MHRB and Rue Options
#1 Posted : 1/25/2011 1:05:38 AM

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Okay, I have done some reading first as promised. I do have some questions. I have approximately 25g of rue seeds and 50g of MHRB powder. My intention is to boarder on heroic with my first go, I will eventually get on MHRB extraction but want to try the oral first, I think. So, any feed back on what I have in my possession would be appreciated.

Is it the rue or the MHRB that causes a purge? I would prefer to avoid this if possible, I do have a pretty strong stomach.

What is an appropriate rue to MHRB ratio?

Just to be clear, the MOA in rue isnt dangerous with various foods as SWIM claims.

There seems to be some debate on oral ingestion, Harmalosa's egg white thing seems pretty interesting (here) any thoughts?

Many thanks in advance,

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#2 Posted : 1/25/2011 2:23:39 AM

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You might want to check out this thread.

Just consuming the raw plant matter without brewing can lead to some pretty profound experiences.

I've been working on dosage but 3g of rue seeds (ground) and half a gram of mimosa feels a lot like mdma to me. The trip with that particular thread is to vape a little bit of spice once you start feeling the effects to kick everything into high gear.

I have to advise against going too heroic. There is no reason to rush things and when it comes to these types of things, patience really is virtuous.
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#3 Posted : 1/25/2011 2:46:31 AM

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Thanks for the thread. I really don't care for throwing up, maybe the ginger would help. I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes. I will definitely think on your advice about patience.
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#4 Posted : 1/25/2011 3:42:36 AM

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Unless you do some thorough treatments to your brew, with this combination nausea is extremely likely.

I recommend brewing your mimosa seperate and sitting it in the fridge over night to remove a lot of unecassary yucky stuff.
#5 Posted : 1/25/2011 5:36:03 AM

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FiorSirtheoir wrote:
My intention is to boarder on heroic with my first go, I will eventually get on MHRB extraction but want to try the oral first, I think. So, any feed back on what I have in my possession would be appreciated.

lol. You sound like I did when I first arrived here. Why do you want to do a heroic dose on your fist go? You don't even know what that really means until you're there. Why not try out a "brave" dose and then see if you would even want to go heroic?

I hope you weren't talking about using the whole 25g rue and 50g mimosa. That's beyond heroic, that's just sickness in a bottle, I would even say that is a potential fatal dose. Even 9g of rue is a ridiculous dose that will knock you down for 12 hours and make you feel very very sick, and volcanic vomitismo like you've never experienced before. 25g of rue is a potentially dangerous dose. I've never heard of anyone taking more than 12g of rue, and those who have regret it. 25g rue could be very dangerous. Combine the extreme rue overdose with an absurd dose of 50g mimosa, and it might kill you. You'd probably be lucky enough to throw up your skeletal system before all the actives get through your stomach, but still I think that dose is potentially deadly. Perhaps the biggest threat with a dose like that is choking on your own vomit while you might be unconscious.

Typical rue dose is 3g and anything over 5g will probably make you sick. At those doses, it's not even the plant material that will make you feel sick. The harmalas themselves will make you feel sick. Both rue and mimosa can make you sick. Mimosa is more likely to make you feel sick in small amounts because it is loaded with tannins. In large doses, the harmalas themselves from rue is what makes you feel sick. Large combinations of both will having you throwing up your socks.

You say you want a heroic ayahuasca dose and without a purge? Are you sure you've read as much as you need about this stuff? You almost certainly will throw up on a big dose if you're using boiled plant material. 5g of rue + 10g of mimosa sounds like a heroic dose to me. Make sure you measure it accurately.

It is highly advisable to follow the maoi diet before taking ayahuasca, or fast for a day. MAOI's are dangerous to take with foods containing tyramine because the maoi will prevent the breakdown of tyramine, which could cause a heart attack. Syrian Rue and B. Caapi are RIMA's, not MAOI's. As such, literature suggests that RIMA are highly selective for MAO-A, which leaves MAO-B unaffected and available to metabolize excessive levels of tyramine. HOWEVER!!!!! Even though that's what is said on paper, those with experience will tell you that if they eat tyramine rich foods before taking ayahuasca, more uncomfortable symptoms are experienced including, rapid heart rate, lots of tremors, strange breathing, and unusual muscle contractions or tension. These symptoms can be present without eating tyramine rich foods, but the symptoms do seem to increase if the maoi diet is not followed. Therefore, experience suggests that the maoi diet IS important to follow, and that not doing so MAY be putting yourself at greater risk.
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#6 Posted : 1/25/2011 6:55:09 AM

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Yea man. I am by no means an expert but I would strongly advise against taking any more than 3-5 grams of Rue.

I've never heard of anyone taking more than 12g of rue, and those who have regret it.

Been there, done that. Not fun. Don't do it. Also, it was quite an interesting episode but I'll not talk about that here.

As for the Mimosa, I personally feel that it is better to brew a little more than less that way you can try again if you purge (which is likely). I would recommend (I'll say again, I am by no means an expert) that you brew 10 - 12.5 grams of mimosa in a separate pot from the rue as apoc said.

After you drink your 3-5g of rue brew/tincture wait 20-30 min and (my opinion) sip the mimosa brew slowly. Take a sip or two every 4 or 5 minutes and stop when it kicks in. It will be unmistakable. Rue is slightly hallucinogenic but when the mimosa kick in you'll know. You may have plenty left and that's ok - more for a top-up or next trip. I find sipping it slowly also has the benefit of helping you relax, smoke a cig (if you are addicted like me), smoke a joint (if that's your cup of tea) or whatever. Relaxation is crucial to a good ride.

About the MAOI. Again, not an expert. but I would recommend at the very least watching what you eat. I've gotten some pretty splitting headaches by being careless. Not good for journying.

Now the purge. It'll probably happen. It doesn't happen to everybody but it happens to most. Don't be afraid of it. It isn't like the "purge" you get from drinking Jack Daniels 'til you can't see straight, wishing you had a little more in your stomach just so you won't puke any more of that awful yellow shit while swearing off booze for life. Ayahuasca purge, I find to be actually quite pleasant. Like expelling all the bad juju. It even feels good coming out and after its out, things are usually alot better. Don't be surprised if it comes out both ends. Have a wast basket handy (for the puke), as a trip to the toilet may seem challenging. I would make an effort for a number two though.

Good luck and much love on your journey.

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#7 Posted : 1/25/2011 8:40:29 AM

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Thanks everyone for the feedback. Just FYI, I wasn't thinking of taking anything more than 3 to 5 g of rue. Honestly I would prefer to take the minimum amount necessary for a 8 to 12g MHRB tea. Hopefully I will be taking this trip in the next few days. I can assure you I have no desire to be reckless with any of this. I am probably being a little gun-ho with the MHRB, so I will take the advice and kick off with brave, so put your minds at easy.

Any suggestions on making the rue tea as opposed to the raw seeds? And what do you suppose the minimum dosage is on the rue?

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#8 Posted : 1/25/2011 3:32:17 PM

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I neglected to answer your question: Why do I want to go heroic? Well from what I have read of people's various experiences is, 'hyper space' is real, so in short I want to go there to learn all that I can, because there doesn't seem to be answers else where, except within. I am not purely leaning on spice, I am also studying Ken Wilber, Genpo Roshi, and others because as the claim goes you can get to hyper space without spice, or so that seems to be the indication. Until I can get there on my own accord through meditation, I will use the tool of spice.

I will diet, promise. I was just asking because of what is written in the FAQ, I thought diet was highly advisable but that section kind of blurred the line for me. As for seeking to not purge, I just don't like to throw up. I was thinking that a combination of cleared MHRB tea, and Harmalas extraction may do it, but if it is not doable then I will deal with it because I do want to give oral a go. Anyway, peace yall.

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#9 Posted : 1/25/2011 3:46:28 PM

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I'd recommend 3g rue and 5g mimosa tops for a first attempt.

That's easily enough 100mg DMT which for some is quite a lot. For me 150mg DMT with significant MAOI effects was an intense 2 hour breakthrough and the rue headspace can lead to encounters with some very threatening spirits. I'm talking about some real mean Mofo's who will spit in your face as soon as look at you, if your lucky Smile
#10 Posted : 1/25/2011 3:50:57 PM

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Many thanks soulfood.
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#11 Posted : 1/25/2011 10:42:25 PM

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ok, it's good to know there isn't someone misinformed about dosage. You may consider capping crushed raw rue seeds instead of making a tea. The rue might be even nastier than the mimosa. Just one less horrible thing you'll have to drink. I don't think eating the seeds makes it particularly more likely you'll throw up. It's up to you. I talked about the people who have taken 12g of rue. Well, after tasting Syrian Rue once, I can never drink it ever again... ever. My body has cut me off permanently.

Good luck on your quest.
#12 Posted : 1/26/2011 2:34:58 AM

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Alright I have successfully completed this process today with the 25g of rue. I did not separate the harmine and the harmaline, so what would be an appropriate dose? 150mg
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#13 Posted : 1/26/2011 3:07:23 AM

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I found it
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#14 Posted : 1/26/2011 6:56:07 AM

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The answer: Yes. Rue tea DOES taste that bad.

I honestly wouldn't even suggest 5g mimosa on a first try, if it's brewed properly. I'm a softie, but I would balk at taking 2g of mimosa again... just to give you some input from the other end of the spectrum! I find 1.5g of mimosa to be the sweet spot for me, if I'm in the mood for hyperspatial venturing.

And higher doses of mimosa in the brew doesn't mean the difference between hyperspace and more hyperspace, for the record. It means the difference between hyperspace and being FUCKED. Straight up, insanity-laden MINDFUCKED. Mimosa is insane stuff, best used in moderation.

Good-o on doing a harmala extraction, though, that will probably take a lot of mess out of things.



#15 Posted : 1/26/2011 3:04:34 PM

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Thanks Bananaforeskin.

I did the MHRB tea also and washed it with the egg whites, I think I messed that up a little by putting them in while it was to hot, because the tea is milky and not clear. Hope I didn't screw it up somehow.

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#16 Posted : 1/26/2011 3:24:27 PM

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But the egg whites have to be put while its hot! Otherwise it wont harden up pulling the tannins.
#17 Posted : 1/26/2011 3:56:06 PM

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endlessness wrote:
But the egg whites have to be put while its hot! Otherwise it wont harden up pulling the tannins.

I understand that. Guess my question is how hot? I know once you put them in then the heat is turned up and the eggs cooked. Like I said, even after a filter it is a really light cloudy purple-red. I am assuming it is egg particles. I will modify my tech next batch.

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#18 Posted : 1/26/2011 4:05:55 PM

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Just leave it in the fridge over night, it should settle.
#19 Posted : 1/26/2011 4:11:09 PM

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soulfood wrote:
Just leave it in the fridge over night, it should settle.

I have, it is still milky.
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#20 Posted : 1/26/2011 4:41:00 PM

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Maybe repeat the egg thing?
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