in a talking circle a fire is built in the center of a stone or wood circle and the circle is smudged with sage and tobacco...
members sit around the circle and a "talking stick" is passed.
he who has the stick has the floor so to speak.
u dont have to speak upon recieving the stick but it is coustom to state your name and reason for attending.
anything may be spoken of but i have found good talking circles to be more like philosophers
conference.u may ask for insite into personal problems and issues or just speake about what ever you feel the urge to disscusse.
during this the fire is closely tended and the smoke watched because of the belief that fire is one of the "higher" or "grandfather" teachers and smoke a carrier of lessons and prayers?
at times the medicine man or shaman will ask someone to talk on what they are thinking or feeling because the smoke is drawn to them.
if u have ever ran around a camp fire wondering how smoke seems to follow u no matter what side u sit on....
doing this is considered a great disrespect, running from the smoke should never be done.
the watering of the eyes is aken to a purge of any kind....
a good and healing thing.
i will only give a brief over view of the sweat lodge being that it is a very sacred thing to me and many people who feel the same way...
an encloser is made similar to a tent but light proof, when the door/flap is closed. I.E pitch black.
For no less than 24 hours, a large bonfire is burned, heating a predetermined number of sacred stones. The number varies based upon the purpose behind the sweat
Once the stones are heated to glowing, participants enter the lodge forming a circle, around a pit dug in the center.
this hole holds the stones.
A sweat consists of usually four rounds, a round being stones brought in and placed in the pit, door closed, and water slowly poured over stones throughout. Round ends when door is opened, to allow cooling and fresh air.
a new round starts when fresh stones from the fire are added and the door reclosed.
my last sweat in volved 42. first round 10 second 7 third 7 last the remainder or so i thought. turns out the sweat was for my upcoming release and held back the three largest stones, representing the past, present, and future, for a surprise 5th round, a "warriors round" they called it...
my god the memories come rushing back.
A sweat lodge is a form of cleansing and a symbolic suffering in behalf of those you love, for their healing and well being. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING FUN!!!
i truely believe that without the proper mind set and intent that this type of expierience could kill you.... it has happened, i know because i have seen first hand.
this is why i was asked to tend the fire for 4 sweats before i was allowed to enter.
to learn from the fire and gain respect for the lesson format.
also much teaching is done by the medicine man, via talking, druming, and singing.
any participant may add to the round so longe as they ask first and are not interupting anybody.
you should also discuss your plans with your dr. because there are risks for people with certain conditions.
i should also be said that the greatest disrespect you could give is to leave the lodge before being told to do so by the shaman.
however if you feel your life is truly in danger let your medicine man know immediatly even if this means interrupting. get as close to earth mother (the ground/floor) and breath very slowly and deeply be sure to get across that your concern is genuine and remain calm.
pray, meditate, do whatever to keep you focused and out of shock.
these by far rank as some of most valuable life lessons and expierences...
but not for the faint of heart.
thanx for reading
if u made it this far you are a champ, and although we may never meet you are also my friend.