lack of fear Options
#1 Posted : 1/18/2011 12:43:19 AM

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My dog isis has a complete lack of fear in regards to DMT. Is this a healthy approach? Isis never has time to be fearful before the amazement sets in. Isis is looking at her stash like she wants to smoke it all and is not scared. What is the largest dose one has taken?

Isis would like to ask the more experienced travelers whether they prefer a few small trips or one big one?

Isis is not trying to impress anyone with her lack of fear, rather wanting some input on it. here now.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/18/2011 1:48:07 AM

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There's a big difference between fear and due caution. Should Isis be afraid? I don't think so. Should Isis approach the DMT experience with caution and respect? I think that's a great way to approach it.

As far as doses, the prevailing wisdom seems to be start small and work your way up. I think an ideal "experience" is 2 or three smaller trips, about 15 minutes apart. 30mg or so is a good starting point, in my humble opinion, for each of those trips will build on the last. Hopefully some others will chime in with their thoughts.
#3 Posted : 1/18/2011 1:52:48 AM

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thank you TL, I guess i didnt make clear my absolute respect and gratitude for this molecule. I hope to hear from others as well. here now.
#4 Posted : 1/18/2011 2:58:29 AM

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Thought I wasn't't afraid at one point . I was wrong
I got obliterated into a fractal nightmare that felt Like
I would never return from . The feeling of terror I felt is beyond
Description . I will never forget it .This reality never felt so good.
I have since adopted a more careful approach paying
attention to all factors set setting and
Especially dose.
You can't imagine the level if ass kicking this stuff can do
Unless you've experienced it . It's serious business.

Always maintain respect love and pay attention
To dose .

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 1/18/2011 3:14:19 AM

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After you’ve had some very deep experiences, you may naturally feel some fear and anxiety. Even some very positive, loving experiences have left me with fear – a fear of the immensity of it all.

I wouldn’t be concerned about not feeling any fear, but don’t push it. If you brazenly push further, if fear is what you want, you can be certain that fear is what you’ll get.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#6 Posted : 1/18/2011 7:23:22 AM

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Be very careful about this courage you feel, it's very soon to know your courage is true or false, if you don't be careful and act cocky, DMT might frighten you so hard that you discard all of your stash all of a sudden and say goodbye forever.
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.
Ellis D'Empty
#7 Posted : 1/18/2011 9:05:37 AM


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Fear is just your ego playing a trick on you. Your "lack of fear" could mean you don't care about your life, and IMHO I'd be scared if I didn't have even a little fear going into the trip. On christmas, I was showing a couple friends of mine DMT... I got cocky and said "Here I'll show you how its done" and BOYYYOBOYYY, I got asskicked into candyland. It was a great experience, one I'd love to go back to, but its just I didn't expect to be shown in OEVs what is normally in CEVs. Also, after my comment of how its done, the entities told me "no we'll show you", and I proceeded to stare unerringly into the wall.... anyways, I'd love to go back to that trip and look around the world... look at my friends, see what stuff looks like, because all I saw was beautiful fractals...

Fear is normal, your going into the unknown... Say your diving and you find a cave, would you have no fear going in there? Say your home alone, its a storm outside and your in a huge house, you descend into your basement to find something, and its cold and dark.... would you have no fear there either?

If you say you honestly have no fear, then good for you. If you want to load up your device and smoke it all, go ahead (I only say this because you can only get so far before you can't go any further) if you have no fear, why would you question yourself?

As for dosages, I'd have to say one big dose seems to put me into my mind. That means I close my eyes and see wonderous fractal beauties. When I take a few small doses, I seem to create these CEVs into OEVs (this only happened on Christmas, haven't done/tried it since because I don't have a good environment for that at the moment, and I'd recommend a sitter as well, so you don't pass out).

As for largest I've taken? No clue.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#8 Posted : 1/18/2011 1:41:42 PM

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Thanks everyone for reading and replying.

I think that I have a healthy respect for this substance and certainly do not look at lightly. I do think that I have a courageous mindset, however, I may b a bit cocky at the same time. I have not had my ass kicked by this substance yet and therefore, I really have no room to speak about fear.

Reminds me of Baba Ram Dass when he starts to think to himself "wow, you are getting pretty enlightened", when the very thought itself tends prove otherwise.

I dont pretend to be very wizened, however, I do see that life has its way of balancing itself. In the same vein,so would DMT. Meaning I can really see how the entities may recognize my courage or cockiness and try and balance that.

@Ellis, when you say my lack of fear could be a reflection on how I feel about my life. Do you mean this in a dissociated/suicidal way? I am far from those types of thoughts, however, I do feel less connected to my "life" than others may because of my confidence in the idea that this Is not IT. Meaning this body and this life feel more like a stepping stone towards something greater. I dont feel like life is finite. here now.
welsh trip head
#9 Posted : 1/19/2011 9:19:57 PM


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i think its healthy to not show fear mate, because things tend to mirror the signals your putting out, fear generates more fear, love generates more love. what you put out to the journey you'll atract back Smile
True strength isn’t muscle, it's the mind it's limitless, it’s the heart it won't ever stop loving, it’s the spirit it can’t be crushed, it’s the soul it’s inextinguishable.
#10 Posted : 1/19/2011 9:43:38 PM

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Give it some time and more spice.

It will humble...It can obliterate...and it has, at least with this traveler, put the fear of the Sacred Spice into him. He still loves to travel though.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#11 Posted : 1/19/2011 10:13:43 PM


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gibran2 wrote:
After you’ve had some very deep experiences, you may naturally feel some fear and anxiety. Even some very positive, loving experiences have left me with fear – a fear of the immensity of it all.

This says it all. I had no fear initially. Only an idea that the experience was immense. After that first experience i still wasn't aware of any fear. Then for a couple of years and a handfull of experiences... still no fear was perceived.

Then two experiences within a month shook me very very deeply, i have been more cautious ever since.
I believe fear is not necessary and can at times be a knot in muscle of experience. But caution is certainly warranted.
Some experiences may be terrifying. Learning to let go of the fear is a process/experience/lesson in itself.

I guess to summarize... don't be scared, just heed caution.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#12 Posted : 1/21/2011 8:04:33 PM

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I certainly plan on heeding this advice. I dont think that I have perfected my method nor have I access to the quality spice I need for these experiences. I cautiously look forward to the insight and growth i may get from them.

Thanks for these words, I see how naive my original post is. After reading just a handful of the topics I know I have much to learn. here now.
#13 Posted : 1/21/2011 10:23:55 PM

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find your own large dose and your favorite amount by increasing potency slowly; you can only find the limit by crossing it sometimes =] keep going without fear i say =]
#14 Posted : 1/22/2011 2:04:02 AM

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I believe the eventuality of getting a full on ass kicking is part of the process. Looking back it was almost like a test for me to see my level of commitment. Everything after that has been different .

I had no idea the actual power potential of dmt until it hit me like a freight train one day.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#15 Posted : 1/22/2011 4:34:02 AM

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There was a time when I tried to see how much one could really smoke. I packed up 75mg one night, took a giant first toke, the effects set in so fast i didnt have time for another. I blasted off into hyperspace, and when I came back, I looked at the bowl, and took one more giant toke, and the same thing happened. I did that 5 times consecutively, not waiting for tolerance to go down, at that same time I also found how easy it was for me to go right back into the same trip i was having... over and over...

Do I think that was healthy for me? no.. I personally dont think that you will know to much a difference between 30mg and 75mg, unless you get the whole thing in one hit. which for me is not possible.

by the way good question.
#16 Posted : 1/22/2011 2:11:55 PM

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For zubidlo, psychedelics are the way of exploration. Like finding a new land or planet an such. It is a rare opportunity to experience life with enhanced consciousness, which is priceless imo. To overcome the fear is one of most important steps in the process of pursue the new experiences.
When zubidlo is worried, he talks to himself. Something like: 'you f*cking cocks*cker...chickesh*t p* gonna stop now? are worthless....' etcVery happy

Now, towards the jurema spice zubidlo doesn't feel a fear anymore, but respect. He got his act pretty together to guarantee a nice trip everytime. But still doesn't bother spice often, only when new opportunity of exploration arise.
Like now after lovely gibran2's tek for caapi alk. extraction zubidlo has a chance to explore new landVery happy
zubidlo is on the mission to work with raising doses of caapi alk. + various admixtures (and smoking blends) for the near future. And can imagine a fear before drinking let's say 400mg caapi. alk. + 6g chaliponga tea Very happy (zubidlo fasination for 5-meo and bufo is growing rapidly)

Anyway...sorry for kitchen english a writing only about myself...

PS: NEXUS is the best forum for explorers on net. Last few days zubidlo was reading aya/pharma threads all over the network and Nexus is waaayyyyyy best source of broad and balanced info on topic! Many people here are 'celebrity psychonauts' in my eyes. Following their steps helps me to overcome the fear. Thank you.

'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
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