Thanks to everybody!
I have been drawn again to drink ayahuasca and i have been working with new recpie that could suite most of the people, but with your own causion!
Basic idea is making brew that has 25-30g Caapi and 3g chaliponga per serving and serving would be around 2-4cl. So idea was that i could drink this brew even with beginers, but insted of 2-4 cups, beginer would drink only 1 or 2. So for beginer there would be 25 to 60g of caapi and 3 to 6g of chaliponga and 'advanced' would be what ever you feel.
My experience with caapi is cielo, white and yellow, dosages have been from 50 to 200g of caapi. With chaliponga it has been around 5 to 20g, but for me 12-15 is good amount, but you should always test your new patch of goodies!
I also recomended that beginers would start with low dosages with caapi only and would drink this until they have find a relationship with that. And after some times they start to add low amounts of chaliponga, thing why i dont talk about chacruna or mimosa is because im not too familiar with those, i have been experience those but not enought to talk about.
Brewing is another thing and this is THE moment when normaly everything goes wrong. Too hot, too quick or just bad patch. I like to make my brew slowly, some times couple days or more. But i have managet to do it in just 4 hours, but there is no need for that hurry. I like slow simmering and low heat.
I have a question too!
Im heading to south america soonish and i have been looking a place to get my experience and studying with aya to next level, but my only concern is that its getting too comercial and its hard to find REAL, honest and good shamanteacher and especialy not money greed shaman, i dont wanna deal with money and spiritual!!!. I belive my guidance and thats why im sending my question here too.
And then out of the blue, i have been worried people who use addmixtures with weed, ganja, doobie or what ever you wanna call it, and not all of addmixtures, but only tobacco, because its so FKNG addictive addmixture, it will make your weed product addictive too!!! I found my self really addicted to joints, i was angy or restles and i would do anything(not like crack head, suck some...) to score some weed. I didint see that happening, but now because im re-located and im away of my friends who use this addmixture, i can see. Im not addict any more. I can be without weed long as i want. I was tobaco smoker for years, but i quit or did i? I didint, i just smoked more weed with tobacco... I didint see this pattern so clearly with all people, but then i realized that missing link here was the people who smoke cigarets too, they didint have any anger or restlesnes without weed, but they smoked cigarets for that.
I just hope that i could save some people of that multicorporatedshit. Think about it and especialy talk about it!!! Its not good to be addicted, but its ok to be high!