Is this the end all, be all? Options
#1 Posted : 1/17/2011 8:55:04 PM

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So I consider myself a phsychonaut of sorts, in that I have experimented with most of the psychedelics aside from 2ce ( just havent happened upon it yet). I also like to push the envelope with heroic doses occasionally and generally remain fearless in regards to these "trips".

This being said I would give them all up for unlimited access to spice. I may even be convinced to give up my herbs too. (that was painful to type) This stems from the fact that even though I have yet to breakthrough with spice (hope to change that tonight), I feel like Im much closer to "lifting the veil" that separates us from these alternate realities than I ever have been with even heroic doses of any other psychedelic substance.

What do you guys think? is this it? what we and humanity has been searching for? is this DMT the answer? and if so what is the question? here now.

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#2 Posted : 1/17/2011 11:48:10 PM

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HA!!! Yeah "..what is the question?"

NO, there is no final answer.

When you think you have found The End All Be All, The Final Answer, What we have been searching for all a long. Then you know you are only just beginning!!!

Welcome to the Nexus! Laughing
Its the MeICNU

I am only someone's imaginary Smelf posting from hyperspace.
#3 Posted : 1/17/2011 11:52:18 PM

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thanks for the reply.

i guess its a constant state of departure, while always arriving.

The mystery is a part of the beauty, maybe i should just let it BE. here now.
#4 Posted : 1/18/2011 12:08:08 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I think DMT is just the beginning.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#5 Posted : 1/18/2011 12:14:34 AM

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im interested, care to explain any further dmtripper? my mind is a sponge right now! here now.
welsh trip head
#6 Posted : 1/19/2011 12:03:04 PM


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Lifting_the_veil wrote:

What do you guys think? is this it? what we and humanity has been searching for? is this DMT the answer? and if so what is the question?

to be honest with you mate after the first ten years of north wales mushroom experiance's and other trips i began to look within myself and found a door. so after ten years of recreational use, (due to lack of warlocks/shamanic guideance) my only question was

"am i going crazy or is that a door?"

so i left to go to the amazon to do Ayahuasca on my own, i couldnt explain to family or friends .... only to find it was a door... then i found i had a million questions....

who are these beings?
what are these symbols?
what do those crystals do?
why are they healing me?
are they the co-creators of exsistance?
why do they care?
is earth there experiment?
how many demensions are there?
will i reunite with my higher self after?
will i rencartnate?

its endless... wow so i feel the answer is "yes" it is the key to the door to answer these funamental question we seek in life.

i am a traveler just like you, i wish to answer these questions.. as time goes by, with a true heart and honest intension i think i'll be told... Smile

True strength isn’t muscle, it's the mind it's limitless, it’s the heart it won't ever stop loving, it’s the spirit it can’t be crushed, it’s the soul it’s inextinguishable.
#7 Posted : 1/22/2011 5:43:25 AM

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Wonderfully put welsh! that was good, I enjoyed that..

To relate to that, I once met a girl when I was at a Roger Waters concert (main vocals and brains behind most of pink floyd) she was great, we spent the summer together. needless to say she broke my heart, and in a sort of retaliation to this, I decided it would be a good idea to get a bag of shrooms and trip to try and work out these bad feelings. So after hiking into the woods near my home and setting up a blanket on shore of a river, I ate an 1/8 of the shrooms. sat back and had one of the worst trips of my life.. The next day, I left Michigan and within 2 days was in denver colorado at the top of a mountain looking over the city.

I to know that door you found.. I found it to, it came in the form of the strongest urge I had ever had in my life.. I had never wanted anything more than to go out west and see the rest of the country, to live free, and to live on my own time, with my own thoughts, process for myself what is right and what is wrong. See for myself the great majesty of our world, the tempest mountains, and the scenic river bottoms. I spent time that fall in the desert in arizona, one day I hiked into the grand canyon, spent all day foraging around and just seeing it for what it was. I climbed out as the sun was setting, I saw for myself the most beautiful picture perfect sunset.. no painter or drug in the world has ever given me the chills, or the goosebumps, like that sight did. I will never be the same, and within ten minutes of the sun going behind the horizon I was in my truck, headed home. I was healed thouroghly. My mind was wrecked after that girl and my spirit felt broken, but for the first time in my life, I healed that broken soul, without the use of meditation or psychedelic drugs. off of pure nature, and sobriety...

Much peace and love
Sorry, I know that was a mouthfull.
welsh trip head
#8 Posted : 1/23/2011 6:30:10 PM


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earth trust... thats beautiful man, happy ending Smile
True strength isn’t muscle, it's the mind it's limitless, it’s the heart it won't ever stop loving, it’s the spirit it can’t be crushed, it’s the soul it’s inextinguishable.
#9 Posted : 1/23/2011 6:56:37 PM

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I look at DMT as a tool. The Hindu's call things like this an upaya, or tool. DMT has the unrelenting habit of rocketing one into new modes of thinking and perception. That is we are allowed access to realms we never new existed. I don't think we need psychedelics to go through the 'door' as you say. We just need something like DMT to show us the door and maybe open it.We must spend the rest of our lives integrating what we learn from DMT and using that to radically alter the consensus reality we live in from day to day. That way we can free ourselves and hopefully in the end the world!
AKA Hanuman Dass A blog on nonduality, entheogens, and other such topics.

"It can be what you want it to be but in the end it's all just sensory enhancement." -The thought stream that once saved my life.
#10 Posted : 1/23/2011 7:06:24 PM


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Speaking in terms of "giving up on everything but dmt forever" sounds a little extreme. There are so many variables in life, in the cognitive procress of growth. Dont put all your eggs in one basket is what im saying.
Take it as it comes.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
Cosmic Rift
#11 Posted : 1/23/2011 9:35:53 PM

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IMHO, it could be.

My reasoning? It's a great spiritual guide with more potential than just about any other. Also it's extremely safe (to my knowledge).

However, if you are using it for party purposes, I think you will revert from this train of thought. It is too powerful to be used as a party drug and should only be used to embark on spiritual journeys. If this is your best shot at reaching enlightenment, or whatever goal you may have, than I would only use only DMT. However, if I thought I could gain the same knowledge through LSD (or any other psychoactive for that matter), than I would continue to learn from it.
Anything said by this account, "Cosmic Rift", is complete and utter bullshit. In the event that it's not completely made up then it is a lie, exaggeration, or I am caught up in the act of role playing.
#12 Posted : 1/24/2011 1:53:24 PM

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EarthTrust wrote:
Wonderfully put welsh! that was good, I enjoyed that..

To relate to that, I once met a girl when I was at a Roger Waters concert (main vocals and brains behind most of pink floyd) she was great, we spent the summer together. needless to say she broke my heart, and in a sort of retaliation to this, I decided it would be a good idea to get a bag of shrooms and trip to try and work out these bad feelings. So after hiking into the woods near my home and setting up a blanket on shore of a river, I ate an 1/8 of the shrooms. sat back and had one of the worst trips of my life.. The next day, I left Michigan and within 2 days was in denver colorado at the top of a mountain looking over the city.

I to know that door you found.. I found it to, it came in the form of the strongest urge I had ever had in my life.. I had never wanted anything more than to go out west and see the rest of the country, to live free, and to live on my own time, with my own thoughts, process for myself what is right and what is wrong. See for myself the great majesty of our world, the tempest mountains, and the scenic river bottoms. I spent time that fall in the desert in arizona, one day I hiked into the grand canyon, spent all day foraging around and just seeing it for what it was. I climbed out as the sun was setting, I saw for myself the most beautiful picture perfect sunset.. no painter or drug in the world has ever given me the chills, or the goosebumps, like that sight did. I will never be the same, and within ten minutes of the sun going behind the horizon I was in my truck, headed home. I was healed thouroghly. My mind was wrecked after that girl and my spirit felt broken, but for the first time in my life, I healed that broken soul, without the use of meditation or psychedelic drugs. off of pure nature, and sobriety...

Much peace and love
Sorry, I know that was a mouthfull.

Inspiring story! Smile

xtechre wrote:
Speaking in terms of "giving up on everything but dmt forever" sounds a little extreme. There are so many variables in life, in the cognitive procress of growth. Dont put all your eggs in one basket is what im saying.
Take it as it comes.

And I think this is great advice for the OP.
Transcend The Limitations of Physical Reality.
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