Deep in the mountains where the Hobbits roam...
The purest LSD with several sacred tobacco and cannabis rituals throughout the journey…The visions are profound…
A ceremonial circle, Native American for sure. I am a spirit dancing above a fire in the center of this circle. There are those dancing and those playing drums. Some are chanting.
I see the faces and bodies that make up this gathering. There are warriors, men and women. There are others who contribute in other ways. I see a woman in somber meditation, her face is shiny with colored paints and her ink-black braids twist and embrace like serpentine helices. There is a profundity to her. She is in contact with another world…
The face beside her has the presence of an Easter Island Moai. Skin like a crumpled paper bag, hair like white thunderbolts…his dress is that of an exalted leader. He is the elder of this tribe…the oldest and the wisest of an immensely wise people. My focus settles upon his ancient face and I begin to race towards it.
A primary particle of the fundamental fabric of all things, I am able to fly through his skin, through his bone, through his mind until I am in a space of his entire experience. His life, those who taught him his knowledge, the world that supported his temporary shell, and even the consciousness that propelled his heart to seek the path it followed during this particular incarnation…
I saw through his lifetime, through the lifetimes of all his ancestors. I flew like a shaft of light back farther and farther until the idea of going inward and the idea of going outward became confused, then surrendered, then one.
I came to the source of everything that had led to the moment I had first found myself in staring at this noble being. There was a loose framework to it…but a definitive path all the same. There was a timeline that existed beyond the creation of the concept of time. It was celestial and it was monitored by the very planet itself. The consciousness of our mysterious world fed directly into the biological imperatives and thought processes of all things upon it.
And it was with this awakening to the planetary agenda that I immediately found myself on a bluff in a desert staring up at an impossible infinite sea of stars. The sky was not a simple flat black backdrop with white dots scattered upon it. No- the stars had depth and perspective and the sky’s own template was just as diverse. What I beheld was a bottomless sea of heavenly bodies. Lights and darks and every checkpoint in between swirled together to create an unlimited array of geometric possibilities.
And I knew them all…
Seriously- I KNEW them all. I knew every star I could see. I knew every linear relationship with all surrounding stars. I knew positions and rotations, alignments and configurations. I knew these stars better than I knew the very terra firma I gazed up at them from. Most significantly, I knew HOW I knew…
The planet’s knowing…it existed within me. It was part of my birthright as an earthling. What’s more- I understood that this particular snapshot of cosmic placement was significant. It mattered on a very deep, earth-knowingness level. Where things were at that exact moment was of global significance and an awakening of this knowledge had been started by the same consciousness that tells the trees to reach for the sun…
The earth itself had set this into motion. The earth itself had an alarm clock within it and those who were not too deeply asleep would hear it first and begin trying to rouse the rest of the deeper sleepers.
There is no question in my mind that if someone were to have held up an actual map of the heavens and all planetary placements at that exact moment, it would have matched my vision exactly. The message was as clear as the Mitchell-Hedges skull- this is a massive time for this earth and everything on it.
The Mayan calendar, take it or leave it, was an exposition of something larger than any single human mind can grasp. In fact, it would take this entire world’s collective mind, all the consciousness living on this beautiful blue ball, working together to grasp it fully. The time we are in now is monumental and the shift that is coming is huge. It has been this way always. This cycle is nothing new.
1/1/11. 1111. However you slice it, it was one amazing day. From what I can tell, it’s only the beginning…
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."