I thought it would be a good idea to spell out the different latin names for all the leaves used for enhanced leaf so it will be easier for everybody living in a non-english speaking country to find the different herbs. This will minimize the risk of smoking the wrong herbs. I've for example read a lot about people using Mullein, but the question is. Which one? There are 250 species of Mullein...
Since I don't know all the specific species myself I'll need your help.
This would help me and probably a lot of others too.
Pau D'Arco: Inner bark of Tabebuia Impetiginosa
Blue Lotus: Nymphaea caerulea
Calea Zacatechichi: Duh...
Passion Flower: (Wich one of the 500 species?)
Caapi: Banisteriopsis caapi
Damiana: Turnera diffusa
Brugmansia Flowers: (Which?)
Silene Capensis: ...
Mullein: (Which?)
Heimia Salicifolia: ...
Justicia Pectoralis: ...
Salvia Divinorum: ...
Chaliponga: Diplopterys cabrerana (syn. Banisteriopsis rusbyana)
Mugwort: Artemisia vulgaris
Pedicularis Densiflora: ...
Sculcap: (I can't find any info of this. What is it?)
Wild Lettuce: Lactuca virosa
Lions Tail: Leonotis leonurus
If I have made any mistakes please do correct me!
Everything I write as Tordyveln is made up. I lie all the time.
"Thanks so far for being patient, no doubt you obviously share our contempt for the 1984 Gestapo Mordor Matrix agents style gits that are fucking up our world." - Pissed off mimosa seller