Just a bit of an update from ground control:
First time with caapi used to potentiate freebase was a success. It extended the trip, which is what I was looking for, plus it enabled me to examine what was going on a bit more (not like I have any clue as to what this stuff we call DMT is, but more of a clue than freebase alone). I had a great night, smoking throughout to keep me in the zone. Caapi was amazing to help hold back the curtain. The whole night did what DMT so often does to me: leave me with more questions. Smoking with an MAOI gave me many more questions and the overall night left me baffled and determined to go deeper.
Next night. I dissolve an unweighed amount of freebase in a shot of grapefruit juice. I take two shots of caapi, wait ten minutes or so, then take the shot of dissolved freebase. A few minutes after that I take a small hit from the GVG. I lay back, feeling a bit ill . . . The next hour or so (I'm not looking at a clock, but I started at nine at night) is spent lying in bed not enjoying this feeling at all, vowing not to try pharma again . . . but I never purged . . .
I Decide to watch a movie to change my mindset. I watch The Office, and I'm glad I did. Turned out to be just the thing I needed. I felt much better a few minutes into it and went to get my "tools" (GVG, torch lighter with refill container, and my vial of spice. And my blanket.) and took periodic hits. Time spent watching the movie was time spent laughing and feeling great joy and connection and appreciation for everyone in my life and all parts of my life . . . your basic catharsis.
After the movie, and partway into another one, I decided to take a shower. So I puffed on the GVG a few times and went to shower. Now it was your classic rebirth as I stripped away the layers of clothing and stood electric before the mirror.
I spent the rest of the night in bed, in the dark, occasionally hitting the GVG as I relived and reviewed various parts of my life. But as 5 in the morning loomed it was like, "Okay, whew, I need to sleep . . . " I think I dosed somewhat around six in the morning, but I was up like clockwork at 7:30 to begin my day (starting with tending to my dog). I'd planned on just testing the waters and wound up on an eight hour ride. Very happy I did, though.
After that trip I took a break for five days or so. I was called back. This time I did freebase alone, without any apprehension at all for the first time. That was a big problem for me my first several trips, the anxiety, but after the night spent with pharma I no longer have ANY nervousness about DMT. I go into without fear or hesitation. But with great awe and respect, believe that.
I spent another 3 days in a row working with the spice, the last of which being another oral dose, but more, and I went deeper (communing with my dead brother, uninhibited laughing and crying, y'know, that kind of thing), and puked for the first time, but not unpleasantly, and only a little bit as I ate very little the day of (and only during the first hour before things got rolling).
Took another five day break, but yesterday I felt compelled to come back (been seeing closed eye visuals including perhaps self-generated far off shadow things with long long arms waving like, "All right, breaks over, we have work to do!"
and so tonight I plan another deep journey with pharma and freebase, going further (to be read, Ingesting More DMT) and hopefully putting together a proper trip report at some point. GVG's all clean and ready, my night is of course free (as are my days), I haven't eaten for a good six hours (I'll have a bowl of cereal probably three hours before liftoff), and I am full of wonder.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan