This is the first time writing a report in a long time, and I feel like I HAVE to document it, as Robert Walton documents his harrowing experience with young Dr Frankenstein, because it's too much to be a memory, and lost like one. But this is no horror story, this is an account of the single most beautiful thing I have ever felt.
45mg took me to a place of impossible beauty. Beauty beyond beauty, for, in this 'place' as a lot of you know, words are meaningless. I could be all poetic and airy but it just defies everything. Defies even me.
I vaped perfectly, I mean, perfectly, and was able to get 5 tokes down, by the last I was unable to do anything but fall onto my big blue cushion. Henceforth my journey cushion

I saw the hole. The flooring was of light, but the lines of the mesh were fewer and far between this time... and of a darker shade... something was different. The hole walls were of the same stuff, and I fancy the mesh may have been flowing into this square maw in spacetime.
Then I was in... what I could even describe as some kind of orgy? Not a sexual one, but sensual. Nothing crude. Beyond that. I was now in a space (within the hole?) and surrounded by females. They certainly had breasts. They were made of pure energy and impossible patterns and colours, now at their absolute brightest. (Total darkness helps me see their universe as it is, made of this stuff, light just introduces physical normal stuff from reality, I prefer it without that) They swam in space above me, below me, flowing against me, past me, towards me, smiling, they know I like it. "Don't stop".
They don't. They keep at it, the feeling within me is uncontainable... somehow I can speak (Normally I can't say anything at this dose). "You're beautiful! You're so beautiful.....!!!"
What I felt was this:
All things, every care, every thought, every person, everything, did not matter to me. I was myself here, outside the shell of my body, and I never felt so good. The very core of my being, in this state, does not have any problems. Does not care about ANYTHING. Including itself. Including this sensation it is feeling. Thought is meaningless. Only this feeling matters, this place, this bliss, these women/beings/angels.... smiling fucking beautiful bastards.
It fades.... I start to get dragged back... New patterns form, without angles or corners, fluid, like never before on dmt. "Don't let me go". My body doesent like that. I get dragged. "No!.... for fucks sake. Let me stay!" I literally said these things and by god did I mean them.
But I couldn't stay... Bastard. I felt so pissed off to be back here in this reality with boundaries and a lack of that feeling. The memory fades, I adjust, born here again, and I wonder if it was real. Did that really feel so good? Can I remember it fully? No.
As usual, it's but a fragment of a dream.
Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.