The culmination of tounges 12/23/10 Options
#1 Posted : 1/7/2011 4:31:22 PM


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I have been working with the spice since july of 08.
In july of 10 I experienced the spontaneous mouthing of tounge movements and clicks with every so often speaking intelligable english words but in a voice not my usual.

So sice july it happened like every 2 or 3 launches. It would be different types of entities requesting different "songs" for me to perform.
While I was doing it i always new what came next. Like it was a part of my programming that was being activated. like they were searching for beings that could "sing" these songs.

So i became quite comfortable in this role, even at times being bored of the experience (when the entities seemed of a lower order than others that I had come across.

So comes the 12/23/10 launch...

By the way it ws this launch as well as a web page that I had read just 2 days before that confirmed that the 2012 window is wide open.

I had brought the spice to a very spiritual friend that had not tried it yet. After she went she was like "your turn". I normally launch by myself because I never know what is going to happen to me and I don't like the feeling of people worrying around me. But I said ok.

After the first hit I felt the presence of many beings around me giving me their support and ushering me along.

From that point I have no clue what was happening.
I was experienceing a space that changed according to how I adjusted my being.
Then I realized that I was that I was that space. But Iwas not alone.

Then realization began to take hold, I was that place, i was everyplace, I was through time.

The tounge speaking took on a fevered intensity. My tounge was flipping and clicking at an inhuman speed.

I began to scream out "Holy Fucking Shit!!" Not in my voice but a voice of the being that was being reborn into this world for the first
in thousands of years.

What I knew in that instance was that in the ancient past advanced beings set into motion circumstances that would lead to vessels being born thousands of years into the future that would be fitting vehicles for their cinsciousness to be reborn into.

I was destined to that moment and to many more moments that are to come and are a part of humanitys ascencion.

does this vibe with anyone? After years of spice work I still can not believe how completely blown I can still be when I return from a trip.
This time I am humbled beyonf belief. Humbled yet so secure in what I am to do and what the destiny of humanity with Gaia Sophia.

When It was over and when I could talk again ( some 30 minutes after landing) i look at my friends to see shock and awe all over their faces. They were like "you should launch in public as a performace peice"

I could really use some feedback from anyone that has experienced the tounge flipping, clicking, throat streching, type liguistic utterances.

in metta,
universal harmonic resonance in servie to Gaia Sophia

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#2 Posted : 1/7/2011 5:06:52 PM

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The only way I can kinda relate to the whole tongue thing is the first time I took pharma during my quite elongated state of sheer ecstasy, I felt compelled to sing. Not like a song. Just that if I breathed deeply enough, my vocal chords would start resonating. So I decided to encourage the situation by singing pretty much whatever note my body felt compelled to put out. It was very soothing and relaxing, yet energizing at the same time. The only other thing is that my body can sometimes have these semi-involuntary movements. They're semi-involuntary because they do it on their own, but I can easily stop it if I wish. For example, when listening to music (especially music with a definitive beat or groove) my body will involuntarily start moving to the music in oscillations. Whether it be my head (not like headbanging, this is quite different), or if I stop my head my hands will start oscillating, or if I stop them my feet might start doing it. Never had any tongue-related experience though.
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#3 Posted : 1/8/2011 10:09:14 AM

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It's a mad and amazing feeling, isn't it?

Interestingly enough, two Christmases ago, I had my first and only experience with pure tongues. It felt like some hard structure inside my brain that was language dissolved like a limp noodle and started to vibrate, and the pure POTENTIAL of sound flowed out of me. It was insanely ecstatic, and once it was over, the rational part of my brain refused to believe it happened.

So powerful. Smile Happy for you! Thanks for sharing!
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#4 Posted : 1/8/2011 10:25:45 AM
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awnoka wrote:

This time I am humbled beyond belief. Humbled yet so secure in what I am to do and what the destiny of humanity with Gaia Sophia.

This is the molecules purpose in my eyes...
#5 Posted : 1/8/2011 11:39:00 AM

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You know its kinda funny I introduced a friend to dmt the other day (who had never read any dmt trip report and only heard about it from a mutual friend who didnt explain too much) and he came back saying "They taught me a word in Their language, "Na-ne-ah", and then they showed me a place from my childhood and said whenever I wanna contact Them, I just need to use this secret key word and think of that place".

Its very interesting this whole language thing. Is it really some sort of ancient/secret language? Is it DMT being active in our brain's language/speech areas? Is it some kind of meta-cognition about the structure of languages themselves? Who knows, but either way its fascinating that this 'speaking in tongues' phenomenon happens reasonably often with some psychedelics.

Unrelated but was also very interesting this friend talked about 'clowns', and we had never mentioned to him anything related to this typical dmt archetype. How can it be that to people that have not been suggested, to face all these phenomenons.. I mean, speaking in tongue one could maybe argue this brain language thing, but clowns? Surely clowns cant be contained inside the chemical molecule, and surely we dont have a specific area of the brain for clowns... Weeeeird Very happy
#6 Posted : 1/8/2011 12:09:22 PM
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I definitely think that language, specifically evolution of language is a huge part of our human evolution

In a way we have recently evolved with our level of communication not so much our physical bodies, the printed word, the press, the postal service, the telephone service, the internet, its all our evolution of communication & its snowballing extremely fast.

I feel that the next levels will be moving into telepathic communication & moving away from vocalizing words, so more into feelings and intuition, one day, or even maybe already, our eyes communicate more than our mouths.
#7 Posted : 1/8/2011 3:40:38 PM

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What I knew in that instance was that in the ancient past advanced beings set into motion
circumstances that would lead to vessels being born
thousands of years into the future that would be
fitting vehicles for their cinsciousness to be reborn into.

I'd like to hear more about this . It s a very interesting
Concept .
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