need breakthrough help!!! Options
#1 Posted : 12/24/2010 5:54:26 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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hello DMT nexus.. all of my life hallucinogenic drugs interested me and so far acid, shrooms, ketamine, nothing really satisfied what i truly thought it could be like.. anyways recently i got .6 of dmt and a crank pipe and i have a few questions because i have failed to break through at .03 at .06, infact not even any noticeable patterns or visuals just a strange feeling..
btw my dmt is yellowish (better if its white?)

can dmt be better or worse than other dmt assuming theres no cutting agents?

could some kind soul please explain to me step by step process of how i should go about it?? (lighter distance) (do i have to be inhaling the whole time)

any knowledge is appreciated thanks.

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#2 Posted : 12/24/2010 7:32:15 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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The FAQ has much wisdom on the topic. And no, your spice being yellow shouldn't be an issue (extract your own!).

As the FAQ mentions, you may want to try with a bong or the machine (unless you have a vape).


#3 Posted : 1/2/2011 5:14:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I don't know anything about no .03 or .06 hits. I know it is dose dependent. I do baby hits only. The size of my hits are what a little bump would look like. I am not about to up my dosages until months from now. That amount is sufficient for now. Remember - for Intention: EMBRACE it in your lungs as if you are In LOVE with it!

One of the tricks to doing DMT is simply to have an abundant amount at you disposal. You can see how this is something that requires practice. So with that in mind you should consider a long term schedule as well as a short term schedule. With time and practice comes familiarity. The more familiarity and integration you have with the DMT rhelm - the more familiarity and social integration you will have here. When you do DMT correctly "both worlds" should be enhanced simply because You are enhanced. I hope you have the availability to secure yourself a long term practice. That is my wish and Mantra for everyone here.
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#4 Posted : 1/2/2011 6:10:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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First thing that comes to mind is if you got this DMT from a trusted source of if you extracted it?

If you arent getting anything more than just a strange feeling then you either got a: massive tollerance b: not the most effective vaping tek or c: shit DMT

This question has come up a few times in the past, use the search function for somthing like "trouble breaking through" or smt like thatWink Im sure there is a sticky in the DMT experiences senction of the forum about it.

#5 Posted : 1/2/2011 6:13:26 PM


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How many hits are you taking? Just load that pipe and hit it until you can't. And if you think there's even a possibility that there are "cutting agents", like you bought a gram of coke or something, your source is flawed and I'll tell you what everyone else is: extract it yourself! It is very easy and will give you much more product to practice with. Developing a relationship with the spice rather than seeking the "ultimate trip" is, I feel, more important. The spice will take you places, but you get what you put in.
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#6 Posted : 1/2/2011 11:58:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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definatly extract your own..that being said i have an opinion as to what you should do with that .6 you got assuming you dont have the means or desire to make a special way to vape it, i think crank pipes suck and the inexperienced should go the sandwich route, which is as follows: take about .05 to .1 of the spice, and put it in whatever pipe you have with mullien or something under it as a little bed then put more herbage over the top thus creating our depending on whether you went to .1 route or the .05 route you want to either avoid one part of the bowl at first and burn only one side and if you dont break through then toast the other side...alternativly if you go .05 route you want to try and get it evenly. either way it will take the 1st hit to warm it in then the 2nd and 3rd hits will be more ive found the most important part to be how long you can hold it in so i would recommend hitting it so you mix lots of air with your smoke this way your lungs like it more and you can hold it as long as possible...if you mix it with some m.a.o.i. (like aya leaf/bark,passion flower) then it will last longer so you can get more build up and you dont have try and get the perfect dose in 1 minute...i may not be speaking for eveyong but for me at least set and setting are major if you are not completely comfortable for any reason you are less likely to break through...i hope this helps your quest traveling through outerspace to innerspace

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no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

#7 Posted : 1/3/2011 1:11:47 AM

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tetra wrote:
How many hits are you taking? Just load that pipe and hit it until you can't

Don't do this. SWIM took this advice when she first joined the Nexus and ended up conditioning a panic response that took a few months of progressing from extremely low doses to get over. Also, if you take too much, you will simply black out.
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#8 Posted : 1/3/2011 3:26:13 AM

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gammagore wrote:
First thing that comes to mind is if you got this DMT from a trusted source of if you extracted it?

If you arent getting anything more than just a strange feeling then you either got a: massive tollerance b: not the most effective vaping tek or c: shit DMT

This question has come up a few times in the past, use the search function for somthing like "trouble breaking through" or smt like thatWink Im sure there is a sticky in the DMT experiences senction of the forum about it.

Personal extraction is the way to go. After extracting for myself for several months SWIM came to me with a baggy of spice he got at a concert. We loaded it up into my GVG and it A) tasted terrible compared to mine and B) though it was DMT as evidenced only be the mild effects it produced that were recognizable, they were mild at best and oh man that taste was terrible. It was a weird color too. My friends and I sampled someone else's batch recently, and they all thought mine was better too. Of course I know that the strength of the experience can vary greatly even among the same batch among the same people at the same time, but that was the group consensus nonetheless.
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