Sorry to laugh, but

You shouldn't extract mescaline. It is probably illegal to do so. But, just google "extract mescaline." It's not much different from extracting caffeine.
What form do you want the end product to be? How pure? How much time do you want to spend extracting? What solvents, acids, and bases are available to you? Do you have a rice cooker, glassware, a food dehydrator? Sorry, Eye won't provide many answers. You must have so many questions, so read. made by me are either fictional or false, or both. I do not endorse, condone or engage in illegal activities. I love the state, my big brother. "I" myself am fictional. I am a collection of individuals, that are not entirely human. "I" do not exist in reality. Any resemblance to an individual bound by laws is merely coincidental. I lie and tell very little of the truth; do not believe me, and, especially, don't hold "me" accountable for any posts.