Cuileann Options
#1 Posted : 1/26/2011 4:09:41 PM

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I don't know who is familiar with Cuileann; the Irish Holly Tree, the history and legend around it are quite significant. The is much speculation in regard to Erie and its' history, even thought of deliberate extermination and thief of historical facts in regard to the history and significance of the Isle and its legendary kingdom said to date back to 8000BC or before.

Anyway, my question is this, has anyone done any research on the properties or chemical contents of the various parts of the tree? I know it is labeled as 'poisonous', there are many useful enlightening things that are. I find it strange that the plant that is responsible for 'awakening' the druids(as some call them) has little to no information on it. From what I have read, it is the berries that are sacred.

I hope someone has come across something on the topic.


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#2 Posted : 1/28/2011 1:20:04 PM

I do not have the vocabulary to articulate this particular musing at the current time...

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Hey Very happy

Are you by any chance referring to Ilex aquifolium? The only Ilex species that I know have psychoactive potential is Ilex guayusa (according to wikipedia, from Equador and has theobromine activity) and Ilex paraguariensis (Native to South American countries also with theobromine activity).

Hope that helps,
Much love,
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#3 Posted : 1/28/2011 3:37:47 PM

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Yes, Ilex aquifolium. I want away of the others, however the info I am looking for pertains to the Ilex aquifolium. Strangely I have found no information on it. It does help, knowledge is always beneficial.

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#4 Posted : 1/28/2011 4:26:22 PM

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FiorSirtheoir wrote:
I don't know who is familiar with Cuileann; the Irish Holly Tree, the history and legend around it are quite significant. The is much speculation in regard to Erie and its' history, even thought of deliberate extermination and thief of historical facts in regard to the history and significance of the Isle and its legendary kingdom said to date back to 8000BC or before.

Would you like to share with us what is significant about the Holly re its history and legend?

And what is Erie? You mean Eire?

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#5 Posted : 1/28/2011 4:57:09 PM

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Opps Eire sorry there.

Well as the story goes, the Holly was the sacred plant of the druids, long before the oak and the mistletoe. No one was allowed to touch the berry's but the Cuilleain/Cuileain/Cuileann
the Holly priests. It is said that it is what opened their eyes. It is an interesting narrative hear is one to read if you are interested Book of Cuileann another one is here Lebor Clann Glas (The Book of the Green Race) both written by the same guy, both interesting reads. He makes an intriguing story in Clann Glas. As I have come to realize, you never know, narratives are a story to convey a purpose or point. Faith is, well a concept reserved for the parousia of Yahshua Messiah; another excellent narrative, that is truthfully approached in ignorance even if it were completely fact.

It is just odd that I can't find any chemical analysis on the Irish Holly.
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