I will not pretend to be something I am not, I am an explorer of the place I commonly called Hyperspace, the "other side", the Spirit Realm and various other names. I am a general hands on guy, I have been looking into your forums for a bit now. I am experienced in cultivation of various botanical and fungal life forms and as such I would like the opportunity to correct some errors I have found on this site. In the meanwhile I am looking to learn methods of ritual and gain insight and understanding of experiences while partaking in said rituals.
I am a current member of "Shroomery" and "Growery" as well as an affiliate of a free market university project known as Individual Sovereign University, where I teach the practices of cultivation and history of entheogenic flora. I am not a young man and I am not looking for a "Good Time".
What I am really looking for is the source, not of life but of consciousness, I am not interested in debating religion, ethics or lifestyle choices. One could say that I am finding myself on the path of alchemists before me, looking for the philosopher's stone...
Well, I hope that this gives a sufficient introduction as to who I am and why I am here, I look forward to interacting with all of you, learning and sharing a great deal.
Quote:The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.
Terence McKenna