Hey all, I was just curious about a method of spice vaporization that's been brewing in my head, and as a spice-virgin, I was just hopeful that some more experienced members could perhaps comment on the viability of this type of smoking device.
I have attached an image of the theoretical device, which could easily be assembled for a relatively low price (plus for me, the kicker is that I already own all of the necessary materials). The idea is based off of a bong with a bowl made for hash oil, and simplified to use common materials.
The necessary materials would include:
-a 1-2 foot length of 2" inner diameter Acrylic Pipe (read plexiglas)
-a small sheet of plexiglass (big enough to form a proper base for the pipe)
-silicone sealant
-a test tube
-2 1-holed rubber stoppers (at least one must fit snugly in the test tube)
-a 6-12 inch piece of glass tubing
The use of this device seems relatively simple and obvious, but basically you insert your dose of spice into the test tube, and get it down towards the bottom, hold your flame/heat source below the base of the test tube, and when you start seeing vapor, begin to inhale slowly. When all (or enough) spice is vaporized to allow for your appropriately sized rip, release a carb hole above the water level, and take your hit.
Basically, I just wanted to throw this idea out there and ask for feedback/criticism as if I get the go ahead, this or something similar will probably be the tool I use to vaporize my first spice at some unknown time in the future.
Thanks in advance!
scarbelly attached the following image(s):

Annotated water pipe.jpg
(43kb) downloaded 84 time(s).