The White Light! Options
#1 Posted : 12/30/2010 12:57:29 PM
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I had one small bowl of changa last night and each time just as i was falling asleep i would get a flash of pure white light, this happened a few times... at first it shocked me and i woke up again, but eventually i no longer became shocked and fell asleep just fine.

This made me wonder though, have any of you had white light experiences during DMT breakthroughs?


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#2 Posted : 12/30/2010 1:46:05 PM

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I do remember this getting "zapped" a few times. It happened both on oral dmt, vapped dmt, as well as in this "falling asleep" state. Feels like some kind of sudden electric shock, though not painful its very abrupt. It can be visual, auditory, just a feeling or both.

I think there where a couple of discussions about this here in the Nexus before.

No idea what it means though.. Its pretty peculiar
#3 Posted : 12/30/2010 2:14:31 PM
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Yes very abrupt but not painful, it's beyond instant how fast it comes!

I feel it's the white light of pure consciousness, especially seeing as it happens while falling asleep, where i feel the mind merges into consciousness.

The other times i've experienced something similar was waking up in a sleep paralysis, my body was full of white or golden light but not able to move, all i could do was observe.
#4 Posted : 12/31/2010 1:36:30 AM

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This has happened twice recently. On the verge of sleep maybe Hypnagogia. A bright pure white flash of light followed by a bit of 'sacred peace' type feeling was quite interesting. These did not occur under any influence at the time or within 24 hours. Been a bit hopeful to have the experience again.

During several voyages had distinct 'being filled by white light' experiences. Last and most memorable included 'cup flowing over' and began to cry and proclaim 'i'm full' - then experienced 'pouring out' then the most perfect complete-knowing nothingness no-self Empty Bliss. This was Thanksgiving and it was clear the entire purpose of All was Give.

It's good to hear similar accounts. Thanks for sharing Chronic.
"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
#5 Posted : 12/31/2010 2:33:08 AM


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I have experienced this once or twice since using DMT. The thing i would clearly state is it was such a degree of time apart from the DMT that i would hesitate to link them. My experience of becoming undone and evaporating into the white light with a pleasant physical sensation was something more akin to dream states then tryptamine induced psychedelia.

Tho i see similarity i have never felt them to be linked in any way other then subconscious noise affecting the experience.

Secondly i too have experienced "zaps" in regards to DMT use. After several vaporized experiences in the past. Sounds similar to the Brain zaps mentioned on Bluelight that are involved with coming off certain SSRI drugs.

Tho it has never been something that concerned me, i would be curious as to what it was.
Ill mention this is with spice yielded from STB that has been cleaned, and spice yielded from BLAB via limonene with a water CaC03 conversion.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
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#6 Posted : 12/31/2010 10:56:30 AM
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Thanks for sharing, both of you Smile
#7 Posted : 1/14/2011 11:33:37 AM
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After having some DMT yesterday when i went to sleep i had this same phenomena yet again, and this time i could simultaniously feel something DMTesque flooding into my brain, it felt exactly like DMT rushing into my system after inhaling it.

#8 Posted : 1/14/2011 2:30:30 PM

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I've seen a white light as I'm falling asleep. Only thing was it wasn't very pure Razz Kinda like a muddy white light Laughing
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#9 Posted : 1/14/2011 3:24:49 PM
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Only pure white light is allowed Razz
#10 Posted : 1/16/2011 7:54:22 AM

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xtechre wrote:
I have experienced this once or twice since using DMT. The thing i would clearly state is it was such a degree of time apart from the DMT that i would hesitate to link them. My experience of becoming undone and evaporating into the white light with a pleasant physical sensation was something more akin to dream states then tryptamine induced psychedelia.

Tho i see similarity i have never felt them to be linked in any way other then subconscious noise affecting the experience.

Secondly i too have experienced "zaps" in regards to DMT use. After several vaporized experiences in the past. Sounds similar to the Brain zaps mentioned on Bluelight that are involved with coming off certain SSRI drugs.

Tho it has never been something that concerned me, i would be curious as to what it was.
Ill mention this is with spice yielded from STB that has been cleaned, and spice yielded from BLAB via limonene with a water CaC03 conversion.

I've experienced both kinds of zaps.

The zaps from withdraw of Venlafaxine are nothing like hypnogogic zaps. I get hypnogogic zaps almost every night, several times a night. DMT (and other psychedelic) use intensifies the hypnogogic zaps.
Disclaimer: Everything I say is the truth.
Rising Spirit
#11 Posted : 1/23/2011 5:57:34 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hi Chronic,

I have had many of these explosions of white light, usually while peaking on any number of psychoactive substances or their extracts, in deepest states of meditation. Although, during the post-peaking stages of my Sacred Journeys, I have had this phenomenon occur several times as well, just prior to sleeping. It reminds me of lightning crashing outside of my window, only inside of my skull, right about where the pineal gland is located in the brain. I have had numerous experiences dissolving into the clear white light, whilst under the magical spell of psychedelics. In fact, almost every single time I trip, I am immersed in an interphase with the pure light of Omni-consciousness (Samadhi). One of my good friends refers to me as a, "white light junkie". I can't really deny it and I plead guilty as charged. Laughing

Often in sober daily meditation, I get brief flashes and glimpses of this tremendous brilliance but in all honesty, it pales in comparison. Still, it's as if we are opening to receive this Divine radiance, little, by little, one step at a time. May we all bath in the white light of the One, singular consciousness within... God.

Peace, light & love
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#12 Posted : 1/23/2011 1:20:39 PM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
Hi Chronic,

I have had many of these explosions of white light, usually while peaking on any number of psychoactive substances or their extracts, in deepest states of meditation. Although, during the post-peaking stages of my Sacred Journeys, I have had this phenomenon occur several times as well, just prior to sleeping. It reminds me of lightning crashing outside of my window, only inside of my skull, right about where the pineal gland is located in the brain. I have had numerous experiences dissolving into the clear white light, whilst under the magical spell of psychedelics. In fact, almost every single time I trip, I am immersed in an interphase with the pure light of Omni-consciousness (Samadhi). One of my good friends refers to me as a, "white light junkie". I can't really deny it and I plead guilty as charged. Laughing

Often in sober daily meditation, I get brief flashes and glimpses of this tremendous brilliance but in all honesty, it pales in comparison. Still, it's as if we are opening to receive this Divine radiance, little, by little, one step at a time. May we all bath in the white light of the One, singular consciousness within... God.

Peace, light & love

I too get them on psychedelics quite often. I've managed to hit this state and stay there for about an hour changing. I also refer to it as Samadhi.

I also get the flashes as I fall asleep the next night or a few nights after.

Couple of theories I have around this:

1) Psilocin/DMT/etc is uptaken into the neuron on the pre synaptic side of the cleft and is later released just like serotonin...could also explain some of the longer term after glow people report for day's and weeks after the experience.

2) We really are opening up different neural pathway's in our brain. I know that after doing DMT mushrooms visuals are much more DMT like. The fractal geometry space for mushrooms used to be very distinct from the DMT fractal geometry...but now it's the exact same for me.

I think it's the clear light of consciousness. I just read the "Tibetan yogas of dream and sleep"...and they talk about deep sleep being the clear light (of course clear light in this context means pure consciousness). I've had lucid dreams and I've fallen asleep consciously, but I have never made it to deep sleep while still aware....

What's more my wife has started having these flashes of white light as she falls asleep and she doesn't like psychedelics very much...and she doesn't meditate.

BTW I wish I could get deep enough to experience the light sans drugs. I'm just not there yet, but I can get incredible amounts of peace from deep meditation and that alone makes the practice worth while.

While light junky...LOL I think I may be joining your ranks. Once you've had that immersion experience (Not just a flash) it seems to consume your conscious mind... White light junky indeed. Of course you already know that it's said being addicted to the bliss of meditation is still an attachment to be over come..... Smile

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
Rising Spirit
#13 Posted : 1/23/2011 2:11:43 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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joedirt wrote:
While light junky...LOL I think I may be joining your ranks. Once you've had that immersion experience (Not just a flash) it seems to consume your conscious mind... White light junky indeed. Of course you already know that it's said being addicted to the bliss of meditation is still an attachment to be over come.....

Yes, this is so true, becoming a junky to the clear light is entrapping, as well. Sigh... even attachment to liberation is a way our mind seeks to retain it's status as a subjective observer. Addiction is essentially addiction, regardless of the nature of the fix. So attachment finds it's way to halt our unification with said luminosity, in subtle and clever ways. By seeing the white light and therefore fixating on it's brilliance, we are drawn into merging with this Great Light of Oneness. I have found that sometimes I linger within my vantage point of being witness to this phenomenon (because it's so damn beautiful). Ecstasy is a very, very addictive mindset!!! Such euphoria is naturally going to create an intense craving. Even now, I hunger for the sublime nectar of this light. Wink

The act of witnessing this force maintains subjectivity and can halt the conjoining of self and Omniself (which are never truly separate from one another but we do find ourselves dreaming that they are two sides of the same cosmic coin). The ecstasy of worship is a sweet but definitive barrier to complete merging within the light. By fully uniting consciously with the light and therefore becoming light itself, we find our awareness in an undifferentiated realm, whose intensity removes any darkness by which to identify the characteristics of light, itself. Thus, all is Void and light no longer is recognizable. Nothing is recognizable, as there is no longer a witness to bear self. By releasing the final fibers of our cognition, we evaporate as ego, self or Godhead. In this complete emptiness, there is no light, no darkness, no form... it simply IS and seemingly, exists beyond our grasp, as a field or frequency of indivisible consciousness, which has no dimensional boundaries. :idea:

No experience of this level can be accurately described, let alone proven (although, you gotta love the scientific mind for trying). But please... when finite mind is naught, no words can follow in it's wake. Probably why the illuminated Chinese Sage, Lao Tzu is quoted as saying,

"The Tao which can be described with words is not the eternal Tao."

This plane of consciousness apparently exists as a paradoxical kind of awareness, for it cannot see itself, yet there is every indication IT is aware of existing; as being eternal. This is the hint that I have gleaned from these transcendental states, upon returning to my subjectivity and trying to wrap my brain around such a level of indivisibility. Obviously, something gets lost in the translation, so forgive my futile attempt to encapsulate this state of reality linguistically. Ironically, when we return to subjective associations (post peaking), the mind immediately seeks to map and project form and parameters upon the experience of immersion into this point of Divinity. You can't really blame the sentient mind, for it is merely being itself, the watcher. Right? This is the antithesis of the peak moment, however, so we never do really grasp this experience, as the isolated observer CANNOT be present as a reflective witness, to become one with and so exist as, pure light being. In so doing or rather, undoing, the Omniself awakens and knows itself as itself, free of all form as the infinite Void.

Sort of, kind of... oh, I give up. Laughing This is one of my favoritest Zen koans:

"If you see the Buddha on your road to enlightenment, kill him."

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#14 Posted : 1/23/2011 6:09:36 PM

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I always had the feeling that the tree on that picture is illuminated by this inner light you are speaking about.
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