Wake Up Call Options
#1 Posted : 1/16/2011 7:48:09 PM


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Hey all, a very brief description of how the other night went...

Four friends and I took a VERY potent Jeruma brew not last night, but the night before...

2 of them had taken the mimosa brew with me many times, but the other two only had minimal psychedelic experience.

Ive had some mimosa in my freezer for over two years now, and a few months ago I took one of the bags out,

and its been in the garage since... I thought since it was in the garage for awhile, and since it was several years old,

That it would have lost some potency, and while I was making the tea my friend and I decided to put in 10g mimosa (8 is the usual) for each person,

since he wanted a strong experience...

We all arrived at the appointed place at the appointed time, communed over some cannabis, and then got down to business, taking 4g rue in capsules,

and drinking the mimosa 20 min later..

As we waited for effects (didnt wait long!) I asked what music they wanted playing, and the response i got was "Floyd"

So we put on wish you were here and sat down to wait.

Effects came quick beginning as mild internal visual, and subtle thought process alteration, but they QUICKLY escalated, and before the end of the

First song, I was powerfully altered and somewhat frightened for me and my companions..

After the initial mild effects I felt very startling effects in my head, It was like I was in this dreamy flow of visuals then all the sudden this spirit

grabbed me by the head (from the inside..) As if to say Wake Up! The next ten minutes passed like this with an alarming presence taking hold of me

I felt an odd pressure in there, and then I started to feel the prescence in my head, and even though its happened several times before,

It scared the SHIT out of me this time, it was so direct, It was so stern so ancient and magnificent, I was humbled and terrified.

I cannot describe this presence or feeling accurately, but its important to note without a doubt its presence was clear. It literally felt like I was

posessed like there was a spirit in my head.

At this point ( only about 20 min after drinking) I was really worrying about my buddies, but I was unable to talk to them at the moment.

The music took on an ominous aspect, and I was having some scary vibes trying to keep A grip as reality quicly fell away before my eyes..

All the sudden the purge whelled up within me and I got up and ran to the bathroom.

OMGGG I could never emphasize how fucking intense and amazing this purge was. Is was truly a peak experience, and I just felt like all these

Emotions, events, concepts etc. and life in general culminated and then exploded from my body. I completely let go of everything nothing mattered

and I was at peace right then, OMG i needed it !!!

I walked back into the room starting to think about my buddies again, and as I entered they all looked up at me, they looked pretty frightened.

I said how you guys doin? no response verbally but i knew...

I said " I know, its way strong, but everyones ok right? 3-4 hours well be fine I PROMISE"

My friend, noticing my panik, said " Are you ok?"

I laughed, this seemed to help the general atmosphere and things became more at ease.

The music was still bumming me out though, and at the point I couldn't handle it anymore, the song ended and I asked if we could just turn off the music.

This idea wasnt well recieved so I asked if i could change it, and changed it to "Are you Shpongled" this was the best call i could have made!

My friend said isnt this the band with the LSDdoDMTlalala song? I said yes it's on this cd lets listen to it now...

This was the peak of the trip for me, this song just blew everyones socks off from the very begginning, expecially the two who had never really

listened to strong psychedelic music on a powerful trip. This song is just fucking visionary brilliance at its finest PERIOD. the way it echoes and layers

is just insane. Right on the money this song was.. All of our minds were now oficially blown..

After the song I went back to the beginning of the CD and we listened to the whole thing from the start. Wow Ive never heard it like this..

I started to space out a bit, and had a very interpersonal experience, where my identity as I know it melted away and I became... "the experience"

No judgements, evaluations, nothing but the miracle of this felt experience. The vocal effects in the music along with this thought process triggered

Something truly beautiful, im not going to go into it here as its completely ineffible.

Also while listening to the music I started to think about the mimosa tree. As soon as I started to think about the tree, The presence returned very

strong, and seemed like it wanted me to come with it into another dimension, or learn something from it in some way, But im ashamed to say my ego

fought this as it was very startling, and SOOO strong, and I was with all my friends and blah blah blah, I said "not now, I can't do it now, Its a night with my friends, blah blah"

Then (really wierd) the spirit just left my head and started laying right beside me! I felt it right there next to me, lying to my left was my friend, and lying to my right was this other guy (the entity) and that seemed perfectly acceptable to me.

Then the spirit re-entered my head, I was a little less scarred this time, and I started saying to myself "be the tree"

I then I dried up and took root, and Felt the experience of what it is like to be this tree, and I saw what it sees. OMFG

This took place for about a minute, and once the effects got really startling my ego got scared again and I came back to my regular body.

At this point there was a (return) theme. I started thinking about my buddies, how I wanna high five em all and thank them for so courageously going through this with me.
Then thoughts shifted to my girl and newborn child. It got real, and I started to cry (I tried to contain my emotion alot around my friends) I couldnt

hold it back. A profound conclusion was reached, I decided to marry my girl, and make my best friend laying next to me (he was a rock throughout the whole night, very solid handled himself well) My best man in the wedding. I was moved to tears.
Enough Said.

Thank you reader.
Thank you to my great friends (even the inexperienced 2 handled it like warriors)
(lol my one friends description was "I feel like i should be dead like this, but im cool"Pleased

And to the unnamed unspoken truth...
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/16/2011 8:29:46 PM

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Spiral out mate keep goin and remember, Passion of the Heart
#3 Posted : 1/16/2011 10:37:00 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hey Harmalosa!

This sounded like a very beautiful journey you made there with your friends Smile I am very glad for you and your girl. And thank you very much for sharing such an amazing experience with all of us!

May the spirits, love and eternal light always be with you Pleased
I took the red pill.
#4 Posted : 1/17/2011 2:56:08 AM


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Thank you guys!
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#5 Posted : 1/21/2011 10:40:17 AM

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Very happy Waow Harmalosa, you write really well!

Beautiful tale of Medicine in action, what a night: tears; laughs, friendship, initiations, purge, music, spirit, wonder, and it all culminates with a wedding!!

Much much Light on your path!!

PS: what happened to the entity? are you inviting it to your Wedding?Very happy
it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#6 Posted : 1/24/2011 1:33:12 AM


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Hey thx rooftop!
Yeah it was one hell of a night!!

As far as the entity goes, this isn't the first time this has happend, And I cower away in fear...
Im going to go just as far next time, and if contact with it comes up again, I seriously hope to allow it to take me somewhere, or show me what it wants, because it has happened too many times to ignore, and the feeling is so familiar each time..

Yeah it is welcome at the wedding, by me at least, but an ancient entity that dwells in a tree and other dimensions might freak my girl out a little, so HE will have to play it cool.
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#7 Posted : 1/24/2011 5:24:00 PM

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That's a beautiful experience from the sounds of things mate.

As far as the entity thing goes, I haven't been that far with aya yet, but I know that recently I had smoked one of these chemical smoke blends (not k2 but similar), after a beer, and the voice was in my head and seemed like not mine, or a voice of mine that was becoming aware/angry of the illusion(of reality). It was really unnerving, as I just started to doubt everything I did, wondering who I was and why I was doing it. Really negative, I had to shut it up and fight it off with just as strange a voice of reason. And this came out of nowhere on me, but was felt really strong.

Since then I've tried to be prepared for having thoughts that seem distant from myself, especially when taking psychedelics. But I feel it's more like consciousness/awareness just bending in unusual ways. Perhaps at one time not everyone had a voice of reason in their head, it might have felt like an entity was near while thinking.

Salvia wanted to take me somewhere too, and I couldn't let go, was fighting so hard, feeling so much pain, I can't imagine what would have been revealed had I gone with it. When I came to, I knew, without a doubt, that I was sooooo thrilled to be living.

edit: been doing some reading, and I think what I'm referring to above, voice in my head. Not sure if it relates as much as I first assumed. I think I just experienced depersonalization, which is common in k2 type overdoses.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
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