How do you guys smoke it? Options
#61 Posted : 3/24/2007 6:21:14 PM
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[quote:20fe75034a="fredyjenkins"][quote:20fe75034a="Noman"]Christ! Just empty a lightbulb and there you have it - a base pipe. Quit making the easy shit hard.[/quote:20fe75034a] It may sounds awfully stupid, but i cant get past the step of removing the ceramic coting ( to empty a lightbulb that is ) what am i supposed to do next? I cant empty it without breaking some glass. i tried this tek. Now how am i supposed to remove the <<fill tube<< (step 5-6 ) and all the garbage ( step 7) without breaking everything? The lightbulbs i have are of the one piece kind. 0_o[/quote:20fe75034a] Reply : i managed to do it. It works so good that i wont bother trying to smoke it any other way. The smoke isnt harsh at at all if you clean the white stuff inside the light bulb. For this, i used salt. I poured some salt into the empty light bulb, shaked a little and bongo no more white stuff. I'll try to do some modification with a glass straw on the bulb and everything and post some pictures of it. Cool I wonder if an alcohol burner will break the light bulb? Right now i'm using a candle but it stains the bulb abd i have to wash it after. It's highly practical, you put a little table with the candle on your bed side table. You hold the bulb on top of it, you smoke till you disapear, put the bulb down and then lay in your bed, opium style lol. Of course a sitter is needed. Fire can kill . Shocked

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#62 Posted : 3/24/2007 11:33:05 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Some pics of your bulb would be cool Smile Didn't you need to make a hole somewhere in it for air to get in while you suck the smoke out?

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#63 Posted : 3/25/2007 2:54:03 AM
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[quote:358a9e465b="DMTripper"]Some pics of your bulb would be cool Smile Didn't you need to make a hole somewhere in it for air to get in while you suck the smoke out?[/quote:358a9e465b] well, as of now, all i do is i cover half of the one and only hole with my lips. So there is room for air and it's not that bad. still, a porperly done hole and everything would be better. Any idea how to make a hol in a light bulb without making it explode?
#64 Posted : 3/25/2007 4:33:07 AM

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Okay, so here's the most ghetto ass base pipe in history: [img:68c7ff0b06][/img:68c7ff0b06] but I've yet to find anything that works better. Two 1/4 inch pipes going in, three going out. Easy to load - you don't have to stuff your stuff into that tiny little hole found on meth chickenbones - and once its torched there's nowhere for the vapor to go until you draw on it. The only problem is when you vague out and drop it in your lap, it welds itself to your nuts.
#65 Posted : 3/25/2007 6:02:10 AM
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Noman, no offence but, i have a bad trip only by looking at this Pleased haha But no doubt it has to work great. I have somthing like this in mind. What kind of bulb is this? Is it lab small pyrex glassware?
#66 Posted : 3/25/2007 6:31:41 AM

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That's the nicest thing anyone has said about it so far. One could say that it's well used. Yeah, 50ml pyrex lab glass. You need a torch to heat it quickly enough.
#67 Posted : 3/25/2007 8:27:46 AM
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Noman : What is the thing holding the brass pipes together? Wine jug cap made of... what's the english word... err.. liège, sponge like wood?
#68 Posted : 3/25/2007 8:41:45 AM

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I think "cork" is what you're looking for. Cork and epoxy. Chimay beer cork actually.
#69 Posted : 3/25/2007 12:44:54 PM

John Murdoch IV

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[quote:fbf98dbc2d="fredyjenkins"] Any idea how to make a hol in a light bulb without making it explode?[/quote:fbf98dbc2d] I was hoping you had an idea Smile Noman: It's true your pipe really holds the essence of the ghetto but if it works good then it's perfect. It actually looks kinda funny Very happy haha

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I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#70 Posted : 3/25/2007 1:24:02 PM
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Your pipe is awesome, Noman. It's so damn junky, hehe. Ok, so here is what I build: I took a large test tube with cork. I drilled two holes in the cork and attached a flexible silicon tube to one of them. I modified my waterpipe so that the test tube can be connected to it. I haven't used it yet. I'm waiting for my crystals to completely dry out.
#71 Posted : 3/25/2007 11:14:24 PM
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moved [quote:e2773be65e="Garulfo"]First let me present SWINM's super-ghetto pipe Laughing [img:e2773be65e][/img:e2773be65e] It's made from a small lightbulb but so far it seems working well. I know there is already a topic on 'how do you smoke it'. Of course, all what's written below is a purely hypothetical dream reported by someone who is not me. SWINM is very shy and he first inhaled a short breath of vapor... HELL ! That burns ! And he imediatly coughed all the stuff. Nothing happened of course. Then SWINM made some efforts and tried to inhale more and hold the smoke. He kept it around 10 seconds before coughing. He tried few more times but was even not able to finish what he estimate to 10 mg of powder. SWINM said that Salvia smoke is like milk and honey compare to this ! His question is : Does SWINM has to hold the smoke a long time in order to get interresting results ? The throat is what becomes quickly painfull. Is the smoke has to be inhaled very deep in lungs ? Another question : on the photo above you can see a small amount of powder. Would you say that it looks like around 10 mg ? SWINM already hardly understand how it's possible to smoke 10 mg in two hits, but 40... Shocked !!!!![/quote:e2773be65e]
#72 Posted : 3/25/2007 11:43:35 PM

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You need a bigger bulb. The smoke is less dense that way. Yes, you need to hold it deep in your lungs.
#73 Posted : 3/25/2007 11:53:43 PM

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[quote:2e17e4ad6a]You need a bigger bulb.[/quote:2e17e4ad6a] I wondered about something like that, thanks for the hint, Noman.
#74 Posted : 3/26/2007 12:33:32 PM

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[quote:03db6c0b4b]nother question : on the photo above you can see a small amount of powder. Would you say that it looks like around 10 mg ? SWINM already hardly understand how it's possible to smoke 10 mg in two hits, but 40... Shocked !!!!![/quote:03db6c0b4b] SWIM was told 50mg is the size of an eraerhead on a pencil. wouldnt that make your pic alot more than that? I just read a guy loading his pipe with dmt the size of a match head and getting a threshold trip.
#75 Posted : 3/26/2007 2:08:07 PM
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SWIM has no problem smoking DMT at all. He uses a pretty small lightbulb vaporizer. SWIM cut the top part of a plastic soft drink bottle. He then taped this on top of a emptied lightbulb with ducktape. SWIM told me he then drilled 2 holes in the cap: one for the air input and one for a hollow tube which could in theory be used to suck the vaporized air with. Load the bulb and light it up. Enjoy.
#76 Posted : 3/26/2007 3:16:18 PM

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[quoteVery happy446f5f4fa]SWIM was told 50mg is the size of an eraerhead on a pencil. wouldnt that make your pic alot more than that?[/quoteVery happy446f5f4fa] SWINM DMT powder is very 'voluminous' but once melt it looks like two drop of oil (like snow flakes). He wonder if the vapor has to be like a white dense fog in the pipe before inhaling ?
#77 Posted : 3/26/2007 5:14:14 PM
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Ok, I have another question. What's better: inhaling as much vapor as you can in a short time or keeping the DMT smoke in as long as you can? I have tried a bit of both, but I think the dose was not large enough. I would like to know anyway for SWIM's next batch of DMT.
#78 Posted : 3/27/2007 3:09:42 AM

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I would think taking in as much as you can in long slow drawn out breaths and holding it as long as you can. i remember reading holding dmt in as long as you can is much more effective than taking big hits and blowing out instantly. [quote:1a6f0797f8="Garulfo"][quote:1a6f0797f8]SWIM was told 50mg is the size of an eraerhead on a pencil. wouldnt that make your pic alot more than that?[/quote:1a6f0797f8] SWINM DMT powder is very 'voluminous' but once melt it looks like two drop of oil (like snow flakes). He wonder if the vapor has to be like a white dense fog in the pipe before inhaling ?[/quote:1a6f0797f8] ahh yes, SWIM has read the wieght of different DMT crtystals can vary alot. one person's DMT may weigh 50mg and be the size of an eraserhead, anothers can be very fluffy and the size of a coin.
#79 Posted : 3/27/2007 12:42:42 PM

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could this be used as a vaporizer? [img:88fb12ee9a][/img:88fb12ee9a] two holes drilled in the lid with strawn in them? or does the bottom of the glass have to be rounded?
#80 Posted : 3/27/2007 10:44:23 PM
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[quote:a1e8e1d999="mardybum"]could this be used as a vaporizer? [img:a1e8e1d999][/img:a1e8e1d999] two holes drilled in the lid with strawn in them? or does the bottom of the glass have to be rounded?[/quote:a1e8e1d999] A lightbulb is round for multiple reasons, one being that a round shape is very strong. This is why a lightbulb, made of very thin glass, can be heated up to several hundred degrees centigrade. I don't see your jar break fast, because the glass is so thick. But also, because of this, it will take longer before the DMT will evaporate.
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