Nice intro essay, thanks for signing up and writting this!
And welcome to the Nexus
I think that psychedelics can indeed help you taking a look at yourself, maybe sorting some things out. But by themselves they wont fulfill you. Life is a dynamic process, I think that inherently there is some 'lack', but if we can understand that, its not a problem. Do you know these 'tile puzzle' games, where there is an empty space that you need to unscramble an image, sort of like
this? So anyways, I feel that life is a bit like this (except there is no final end state imo), that we need this empty space to continuously rearrange ourselves. The empty space isnt a problem, its our ally.
Also again regarding this "fulfilment", while psychedelics can definitely help you looking at your life in a different perspective and in a way leading to this, this fulfillment will ultimately not come from psychedelics, but from satisfaction and appreciation of your daily tasks (like studying, working, relating to others, etc). All of these things that might seem like a weight are actually allies: The friction from the difficulties in these situations can help us in our self-development, and to feel more alive.
I wish you luck on your path, and I hope that you have a wonderful experience if and when you try these substances. Dont forget to check all the links you received on the welcome pm, as they have a plethora of good information.
Hope to hear more from you soon!