F**k DMT Options
#61 Posted : 12/24/2010 6:11:12 AM
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Not to derail, but to bring it back to what somebody was saying about frequent tripping- I believe this to be a relative matter.

When I trip, I trip often. Several times a week perhaps. For what I am trying to get out of it, which is usually an artistic achievement, it seemingly never fails. It dissolves the critical faculties and allows creativity to flow with ease.

Sure, I can channel creativity and still be productive without spice, but sometimes there's not much reason to. DMT is a tool that seems to enhance a session without fail, and can very often turn a slow-going day in to one of extreme progress. Also, integration is usually quite a fast process this way, since the revelations are documented in song as they come, and are then revisited many times over through the refinement process of writing.

Of course, I'm not talking about breakthrough doses here- just enough to heighten one's creative senses enough to get some great stuff flowing. It's not always necessary though, it depends on what phase of creation one is at and what they're trying to accomplish I suppose. It's also essential to see things in a non-altered state for objective clarity. It's all about finding a balance, which is relative to the individual and their needs.

In the right volumes though, psychedelics assist the artist's state of mind very well. In fact, I actually believe that the artistic brain is naturally psychedelic, and that DMT is probably an important biological component of these states to begin with. A bit of supplementation only supports this kind of work, if you ask me.
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#62 Posted : 12/24/2010 6:45:43 AM

No.. that can't be...

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I have noticed long after my last spice session that my creative processes especially with music and oddly enough the writing of Verilog hardware description language for digital circuits just have been flowing with much more ease. I took a long break from psychedelics and tried DMT for the first time in June. I have had several journeys from then until about September. I have not taken any DMT since then because of schedule conflicts. I am just too damn busy lately. Good news for this compulsive as hell guy is that I am not compelled to recklessly use spice.

I notice after I play guitar for a while (like 1 hour) that I tend to have faint visual images that feel almost live (like I am standing in their midst) of plants and flowers.

Also I have taken up learning Spanish as well for no reason other than I want to.

What is this all about?
Everything mentioned herein has been deemed by our staff of expert psychiatrists to be the delusional rantings of a madman who has been treated with Thorazine who is hospitalized within the confines of our locked facility. This patient sometimes requires the application of 6 point leather restraints and electrodes at the temples to break his delusions. Therefore, take everything mentioned above with a grain of salt...
#63 Posted : 12/24/2010 8:01:18 AM


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"I notice after I play guitar for a while (like 1 hour) that I tend to have faint visual images that feel almost live (like I am standing in their midst) of plants and flowers."

That's because you're doing the best meditation ever !
Ellis D'Empty
#64 Posted : 12/24/2010 9:16:28 PM


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It seems as if this "joe" is a troll, and everyone here continues to walk his bridge....

Thanks, this thread made me laugh Smile

Sorry, posted to soon xD And then it gets stolen Smile Very nice xD

I trip all the time. Not exactly on DMT (mostly because I don't have a GVG ^^) but on LSD, and I do it because I like to, and I can. Who's to say that I can't? Or that it's "wrong" or "abuse" other than myself? As You don't know me. Who are you to say what I can(t) do?
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#65 Posted : 12/24/2010 10:05:03 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Kevyn The Khem wrote:
It seems as if this "joe" is a troll

Joe used to post very interesting and insightful things before his initial falling out with spice. He is by no means a troll and it brings me sorrow and pain to see such an individual doing this to himself. That being said, Joe made a choice, granted a choice that I was shocked to hear about after his last "fuck dmt" thread (seriously, I'm fairly surprised he took pharma again...and expected a pleasant little psychedelic jaunt no less!) and this thread is the offspin of that choice. I feel tremendous sorrow for Joe and hope that he finally sees what he's doing to himself in these situations.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#66 Posted : 12/25/2010 9:04:12 PM
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Tangarine_Dreams wrote:
i charge 10$ for the experience of my hours of education, 50mg of spice, and 3-4hrs of my time doing it with you. and half the time i dont even ask for that, just enough times to buy more bark.

#67 Posted : 1/1/2011 6:44:55 PM

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for whatever its worth i think he speaks the truth. However given my inquisitive nature i will continue to do this evil addictive drug. Ladies and gentlemen, dmt is nothing short of the apple in the garden of eden that god specifically said NOT to partake of. It is evil in nature, deal with it, however it is also the most enlightening fruit, drug, portal between mankind and the gods.
#68 Posted : 1/1/2011 6:52:05 PM


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skinwalker wrote:
It is evil in nature, deal with it, however it is also the most enlightening fruit, drug, portal between mankind and the gods.

shut up man...
Ice House
#69 Posted : 1/1/2011 8:02:39 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
this evil addictive drug.


Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#70 Posted : 1/1/2011 8:10:31 PM

Got Naloxone?

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This thread sucks in every possible way. joebono - tortured soul. Tangerine_Dream, wtf, then not permitted to publicly "explain himself," - probably couldn't anyway.

And now this stuff.

Everything that was GOOD about the actual recent troll thread "The portal to the other worlds is still open; smells like trouble" is lacking from this, authentic thread.

What do I mean? The troll thread brought out the ABSOLUTE BEST in Nexian responses. Look at House's response #26. PURE enlightenment. Look at how patient endlessness is with this character - his patience is endless. Etc., etc. I'm sorry fwaggle chose to delete his responses, they were provocative, entertaining and brought the BEST out in folks.

This thread is ugly and has shown only the worst in people. Given that I feel it is an authentic cry from a truly tortured soul, I find that particularly tragic.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#71 Posted : 1/1/2011 9:05:08 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
for whatever its worth i think he speaks the truth. However given my inquisitive nature i will continue to do this evil addictive drug. Ladies and gentlemen, dmt is nothing short of the apple in the garden of eden that god specifically said NOT to partake of. It is evil in nature, deal with it, however it is also the most enlightening fruit, drug, portal between mankind and the gods.

You should keep those opinions to yourself. In my opinion only a true loser could call dmt evil and addictive. AND YOU WRITE IT IN DMT FORUM?
Your mind makes DMT evil, so check yourself before saying something about such a thing.

#72 Posted : 1/1/2011 9:32:10 PM
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i wonder how long people will continue to post here, joebono hasn't posted here since the first page. And i think it's foolish to claim any kind of chemical is evil, you might aswell say a rock is evil with that logic.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#73 Posted : 1/2/2011 4:48:55 PM

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ok crack cocain isnt evil, its good, so is dmt. they are both addictive mind altering drugs (yes i said addictive thats why we all smoke it non-stop).

here how about i replace the word "evil" with "wrong". I dont care how much you like to convince yourself otherwise, smoking dmt is wrong. However i acknowledge and accept it due to the divine knowledge i gain from it. Your making a trade when you smoke it, NOTHING IS FREE. Knowledge is the most valuable commodity we have and imo DMT is raw knowledge, but of course there is a trade off. You all know this is true but likely lie to youselves with ego (that you also pretend you dont have anymore due to angelic dmt).

right, wrong, good, evil, i dont care, i seek divine widsom, i just hope not to corrupt my inner soul too much in the process.

not to be a religious freak (which i'm not)

"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" Genesis/Bible

DMT is that third eye opening fruit in the Garden of Eden that God warned man not eat, DMT is actually the origional sin. Again i'm a hypocrite in my words of warning, because I mayself am addicted to its knowledge bearing fruits.
#74 Posted : 1/2/2011 5:21:57 PM
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skinwalker wrote:
ok crack cocain isnt evil, its good, so is dmt. they are both addictive mind altering drugs (yes i said addictive thats why we all smoke it non-stop).

Addiction can come in two ways, chemically addictive, or habit forming addiction. Biting your fingernails can become a habit formed addiction. DMT has no chemical addiction, i don't smoke DMT. DMT along with anyother substance, rock or whatever is not evil or good. Its just a part of nature. I have no ego for the most part, thats part of you assuming things bassed off a intelligent statement i made, i can't help you like to assume things, maybe you should think more about these things.

Crack, despite your all knowing information, is the base form of cocain, which is not evil, or wrong, or good. Yes, you could consider that making your life all about smoking crack can be considered wrong, but on the other hand, it is possible to smoke freebase in a more controlled manner which wouldn't really be considered wrong, unless its someone like you who thinks chemicals can be evil. Its a hard thing to do with free-base because it is strongly addictive, but a person with strong will power could manage to smoke it once every two months or something like that.

So notice, i'm not saying its not evil because i want to justify my use.....because i have no use, i'm saying chemicals are not evil or good, their just chemicals. Also as a fun little note, DMT can be found in your body without smoking it, does that make you evil?
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#75 Posted : 1/2/2011 5:36:28 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
ok crack cocain isnt evil, its good, so is dmt. they are both addictive mind altering drugs (yes i said addictive thats why we all smoke it non-stop).

here how about i replace the word "evil" with "wrong". I dont care how much you like to convince yourself otherwise, smoking dmt is wrong. However i acknowledge and accept it due to the divine knowledge i gain from it. Your making a trade when you smoke it, NOTHING IS FREE. Knowledge is the most valuable commodity we have and imo DMT is raw knowledge, but of course there is a trade off. You all know this is true but likely lie to youselves with ego (that you also pretend you dont have anymore due to angelic dmt).

right, wrong, good, evil, i dont care, i seek divine widsom, i just hope not to corrupt my inner soul too much in the process.

not to be a religious freak (which i'm not)

"For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" Genesis/Bible

DMT is that third eye opening fruit in the Garden of Eden that God warned man not eat, DMT is actually the origional sin. Again i'm a hypocrite in my words of warning, because I mayself am addicted to its knowledge bearing fruits.

Excuse my lack of fine grammer, but what in the hell are you talking about man? Your confusing your own self generated morals about right and wrong and overlaying them over all of reality

ok dmt is not addictive in the least bit. Most actually claim the opposite, and are quite reluctant to dissolve frequently since it is so intense. And people here clearly do not smoke it "non-stop" like your claiming. Where are you coming up with this shit?

So now are egos are lying to us about it being 'good and not evil' as well as being addictive? No one here is pretending to be egoless do to the "angelic dmt" that they've prescribed to themselves.. again your making baseless wild ass accusations out against the whole community here.

And why does it have to be either good or evil? Why not both? Neither? Or something else? Your living in the stone age man with this "either/or" thinking..I think its clear from peoples experiences that we make it good or evil from how we interpret it, and the neurotransmitter itself appears to be amoral-or doesn't have any moral qualities, because that requires a thinking, breathing, conceptualizing human, being afterall..

you can go ahead and construe your cosmology up and combine dmt with any of the other 10,000 religions and get similar results, so go ahead. Just don't come in here with your personal opinions, present them as truth, and then tell the whole community how we are all deluding ourselves, as it really seems ignorant and comes off as disrespectful

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#76 Posted : 1/2/2011 5:58:27 PM

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exact responses i imagined from the blind dmt cheerleaders here. what do i know?, please forget my earlier opinion. Honestly nevermind. Smile Cool
#77 Posted : 1/2/2011 6:17:09 PM
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skinwalker wrote:
exact responses i imagined from the blind dmt cheerleaders here. what do i know?, please forget my earlier opinion. Honestly nevermind. Smile Cool

and what are you....a cheerleader for knowing whats right and wrong? try examing yourself and ideas you hold as truth....not opinion.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#78 Posted : 1/2/2011 6:30:57 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
exact responses i imagined from the blind dmt cheerleaders here. what do i know?, please forget my earlier opinion. Honestly nevermind. Smile Cool

I don't know why I'm still reading this thread, but, I just have to say that the phrase: "DMT Cheerleaders" has started a cascade of strange and hilarious images and concepts in my brain. Personally, I think I look good in my DMT cheerleaders outfit. Thanks skinwalker. You just brightened my day, quite by accident.

Gooo tryptamines!

p.s. - pom poms are evil.
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#79 Posted : 1/2/2011 6:32:58 PM

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Mister_Niles wrote:
skinwalker wrote:
exact responses i imagined from the blind dmt cheerleaders here. what do i know?, please forget my earlier opinion. Honestly nevermind. Smile Cool

I don't know why I'm still reading this thread, but, I just have to say that the phrase: "DMT Cheerleaders" has started a cascade of strange and hilarious images and concepts in my brain. Personally, I think I look good in my DMT cheerleaders outfit. Thanks skinwalker. You just brightened my day, quite by accident.

Gooo tryptamines!

p.s. - pom poms are evil.

Wait! They are blind too! I didn't even factor that in. Oh boy, my sides hurt. I need to stop laughing.
Welcome Home Mister_Niles. We've Been Waiting For You.

"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
- Art Van D'lay
#80 Posted : 1/2/2011 6:35:10 PM

Got Naloxone?

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UniverseCannon - your reply is spot on.

LOLZ. I TRIED to become a DMT addict. I really, really tried. Tried and tried. Tried really hard. It just helped to make me crazy. These days I do it less than ever and this last year I only broke through maybe about 4 times. Though I'm not there yet, I can easily see the day when I will have hung up the phone entirely with DMT. So, no truly compulsive behaviors or physical addiction, no overwhelming obsession or psychological addiction. So, what can one say, but, "Whatever . . . "

I love it (not) when people pull theories and statements of "fact" right out of their asses, then when asked to explain come up with something like the cheerleader response.

Cheer on. Rah, rah, DMT ftw!
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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