Fellow mind travelers.
I am beginning to go deeper into the DMT 'world' the more times I smoke it.
Here are a few things I've found out from my experiences. Maybe I'm not alone with those.
With my dear friend J. I smoke usually with music. Preferably Boards of Canada, these warm analog sounds are far more colorful than any other (colder felt) music. I never listen to 'driving' stuff, like dance or the often used tribe stuff.
The music seem to form the colorful visuals I have with smoked DMT, it feels like if the music bumps into the DMT and sets those visuals free.
This is intensified with warm light from an old style bulb (not the energy safe-ing bulbs with the white light) or similar 'warm' light. Under daylight the colors of the visuals are not so intense.
Btw. with visuals I mean the 'electric Sheep' stuff.(surely far beyond that) Patterns, Growing/Shrinking stuff, Kaleidoscopes, aso.
This doesn't mean I don't have Hyperspace experiences, it seems the entities fit with the music as well and kind of dance/move to the sound and show their things that way. Btw. the music doesn't sound as usual, its more like it sounds to the movements of the beings.
---I know that sounds weird--- But you know what's it like to describe those things

Anyway, I found that if I smoke in total silence the experience is lacking most of the intense/colored visuals, the whole experience is much more like a dream which becomes real. I am much more away into the hyperspace and live the other dimension more thoroughly.
Therefore I get very clear teachings of the 'other world' and found the entities are often children. One seems to be the spirit of my oldest daughter. (9yrs.)- who is still alive btw. (but something special) I often have encounters with (adult) female entities, too.
Well sadly it seems I remember less of those far journeys than from the colorful, music (driven) ones. But this is maybe just an illusion.
What is cool about the music vapes is when I hear the songs sober I get immediately in touch with the visions and feelings I had under DMT.
Theres much to say, but I am not so sure about many things, so thats all for now I want to share.
For me its a fact that DMT is responsible for our dreams, not only for the spiritual consciousness of ourselves. (spiritual experience, near death experience, birth, death aso.)
Best wishes, cap
Btw. I have never fear once it started and no ego present overall. (Since my extreme Psilohuasca experience a month ago & being into Tolle's teachings.)
But the more there's space between the travels/experiences -the more fears my ego me to do it. (surely it doesn't want to die every time )

LOVE is all there is.