So here's the deal; SWIM's extracted, and has a reasonable amount of spice, with more on the way.
Thus far, SWIM's smoking method has been a large test-tube, with a double-hole bung in the top, with a glass tube going through one of the holes. SWIM loads the spice, melts it with a standard Clipper lighter, covering the second hole with his thumb. SWIM very slowly and carefully heats the spice until melting, and then vaping. He can see the vapour coming off, and at this point he takes his thumb off the second hole and takes deep, slow tokes, holds, exhales and repeats.
This has had mixed results, but needless to say, SWIM hasn't broken through yet. Results range from open-eye visuals with 20mg to no effects at all with 70mg, and this is getting ridiculous - SWIM doesn't have too much spice to waste.

SWIM doesn't know if it's burning the spice or condensation or possibly even unusually extended tolerance that's the issue (or a combination thereof), but SWIM was wondering if the following design would be more efficient. Ideally, SWIM would prefer to not have to make The Machine if possible.
Adjust the test tube by tapping a hole in the bottom of it, and plugging this hole by poking wire mesh down the inside of the tube. Load spice in through the inside of the tube and melt into the mesh. Replace the two-hole bung with a single hole one, and place glass tubing/straw through this. Basically, redesign the airflow.
Does anyone more experienced out there have any input?
Note: With the current method there's always a dark brown, sticky, very-difficult-to-remove residue after smoking. SWIM doesn't know if this is due to burning spice or impurities in spice, but once SWIM's finished his current extraction, he'll re-X all his spice.
When the ego dies, life and death have no difference.