11/05/08 is a portal day...and one of Rebirth
this is from the book The Mayan Oracle on IMIX...which also stands for rebirth, root, waters, source of life, divine nurturance and support, primordial Mother, undivided primal waters, primal trust and nourishment, receptivity
the symbol is: spiral vortex of the primordial waters, dragon
its number is: One(unity)
Harmonic Wisdom: frequency
(there is much more but here is 'The Magical Child"
I Am Imix, Primal Mother.
Still, dark womb of the patterned potential of becoming,
sacred, interstellar genesis, I Am.
Nourishing, fertile abyss, I birth you.
Benevolent, my mighty cauldron of primal waters,
enveloping the living seed.
Eternal is my embrace.
As you are trusting and receptive,
I sustain you with the sweet wine of my many gifts.
I bathe your seed essence with abundant life force,
for I Am the primal sound of creation,
the potent energy and vibration of the undivided waters.
As stillness sources movement,
so this tender seed is protected
within my devoted watchfulness.
I Am the divine cradle of potential realized through primal trust.
I hold you close, my beloved,
for you are of my lifeblood and do arise
from the depth of my tender power,
which is the very substance of your heart.
It is I who weaves the web
of the universal connectedness of all life.
Within my silken tapestry is the story
of the one womb that I Am,
each shimmering thread leading back to me,
Mother Mystic Spider.
Spinning arms of my galaxies embracing you,
my form becoming your form,
weaving silken tapestry...all form...
all form yielding to no form
within which my womb is the Great Mystery.
Holy, hallowed temple from which springs
the sweet song of creation, melody divine,
I sing you,
my cherished essence,
gentle nourishment on your path of awakening.
The Discoverer
Deep, dark, unfathomable primal waters, I Am. Tenderly do I cradle in you the mystery of becoming. Receive nourishment from my primordial depths.
Imix sounds a call in your life to go beneath the surface, to plumb your own primal depth. Go to the abundant wellspring of the life force to find nourishment for which you yearn. In trust and receptiveness is found the source of movement. From the primordial waters of unity flows the spiral of eternal emergence. Allow others to give fully to you, for in that receptivity the circuit of love is completed.
there is more..but you get the point
portal days are days of magnified energy...today is a portal day..and at least for me...it has been one of great accomplishment.