DMT and astral projection Options
#1 Posted : 2/7/2011 6:01:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I tried searching for threads with "DMT astral" with no results. Anyone experienced both DMT and some sort of astral projection?

I did some research on AP and it sounds strikingly similar to a DMT trip. Disembodiment, ringing/buzzing in the ears, strong body vibrations and often seeing strange entities lead me to this. It also furthers my speculation that there might actually be some connection to "something" other than just in your head when taking DMT.

Since hearing about AP, I've been trying some techniques that were uneventful until this morning. I got an increasingly loud ringing in the ears as I was focusing when the dog jumped on the bed and snapped me out of it.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/7/2011 7:42:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hmmm DMT induced astral travel. Well i know that a lot of people chose the lucid dreaming method of astral travel. Since dreaming happens during the random eye movement cycle of sleep which is the one which DMT is released. There may be a very strong correlation here. Im not sure, one way to test this is have someone put something in a box with out you knowing what it is. Then during you DMT induced astral travel see if you can travel into the box and see what it is. If when you open the box and it is exactly what you saw then you astral traveled. If it is not even close them you were just trippin. Just a thought i could be wrong about all these things so correct me if i am.
#3 Posted : 2/8/2011 1:44:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: im still trying to figure that out
there are some very strong similarities.

when i was 15-16 i had a number of astral projection expiriences, often times unintentionally. the classic body exit sensations were a pulsating or vibration that would sweep throughout my body, ringing in ears, and red flashes behind closed eyes. if i could remain completely calm throughout these sensation separation would generally occur. somtimes though, the vibrations wouldnt be able to enable me to "let go" in a specific part of my body and i would feel held in my body by that spot. it could be quite uncomfortable actually. i observed the vibrations to be the actual astral seperation sensations.

i have come to believe that the astral realms and hyperspace are basically the same thing. they are experienced in different ways though.
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