Icaros? Options
#1 Posted : 1/17/2011 9:29:57 PM

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Has anyone experienced DMT in combination with traditional shamanic icaros? I have heard this may intensify the experience. here now.

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#2 Posted : 1/18/2011 4:35:57 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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I haven't, but I do know where to obtain some:


#3 Posted : 1/18/2011 4:53:26 AM
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what is icaros to you?
#4 Posted : 1/18/2011 5:05:08 AM

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ive understood them to be traditional song or melodies that shamans use to guide you through an ayahuasca journey. Shamans say that the plants taught them these songs. here now.
#5 Posted : 1/18/2011 3:26:26 PM

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Location: im still trying to figure that out
iv expirienced traditional icaros during ayahuasca ceremonies.
i am not one to speak with any real authority regarding the extent of their purpose or power though, all i have are my limited expiriences through which to observe. i was very curious at the time about the purpose of icaros but was dealing with a bit of a language barrier.
expiriencially i found them to be somthing like a paddle rowing a canoe. ...a rhythmic and consistant force guiding the boat down the river. i found that in particularly difficult or overwhelming moments of my trips, the icaros had a way of keeping things flowing, they reminded me to keep moving. they could bring me to my center by reminding me of my center.
i also got the sence that the icaros held alot more power and intention than i was capable of recognizing from my level of understanding at that time. they held this mystique that left me feeling as though the main purpose of the icaros were to resonate on the other side. but i dont really know what an icaro trully is. its one of those things that i observed and realized i do not understand. if nothing else they are certainly very beautiful sounds to listen to.

in the ceremonies i was attending, the icaros were usually directed at specific individuals, members of the community who had come to request a healing or blessing. he would sing to them, pray for them, then send them on their way and address the next patient. somtimes there was more to it, but it was basically the icaros that were the medicine for the sick.

one expieince i had with the icaros:
after my 3rd ceremony i spoke to the shaman i was working with about how i felt like i wasnt recieving the full potential that i felt ayahuasca had to offer me. i was not finding much depth from my first few expiriences, but my dreams led me to believe there was more.
i told him it felt as though i were trying to see in the dark, i was undergoing the expiriences and felt as though much were happening around me and within me, but nothing was clear. i had no real visions..."no luz". he asked if he could sing for me. then he sang some icaros to me and blew mappacho smoke over me. I went home, slept, came back 2 days later for another ceremony not really thinking much of the prayers he had sung.
well, that particualr ceremony ended up being quite an intence one, to put it was my first full break through, one that hit so hard and hurt so deep that the only natural responce was a total abandon. i can say that i had got what i had asked for.
welsh trip head
#6 Posted : 1/18/2011 3:36:00 PM


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I am with open'nheart on this "paddle for a canoe" is a good way to describe it, when i was on Ayahuasca the shaman would sing an incaro. i was told it was to help ward off bad spirits and sumon good spirits into the ceremony to begin with, as the incaro changed and the journey contiuned it was to help guide us... i felt when i went through an intense moment the icaro soothed me, help bring me back on path. towards the end of the journey the incaro was to ground us back, and give thanks to gia, spirits and the plants. i was told by the translator that the shaman was taugh the incaros by spirits while on Ayahuasca... hope this helps Smile
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#7 Posted : 1/18/2011 3:38:08 PM

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I tried listening to recorded icaros and felt them to be very artificial and disconcerting.

During indigenous ceremonies, though, it has always been one of the most marvelous experiences ever! The shaman doesnt have a ready script of which icaros to sing, he will adapt to the context, to what feeling/atmosphere/visuals he feels would be better at that moment with those specific people. I've also noticed that the icaros throughout a ceremony tell a visual story, as if its not song A then song B, but rather a coherent story. So for example there may be 'interludes' between specific high-energy moments which will really allow for a specific inner work, or there may be songs that get repeated with small variations, and all of it seems really well orchestrated.

I tried listening to the same songs I recorded in one particular ceremony, in some other occasion with a pharmahuasca experience (and once during the comedown of vaporized dmt). While it had its interesting aspects and for a moment might have reminded me of its power, it lacked a lot and as I said, felt very artificial. The whole reverberation and deepness of sounds coming from the shaman's voice are not really recorded, many frequencies get cut off and I feel this fullness of sound is essential.

That being said, each one will have their own experience. If someone enjoys listening to recorded icaros during psychedelic experiences, by all means do that, but personally I dont like it. I rather sing/play myself, listen to some other special music or just be in silent
#8 Posted : 1/18/2011 7:04:12 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Fair enough, I haven't had an experience with them in person or recorded, I'd just found that site once and bookmarked it for later checking-out. And I can certainly understand how any recorded icaro doesn't have the same power...


#9 Posted : 1/18/2011 7:15:44 PM

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Oh I didnt mean about the ones you linked, btw, BananaForeskin, I didnt listen to those yet.. I meant about some that I personally recorded and didnt work for me

Also I think each one should find for themselves, dont believe me because I said they dont have same power, for all you know my opinion could be BS in relation to your experience, maybe they have a lot of power for others Smile

If anybody here does try (or has already) to listen to icaros when tripping from oral psychedelics or vapped dmt, tell us how it goes for you here Smile
#10 Posted : 1/19/2011 1:02:56 AM

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i have listened to traditional icaros during my last two voyages. I have posted newb reports in the nursery in regards to these experiences. However, I dont feel like I can lend more to this dialogue than the others already have.

Thank you endlessness, you answered a lot of questions about traditional ceremonies and icaros.

I can say that they are very soothing and do change the energy of the experiences. I would recommend it to those who are more experienced with this substance and anxiously await their feedback. here now.
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