I guess you're talking about Cubensis?
The change in temperature,humidity and fresh air,
when you introduce the cultures to their new
environment (fruiting chamber),
adequate triggers the mycelium to produce
fruitbodies in 6to14 days.
fridges are also known to be polluted with
nasty kinds of contams,you shurely dont
want that on your substrate!
Cold shocking is only neccesary for
stubborn strain-fruiting not for cubes or panaeoli.
DoctorMantus wrote:
Now when Dunked in Water doesnt have to be cold or anything could just be tap water or bottled water,
Water must be clean,
does'nt matter if you use
tap,boiled or bottled water as long as its clean and not hot yet.
DoctorMantus wrote:
And During this process i know when fruiting and growing off the cake the mushrooms will begin to decrease as the patty looses its water and nutrients does this process give the patty the ability to grow more mushrooms or does it just help the fruiting process.
It slightly increases the size of the fruitbodies,indeed:
ricecakes dont rehydrate very well..
A piece advice:
get rid of the PF-tek,if you really want the full growth potential
off your strains,try good sized Casings.

Here's one of my non cold-tortured favs,
Ps.Cubensis Thai:

µcophilic greeting