I have always had a sound/color, number/color and letter/color association ever since I was a kid.
It was how I taught myself to play the piano. I never bothered with sheet music, I'd just watch the colors I heard in a song and smash around keys until I figured it out. It was a mental/intuitive thing.
Certain letters, numbers, and numerical combinations have always been very specific colors to me. Also, when I was a kid, I used to be the person everyone laughed at, because every time we played Around The World, I would relentlessly loop through everyone in the classroom two or three times before having to sit down. I performed basic addition and subtraction astronomically faster than most of my peers. (*Synaesthesia didn't work for algebra, and that was when I ran from the sciences screaming...

It does apparently happen to a percentage of people. Cannabis has always been amazing for listening to music because it enhances what feels like the natural synaesthesia I experienced; other psychedelics, like Ayahuasca, mushrooms, and DMT, however, seem to give me visions independent of external stimulus that feel very much like something else.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test