dmt and my damn cat Options
Ellis D'Empty
#21 Posted : 1/4/2011 9:49:56 AM


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Pandora wrote:
Activities that feel (whether they are or not) dangerous, require adult age and consent (at a minimum) and that are known for changing the way we feel/think as well as direct ego attack should always be consumed and administered in an SSC (safe sane and consensual) manner.

One of the tenets of the SSC mindset, one of the very starting points is you don't do these kinds of activities with children, animals or dead people, that is, those who cannot consent. Anything else is inhumane.

Projecting our ideas that our cats might like the DMT experience offends my sensibilities. These are creatures who evolution has assigned the dual role of predator & prey. Just watch a cat carefully. Fear is a big part of its' life. What's the joke? - Just watch a kitten carefully. It clearly thinks about murder a lot.

This is a mental life that is incredibly different from our own. Suggesting that a cat might get something similar out of consuming DMT really makes no sense at all.

I'm sorry, but what do you consider "adult"? How can one determine what a cat/animal likes or doesn't like? I would say, yes, holding the cat down and forcefully blowing any kind of smoke in its face to get it "high" would be "inhumane", as you call it, but when your idly sitting by and take a toke, and your cat happens to wander onto your lap, or hell even if when your blowing out your cat jumps up in the smoke and smells it, then who are you to say "thats wrong" and "it offends you"?

01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.

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The Traveler
#22 Posted : 1/4/2011 1:44:06 PM

"No, seriously"

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Kevyn The Khem wrote:
Pandora wrote:
Activities that feel (whether they are or not) dangerous, require adult age and consent (at a minimum) and that are known for changing the way we feel/think as well as direct ego attack should always be consumed and administered in an SSC (safe sane and consensual) manner.

One of the tenets of the SSC mindset, one of the very starting points is you don't do these kinds of activities with children, animals or dead people, that is, those who cannot consent. Anything else is inhumane.

Projecting our ideas that our cats might like the DMT experience offends my sensibilities. These are creatures who evolution has assigned the dual role of predator & prey. Just watch a cat carefully. Fear is a big part of its' life. What's the joke? - Just watch a kitten carefully. It clearly thinks about murder a lot.

This is a mental life that is incredibly different from our own. Suggesting that a cat might get something similar out of consuming DMT really makes no sense at all.

I'm sorry, but what do you consider "adult"? How can one determine what a cat/animal likes or doesn't like? I would say, yes, holding the cat down and forcefully blowing any kind of smoke in its face to get it "high" would be "inhumane", as you call it, but when your idly sitting by and take a toke, and your cat happens to wander onto your lap, or hell even if when your blowing out your cat jumps up in the smoke and smells it, then who are you to say "thats wrong" and "it offends you"?

If my cat would jump up towards the smoke and sniffs it thoroughly I would probably find that funny and laugh about it. If however she goes into a seizure after sniffing that smoke I will probably feel awfull that I got my lovely cat into such trouble.

Then again, she never jumped up to smell the smoke and after sniffing the GVG she never showed any sign of discomfort. I also never blow the smoke in her direction, I respect her way too much for that.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#23 Posted : 1/4/2011 3:06:18 PM
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pandora wrote:
This is a mental life that is incredibly different from our own. Suggesting that a cat might get something similar out of consuming DMT really makes no sense at all.
I'm not sure if this was in reference to my statement or not, but seeing as mine was a little ambiguous I just want to clear it up.
I am not saying cats will learn from experiencing DMT themselves, but that watching a human experiencing drastic states of consciousness could peak their own interests and they learn by watching, not by doing. Sort of like a contact high.

Whenever I take psychedelics there's a noticeable change in my cats personality and actions (and I'm sure it's more than just my altered perception!) They always become extremely interested in me, I believe they are attempting to understand why I'm acting so strange.
Cats are pretty smart and curious creatures.
Disclaimer: All Entheogens and other research materials are not for Human consumption! I have researched by text the effects of consuming such things in case of accidental consumption. I have never actually consumed any of the materials I speak about and it should be assumed I'm speaking hypothetically. I have a wild imagination.
#24 Posted : 1/4/2011 3:41:41 PM

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I have reviewed my response and I do not feel it was overboard. I feel it needed to be said. There is a lot of diversity of thinking, belief and opinions as well as age and experience here. Sometimes it is just good to state things outright. I don't actually think that there are many of the 8,500+ members here who would intentionally try to alter their cat's consciousness using exogenous DMT. Most cat lovers who just watch can see that cats are partially in hyperspace 24/7 au natural. Clearly they are not having any problems with regular endogenous release. But I really do worry. I have seen some really crazy, stuff and heard some really crazy ideas thus far in my life and the idea of someone intentionally and forcefully dosing their cat with powerful mind altering drugs does not seem out of the realm of possibility, it even seems fairly probable given a large amount of people . . . . face it, there's a decent percentage of folks who would think something like that is funny.

Electric.Sight, thanks for the clarification. I really appreciated it. And, my cats do the exact same thing.

If the cat truly and authentically seeks the smoke/vapor and its' not just the user trying to be funny or mean, who am I to say, "Bad kitty?"

If one is exhaling in a direction INTENTIONALLY away from the cat and the cat walks into the stream, hey, what can you do? Other than quickly aim the stream straight up. Although unlikely, I admit that it might be possible that perfectly vaporized DMT in a Vaporgenie with a changa blend that uses marijuana, hops (does anyone do this) or catnip (anyone) might potentially be irresistable to a cat, just due to the draw of the essential oils. I also admit that it might be possible that even if they aren't getting the pull of these things they might even like the smell of the changa vapor.

I have 6 cats and we share a small living area. They have smelled burned DMT, vaped DMT and various changa blends, all by accident. When given free reign two of them show mild interest in a loaded DMT pipe that has had no hits taken off of it and that is full of changa.

I no longer exhale in any direction other than straight up. Even then there's no 100% guarantee that a cat on the top of a tower won't catch a whiff. Although almost all of my cats show some degree of interest in me when I trip and I have had as many as 4 of them gather around me while I was deeply in hyperspace, I sincerely believe that the great majority of felines do not like or want DMT vapor or smoke and would get nothing but fear/terror from a full-blown experience.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#25 Posted : 1/4/2011 6:44:24 PM
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Purposely dosing an animal IMO is cruel. It's basically the same thing as dosing another human without them knowing, I could only imagine how horrible that would be! Humans have the luxury of deciding to ingest psychoative substances and the ability to research the effects so we at least have an idea what to expect.
Animals don't have this luxury and I think it could potentially be a very traumatic experience for them.
Disclaimer: All Entheogens and other research materials are not for Human consumption! I have researched by text the effects of consuming such things in case of accidental consumption. I have never actually consumed any of the materials I speak about and it should be assumed I'm speaking hypothetically. I have a wild imagination.
Ellis D'Empty
#26 Posted : 1/4/2011 8:02:08 PM


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Pandora wrote:
I don't actually think that there are many of the 8,500+ members here who would intentionally try to alter their cat's consciousness using exogenous DMT. . . . . face it, there's a decent percentage of folks who would think something like that is funny.

I agree with it all, dosing anything or anyone without knowing is terrible and mean, and just shouldn't be done. But sure, there are those that do (mostly kids) and think its funny... but if you recognize people here "most likely don't" theres no real need to say anything of this nature. I mean, say someone does, you think they are smart enough to read and listen to you? I don't.

Let me say again, that I totally agree, just don't like the way you came out and said it (no offense, thats just me)

I don't have any animals, I will in the future, and I won't be blowing any kind of smoke in their face.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#27 Posted : 1/4/2011 8:14:14 PM

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Fair enough. I'd be the first to admit I am a crazy cat lady and one of my missions is saving ferals. I feel very, very close and a great affinity to felines. Also, I am concerned about harm reduction, not just for humans but for all beings. If my response seemed vehement or inappropriate, I respect your opinion. But, I stand by what I said, and when I perceive something as wrong or wonky (whether it is or not) I AM going to speak up. Every single time. Probably a couple days after I am a stinking corpse too.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#28 Posted : 1/5/2011 1:02:18 AM

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It has been my experience through the years that some animals,pets, like getting high and some dont. My girlfriends cat will get right in the middle of a joint being passed around , head in the air sniffing. My cat will get up and go someplace else. Most of my launches he does act peculiar when in the room, such as inspecting the room, closet and staring into the corners of the ceiling . I think he just likes screwing with me!Razz I have gotten used to him being my feline

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order..Jung
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#29 Posted : 1/5/2011 11:40:27 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I think cat's see auras

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#30 Posted : 1/11/2011 2:13:48 AM

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This belongs here:

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olympus mon
#31 Posted : 1/11/2011 5:44:01 AM

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Niles- thats so freaking sweet!!! thank you for sharing this. you have a link for that image?
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#32 Posted : 1/11/2011 6:48:10 AM
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one time i was on a very rough trip (my friend also tripping had something come up and had to leave. so he let me stay at his house until he came back and i was freaking in someones house alone on acid) and his cat jumped on my lap as i was in almost lsd hyperspace on the couch. i think he just saw i was uncomfortable and he wanted to help. hes probably the coolest cat ever. if he was a human, hed be a lazy pothead.Very happy Wut?
#33 Posted : 1/11/2011 8:25:09 AM

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I'd like to retract any previous explanations I made and stick with my original posts. I wouldn't put anything past anyone these days. In the past week we have had some interesting posts in chat, including a couple of people who claim to extract in the nude and one who claimed to have burned his penis with NaOH! When instructed to add vinegar and rinse thoroughly he claimed he would "just ride this one out. . . . ." Surprised. A young man who claimed to be very experienced with healing but who was dealing with an accidentally self-inflicted wound that was superating and not supporting a loose dry bandage, i.e. that was integrating the bandage into the wound as the skin tried to heal over it. Claimed he called his doctor and was told this was normal. These are two mild, yet relevant examples. There have been others.

Shocked Confused

With this level of imo, questionable judgement in a diverse community, it behooves saying things like what I said. It behooves saying them over and over and over and over.

It never ceases to amaze me what people will imagine, think of and try, especially with their own body parts and pets. Some things just strike me as as somewhere between not too bright and downright mean/cruel. Fine if you are an adult and making decisions that only affect your own body space. Have at it! I'll even fight for your right to do so at the next Libertarian rally!

If your cat runs to you and actively sticks its head in your smoke stream, who am I or anyone else to say otherwise? But, I think if we are completely honest, we understand how incredibly rare such a behavior might be from a being with such a highly enhanced sense of smell. Please don't give DMT hits to your cat. Not even accidentally.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#34 Posted : 1/11/2011 9:14:00 AM

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When I first read this thread I had a strong sense of dejavu, since then its been haunting me as to why???

Finaly I remember
#35 Posted : 1/11/2011 11:52:45 AM
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I remember reading about DMT tests being done on cats (cant remember the link) and also a study of LSD on dogs, disgusting imo

#36 Posted : 1/11/2011 11:53:27 AM

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Pandora wrote:
Please don't give DMT hits to your cat. Not even accidentally.

I don't think anyone in this thread is advocating giving animals dmt. I read your earlier posts and I think your original position is a little over the top. While I agree that people shouldn't expose their animals to dangerous situations and definitely shouldn't try to get them high, I don't think that we need their permission to live our lives in the manner we choose.
I have a question for you: The air in most cities is arguably more toxic than an the occasional exhaled hit of dmt (most of which has been absorbed by the lungs). Would you have people who live in cities not have pets? Are you sure that everything in reach of you cat that it might chose to chew on is non toxic? Are you sure that the water you give your cat is free of chemicals that might eventually build up and damage it in some way? Do you make all of your cats meals from scratch, from painstakingly sourced ingredients?

Another example:
If you overheat an empty nonstick pan in an unventilated room you can easily kill a pet bird, even in another room in the house. Most people don't have that sort of accident, but sometimes it happens. People can even get sick from it. Should people who have pet birds not use nonstick cookware?

And yeah, I know I'm being a bit over the top here, but that's the vibe I get from your posts (on this topic). I'm an animal lover. I make my living taking care of animals.
One of the few memories I have from my teen years that makes my brain engage in homicidal ideation (even after all these years) is the one where my pseudo-cousin (by marriage) bragged about getting a cat high on pcp. "He's never been the same! Ha Ha! He's insane! Ha Ha! Look at him go!" as the cat, obviously neurologically damaged, stumbled by in a panic.
I'm still filled with rage when that comes to mind.

So yeah, there are idiots out there who would hurt their animals, but I'm not one of them and I doubt any of the people posting in this thread are. This thread is about cats showing up willingly and being interested in the state of their altered people.
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#37 Posted : 1/12/2011 2:36:23 PM


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I thought we were all simply discussing some sort of psychological transference which happens between the human & the cat when the human smokes DMT. This is much more interesting than directions of smoke blowing & animal cruelty intentions - no one is suggesting abusing cats.

My cats stare penetrates my soul - looking into the eyes of any animal is very profound - their mental state is another one of the great mysteries, like the opposite sex, why something rather than nothing, why so specific for that matter & of course, wtf is DMT?
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#38 Posted : 1/12/2011 5:36:04 PM

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I have two cats. One of them can't be arsed to hang around when smoking and usually spends his time elsewhere. The other cat, as stated above, will bang on the door until let in the room and hang out until the night is done...every time. Jumping onto the lap etc when normally she stays fairly clear of any similar situation preferring to be by herself.

Anyone who doses and animal is a fool I think we can all agree. If the cat likes to hang around I'm certainly not going to boot it out (I might boot out a kitten though).
#39 Posted : 1/13/2011 1:23:09 AM

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cave paintings wrote:

In Ancient Babylon, the cat was believed to be a host for certain holy human souls after death. The soul stayed in the cat as long as the cat lived & only in this way could the soul gain entry to Paradise.
Buddhists, Burmese & Siamese cultures had similar beliefs. In ancient Japan, certain cats were believed to hold the soul of an ancestor & were considered priceless.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the cat brought prosperity & health, long life & beautiful old age.

Sacred cats kept in a sanctuary in ancient Egypt were carefully tended by priests who watched them day and night. The priests interpreted the cat's movements - twitch of a whisker, yawn or stretch - into a prediction of an event that would happen in the future.

Gnostic belief held that the cat sat in the Garden of Eden and guarded a certain tree with it's life, perhaps the tree known by Christians as the tree of life. This tree, known as the Persea tree, is also mentioned in an Egyptian papyrus, with the Egyptian Sun-God Ra proclaiming that : 'I am the Great Cat which fought hard by the Persea tree.' The depiction in the Bible of Satan as a snake suggests that the cat may have been guarding the tree from the serpent - a role that is reflected in Egyptian mythology. The cat was said to have knowledge of both good and evil without representing either. In this way, the cat represents balance and wisdom. The cats role as protector is a repeated motif in many myths and legends.

The cat was thought of by the ancient Egyptians as a protection against snakes, which were feared because of their poison. The cat goddess Mafdet, was thought to protect the Pharoh against serpents in the royal palace. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Ra (known as Mau) is depicted as a cat slaying a huge python, Apep, which represnts darkness. In this way, the cat and serpent represented the struggle between light and darkness, with the Sun-God Ra being victorious with the slaying of the serpent.

Although the cat and snake are often seen as adversaries in Egytptian mythology, both cat and serpent were seen to work together to carry out Ra's bidding and create balance, thus good and evil, light and darkness, the physical and spiritual aspects of the whole - coming toether in a state of balance and perfection. Both cat and snake also symbolise eternity, echoed in the cats curl and the snake holding it's tail in its mouth (as in Midgardsorm, the World Serpent of Norse legend), both describing a circle without end.

Bast, Bastet or Pasht was the Egyptian cat-headed goddess whose cult lasted for thousands of years. Her city was Bubastis and housed statutes and a sacred shrine admist a grove of trees. Worshippers came from afar to attend her annual festival in the city, during which time her image was transported upon a barge towards the city, accompanied by dancing, singing and drinking - ending in sacrifices being made when the destination was reached. Bast was the daughter of Isis and Ra, her colours were silver and purple and she represents the moon, fire, fertility, music and nurturing of children.

The cats link to witchcraft is evident in Classical Greece and its association to the goddess Hecate, guardian of the Underworld. Her symbol was the black cat and her followers left offerings at crossroads, which were thought to be guarded by black cats, in the hope that she would bestow good fortune upon them.

Some interesting information I just found.
From personal experience, I have been told of my friends cat wigging out whilst they were bemushroomed, the cat acting faar stranger than normal.

My mind when in this direction immediately as well.

Also, here, and in other reports, there have been strong Egyptian themes in their travels. Can't help but wonder if there is some correlation. Did the ancients understand some connection? To-day we have only a few years of reports and experimentation available to us. Over the long span of Egyptian civilization - could spice, or another have opened doors for them? Could they have found a symbiotic relation with certain species and held them in high regard? Could we be visiting our past Egyptian incarnations? Well, who knows.


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#40 Posted : 1/14/2011 12:16:18 AM


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Thanks everyone for making such a big deal out of this....they just scheduled catnip.....

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