes me wonder what to do. Obviously im not pushing the experiance, however if it comes that he wishes to persue the experiance im the one he will come to.

With the little knowledge of crystal spice I dont see it necessarily taking him down memory lane as such due to the speed of it all. thats not to say it wouldnt be dark and set and setting would ofcourse be vital and he be made aware of it.

Changa, 10x changa ... im not sure as i havnt smoked my own batch yet, no idea of length and speed etc.

Aya - well this is the most worrying yet also the one he is most interested in in terms of finding peace and perhaps visiting some of himself.. and 'letting go' although he says has already done so. This is also the most concerning for me though as my own experiance (i just have the one) was super difficult and self disgusting and in relitive terms my lifes been peachy. I would not at all want the responsibility of doing it alone with him as i belive this is a case where a Shaman would be very necessary to 'hold the space' and help deal with what ever type of energies come up. even to those of you that arnt 'plant spirit and energy' inclined im sure you can see my worry!

so Nexiuns, There has been great advice given on a mountain of other topics revolving health and safety whish have really been a good reminder not to take spice lightly when it comes to issues with the mind and body. your thoughts will be greatfully recieved.


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#2 Posted : 2/15/2011 11:48:47 PM

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Whether or not your friend uses DMT is not up to you, is it? Even if you refuse to supply him, he could certainly make it himself.

If he does decide to use it, and if you’re concerned that he might not handle it well, at the very least volunteer to be his sitter.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#3 Posted : 2/15/2011 11:55:08 PM


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gibran2 wrote:
Whether or not your friend uses DMT is not up to you, is it? Even if you refuse to supply him, he could certainly make it himself.

If he does decide to use it, and if you’re concerned that he might not handle it well, at the very least volunteer to be his sitter.


And also ayahuasca is pretty well known to help people let go of trauma
#4 Posted : 2/16/2011 2:51:39 AM

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Every person is different, surely. But I do have some things in common with him it sounds, at least in terms of his childhood. It seems that people who've had a dark past can be attracted to things like DMT, as it can provide a healing of sorts. I'm no murderer, and I can't even comprehend how someone could move on from something like that. War is war, and it's kill or be killed, but it would be something that would completely crush me. He's obviously a stronger person than I am in that respect. I agree with gibran, at the very least, offer to be his sitter. Ayahuasca might be a better introduction rather than smoked DMT.
#5 Posted : 2/16/2011 6:16:28 PM

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no, its not up to me nor would i with hold it from him.

I would be his sitter with smoked DMT but the Aya side scares me a bit. when people sit for aya im assuming they dont also drink?

I guess what occuered to me is that while working with such a powerful substance we take responsibility in making those we introduce it to to be aware of its effects, power and how difficult it can be.

As an artist it seemed like a great idea, As a child abused cold blooded killer it seemed like the descision needed thought.

either way as you say its his descision.

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#6 Posted : 2/16/2011 10:14:49 PM
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Aya seems like a perfect fit for him. Very healing. I would not help him smoke DMT until he's experienced aya.

Start with a small dose, and yes I think you should be sober while sitting. Let him know he's really on his own to navigate the experience and there's nothing you can really do except prevent him from hurting himself or anyone else during the experience.
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#7 Posted : 2/16/2011 11:57:45 PM

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I like the ayahuasca idea better too. I find vaporized spice to be too 'fast' to take anything home with me. That is the whole reason he wants to do it right? That's just me though.

Is there not a person that would be a sitter for the two of you? That would be your best option.


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#8 Posted : 2/17/2011 12:49:21 PM

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His dark past sounds so far behind him, and it sounds like he's on the right path. DMT could have the potential to make him relive that past and/or it could also liberate him from it. I've seen some people who have had very troubled pasts experiment with DMT and they had nothing but positive results. That's just that group of people though. Can't say it'd be like that for everyone, and hell, I don't even know your friend.
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#9 Posted : 2/17/2011 7:14:12 PM

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cool, positive replies all round. i have a very limied knowledge of it all myself, that is why i posed the question. cheers yaaaall!
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