Was it LSD?SWIM tried LSD a total of maybe 30 times in the last two years and has never had such a powerful experience. Almost every time it would be empty blotter, very weak, or an obvious RC.
Characteristic effects:It is as if he experienced LSD for the first time: metallic taste, dilated pupils, music, color, and taste enhancement, 8hrs, positive change in body image, and everything perfectly fitting the effects of LSD, including the visual effects. SWIM is still in disbelief that he has found LSD in the US, but there's nothing to indicate otherwise.
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Preparation:set: SWIM had no obligations, worries, depression, or trauma
setting: SWIM had the perfect setting, comfortable, warm, open, and in the company of a trusted friend
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Lessons:1. SWIM is capable of anything; attitude is everything.
2. Having love for oneself is the first step in giving love to others.
3. Colors are so beautiful. To think he could spend a single day without being in awe of the beauty that is color is mind-boggeling.
4. Set and Setting are infinitely important. SWIM had experienced mushrooms, mescaline, pharmahuasca, salvia and has never had such a positive experience before this LSD.
5. In order to maximize the long term benefits of the psychedelic experience, one foot should be grounded in reality. When SWIM has a problem in his life, it is always brought under attention and scrutiny under the use of psychedelics. In order to induce such states of utter bliss, one cannot live in a piss-stained trailer and be unemployed.
6. Life is too short for insecurities.
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Difficulty incorporating lessons into reality:Now, two days after the experience, SWIM is overwhelmed.
Since the experience, every action induces a unusual sense of bliss: showering, eating, listening to music, talking. During his experience, he was so happy, clever, jovial, full of energy, love, and life, so aware of the precioussness and beauty of life and existence. There was hardly a minute in those 8hrs when SWIM did not have a smile on his face. He was so sad to leave the space; he wanted it to last forever.
Right now, he wants to do everything: learn to paint, play musical instruments, meditate, cook, understand physics, and spread his love. It is overwhelming. He has never felt like this in his life, and is very afraid that the mindset may one day dissipate. And on top of that, the urge to use any drugs besides psychedelics is gone. AND, tripping every day is also unappealing; having time to incorporate these lessons into reality seems prudent.
Now, off to buy a flute.
Raja Ram simply blew my mind.
I am here
(1) For increased personal power, intellectual understanding, sharpened insight into self and culture, improvement of life situation, accelerated learning, professional growth.
(2) For duty, help of others, providing care, rehabilitation, rebirth for fellow men.
(3) For fun, sensuous enjoyment, aesthetic pleasure, interpersonal closeness, pure experience.
(4) For transcendence, liberation from ego and space-time limits; attainment of mystical union.