Harmala dosage before smoking enhanced leaf? Options
#1 Posted : 1/2/2011 10:03:34 AM
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Swim has 800mg of harmalas that were extracted out of some rue. He would like to know an average dosage to take before smoking some mullein enhanced spice.
Also should he cap the powdered harmala then wait 20mins for it to kick in then smoke the spice?

He doesn't want to waste any of the rue extract.

Help is always appreciated Smile

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#2 Posted : 1/2/2011 12:45:19 PM

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You could take say 20-30mg sublingual, wait 15min then smoke the leaf.
Oral harmala are good for pharma, sublingual works fine for smoked dmt.
#3 Posted : 1/2/2011 7:26:57 PM

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gammagore wrote:
You could take say 20-30mg sublingual, wait 15min then smoke the leaf.
Oral harmala are good for pharma, sublingual works fine for smoked dmt.

SWIM just got some pure Peganum Harmala extract in. Could he use this sublingually too? Or would it be better to smoke some? The supplier says to use 50mg as herbal incense. Only got a little spice left so gotta do it right. Thanks
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#4 Posted : 1/2/2011 8:24:24 PM
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gammagore wrote:
You could take say 20-30mg sublingual, wait 15min then smoke the leaf.
Oral harmala are good for pharma, sublingual works fine for smoked dmt.

If swim took it sublingually would the harmala give him chemical burn under the toungue? Also roughly how long would the whole experience last compared to just vaping enhanced leaf by its own?

#5 Posted : 1/3/2011 8:54:23 PM

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DJ_Truthseek wrote:
SWIM just got some pure Peganum Harmala extract in. Could he use this sublingually too? Or would it be better to smoke some? The supplier says to use 50mg as herbal incense. Only got a little spice left so gotta do it right. Thanks

I see no reason why not to use it sublingual. You could smoke it too, ive made a few changa blends in the past with the addition of harmala extract's(from FVEmbarrased )

kingpin wrote:
If SWIM took it sublingually would the harmala give him chemical burn under the toungue? Also roughly how long would the whole experience last compared to just vaping enhanced leaf by its own?

Yes you will feel some discomfortWink I sotra try not to think about it too much and just get on with it.
Check in the "other" subforum, im sure there are a few threads about sublingual.

The experience lasts a bit longer, say like 8-12 min with a 45min or so comedown, IME.

I said earlier that oral consumption of harmalas are good for oral DMT, but they are good for vaped DMT too, I will often smoke some changa while fully MAOI'ed for pharma. 200mg harmalas should do it for most ppl for oral.

#6 Posted : 1/15/2011 5:09:04 AM

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OK. This just in. Heres SWIM's first experiences with MAOI:

First time. Took 80-90mgs pure Peganum Harmala extract sublingually. Waited 25mins. Loaded pipe 30mgs of spice. 2 hoots, probably smoked only 15mgs. Trip lasted probably twice as long as just with spice. Back to baseline in approximately 15-20 mins. When SWIM smoke just DMT he's base line in under 10mins.

Second Time. 2 days later. Took 200mgs Harmala extract orally. Thought to himself. Might be a little much. Waited 2 and a half hours. (this is where it gets good!) Then one hoot of spice. Didn't even hold it in. We had liftoff! Best one ever! Then he started thinking. 'Oh god how long is this gonna last?' lol. SWIM didn't comedown to baseline for an hour off one little hoot. Amazing.

So my question is how long does this MAOI last? Obviously longer than 3 hours. lol. And interestingly orally worked WAY better than sublingually. I'd almost say sublingually would be a waste. I'll see what happens when SWIM does more testing. Posting trip report soon.
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#7 Posted : 2/16/2011 12:52:54 AM

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Just so you know, the sun is keeping an eye on this thread, and is dearly interested in your experiment.

Do not forget to post if you visualise that you repeat testing. :idea:

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#8 Posted : 2/16/2011 2:21:05 AM

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DJ_Truthseek wrote:
...Took 200mgs Harmala extract orally. Thought to himself. Might be a little much. Waited 2 and a half hours. (this is where it gets good!) Then one hoot of spice. Didn't even hold it in. We had liftoff! Best one ever! Then he started thinking. 'Oh god how long is this gonna last?' lol. SWIM didn't comedown to baseline for an hour off one little hoot. Amazing.

So my question is how long does this MAOI last? Obviously longer than 3 hours. lol. And interestingly orally worked WAY better than sublingually. I'd almost say sublingually would be a waste. I'll see what happens when SWIM does more testing. Posting trip report soon.

Oral-dosed harmalas can last quite a long time – I’ve had pharma journeys that lasted over 7 hours (from time of ingestion to few or no effects). Very high-dose oral harmalas can last even longer (12+ hours?), but I don’t have any experience with such high doses.
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