F**k DMT Options
#1 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:07:23 PM

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I was doing pretty good. Four months without tripping after two years of weekly oral DMT trips. While sober I had moments of clarity, saw DMT as a crutch that can deceive even the most brilliant minds and perhaps is the perfect drug for intellectual, articulate, and educated people. It plays with logic, amplifies speculation, and pushes the PROFOUND button in the brain.

Slowly and imperceptibly I let my guard down and the friendliness and fond memories of DMT overpowered and silenced the addictive and mind-dumbing effects of this drug. Fuck.

Alas, after some distance I decided to have a friendly oral DMT trip of 85mg of yellow spice and 200mg of harmalas. This was a superbly light dose for me and I expected a lazy trip into hyperspace floating on purple pink clouds. After two hours I unexpectedly blasted through the membrane and entered full blown hyperspace. Thoughts cascaded upon each other, blasted each other, fucked each other and then raped each other. Truths were revealed and then crumbed before my eyes as lies. Paradoxes of philosophy danced before me as layer after layer of bullshit piled up to infinity. Madness ensued.

Finally – My sober mind is a relativistic thinking organ. I don’t believe in right or wrong or morality - I think it is all opinions of the powerful forced upon the rest of us. And then I experience true Evil. It is addiction and my drug of choice is DMT. This plant chemical invades my mind like a virus, floods me with feelings of euphoria and mysticism, and then leaves me wanting more. Fuck you.

Addiction is a bitch. Thank God for my mom to talk me out of bad trips. Nothing like a mother’s love. I swear I am never doing this bullshit, evil, seductive, manipulative, destructive drug again. It’s poison.

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#2 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:26:54 PM

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Ahm... So you come to a website dedicated to dmt, and make a thread saying 'fuck DMT' (when our attitude list specifically says for one to watch his/her use of language and be respectful), and then claim a substance to be destructive and poisonous in absolute terms because of your own subjective experience?

What do you want to accomplish? That people here stop using DMT? Or maybe you want to rile us up so much that people act negatively, so you prove some point that those who use dmt arent 'better'? Or do you really want a dialogue, but if so, do you think the way you express yourself is the best way to generate any constructive discussion?

I think you should take a look at yourself and your own intentions in the first place. As it has been said over and over in the threads you fire up, dmt is a tool, its neither good nor bad. If its not your substance, by all means stop it, and also maybe you should consider stopping posting in a forum dedicated to it. What wont be constructive in any way is if you keep ramming your head against the wall and then blaming the substance and acting disrespectfully in a forum such as this one.

By the way, I suggest all those who feel like posting in this thread to really consider why one is doing so and if what you are writting can really be of help to others, or if it will just be confrontational.
#3 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:33:44 PM

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Sounds like you have a problem Joebono. Returning to a nightmare you have much disparaged in the past, to further malign it in the veil of some false form of altruistic warning. Screams convince no one; they just give one an earache. SEEK HELP.

And in the meantime I suggest this tread be locked, if for nothing but the sheer audacity, arrogance and sensationalism of its title. This is territory already tread.

Good luck Joebono.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#4 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:34:56 PM

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Lock it up guys. Who needs a different perspective, right?
Dark Matter
#5 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:35:01 PM

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DMT, like any psychedelic drug, has to be a part of a package that also includes integration of the experience.

Seems like you have a hard time with the integration part.

I guess every psychonaut have/had some trouble with that part at some point in their lives. The trick is to take a little break from the substance, discuss your experience with friends, and be active socially. Stay grounded, work, create, love. Most of all, learn to respect yourself, your limits and your responsibilites toward yourself.

Do not isolate yourself.

The most important lesson DMT can teach you is that life is beautiful. Respect that gift you have been offered.

"The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal." - Aleister Crowley

Dark Matter is merely a byproduct of the Mind's imagination. Everything written on this board in his name is pure fiction. He is nothing more than an Illusion. Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
#6 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:37:57 PM

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joebono wrote:
Lock it up guys. Who needs a different perspective, right?

Would be fine if you discussed it reasonably, but do you honestly think that how you are expressing yourself is a good constructive way of adding a different perspective? The way I read, it sounds like a very self-centered disrespectful way of putting things. Its not worded as open to a dialogue

Youre not saying "Hey guys, such and such is happening to me, I feel for me dmt is such and such, I need help with such and such. What do you guys think about such and such?". Or whatever post in a reasonable manner. Just re-read your own post and think about it for a moment.

Please edit your first post and the subject (thread title). Be respectful as you want people to be respectful to you.
#7 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:39:25 PM

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joebono wrote:
Lock it up guys. Who needs a different perspective, right?

A different perspective? By knowingly inciting a negative dialogue with profanity and innuendo?

Grow up.


PS change the title and the wording, and maybe i will contribute further to this thread. I really do wish you good luck and safe trails Joebono, wherever you are, but I will not engage in a puerile and endless discussion with someone whose motives are vague and whose language is confrontational and immature.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#8 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:42:23 PM
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In fairness to joebono, I think it is important for people to see how DMT can affect some people negatively and that there are risks involved, and the potential for addiction is real. The vast majority of stuff I've read about DMT is positive and makes it almost seem to good to be true. Perhaps it could have been worded less harshly with no expletives, but maybe joebono feels so strongly about it that he feels it's necessary.
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#9 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:43:27 PM

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Entheojen wrote:
In fairness to joebono, I think it is important for people to see how DMT can affect some people negatively and that there are risks involved, and the potential for addiction is real. The vast majority of stuff I've read about DMT is positive and makes it almost seem to good to be true. Perhaps it could have been worded less harshly with no expletives, but maybe joebono feels so strongly about it that he feels it's necessary.

He has already done this in one (or more?) threads in the past entheojen. Search his name and read up.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#10 Posted : 12/18/2010 11:51:41 PM

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I’ve had many users write to me here and on other forums expressing their sincere gratitude to me for my opinions. “Hey man, it took 1000 posts to convince me of DMT’s spirituality and your one post to bring me back to reality.” I feel strongly that DMT is just another addictive drug that should be lumped in with the rest of them. Psychedelic users like to pretend their drug of choice is different, but it’s not. Yeah, I’m angry and if my words offend, then maybe you need to study yourself and see why my words bother you so. Maybe my ideas bother you because there is still a part of you that knows there is some validity to my words. Seeing them as tools is just a smokescreen, integration is really rationalization, and the bottom line is that some users will get addicted. Just like any other drug.

Seek help? I made tremendous progress and literally changed my life to get away. I fucked up today and I hope to never do it again. Humans addict and I’m a human. Hope you guys got it under control.
#11 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:01:11 AM

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No joebono it has nothing to do with what you think, it has to do with how you are saying. Our basic rules are stated in the attitude page, which I suggest you read:

• Watch your language - Communication is comprised of not only the explicit but also the implicit messages, which are transmited through choice of words and general tone of speech. We do not want curse words and immature slangs in the nexus! Please use language in a dignified manner.

as well as:

• Being aggressive or contentious won’t do anything for you here. You’ll quickly find that people won’t respond to you if they feel your intentions are aggressive or petty.

So if you want to stay in this forum, please respect our guidelines, regardless of what is your opinion on any subject.

Again I respectfully ask you to edit your first post and thread title.

Also you have ignored all the questions I asked so far.
#12 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:05:18 AM

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To me, and most people i know who partake in using dmt, its actually the complete OPPOSITE of addictive. Its the most fascinating thing, but simultaneously the most terrifying, and there can be huge reluctance as your ego screams, clinging to what it can. Most people who try it once that i know don't ever do it again.

I truly hope you get better joe, but it seems your emotional thinking has really taken the drivers seat. Are we really all the way back to the middle ages here? Claiming a psychedelic is "evil" or "poison"? Reminds me of all that negative lsd and marijuana propoganda..

Just think about how your presenting your views know everyone here respects you and has good communicate in a manner than can help engage the dialogue towards better results and understanding, if thats what you really want..

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#13 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:07:37 AM
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joebono wrote:
Psychedelic users like to pretend their drug of choice is different, but it’s not.

hmmm...but that is an opinion you have, not a reality. Just like some have the opinion that all drugs should be illegal, i say, who are you to tell someone what they sould or should not do(if it dosen't directly hurt anyone else)? If you don't like Psychedelics, then don't take them, there not for you. But there are some pretty spiritual and beautiful people out there in the world who do psychedelic's, and there are the same type of people who don't. Like buddist munks, they achieve very simalir results without the use of any drug, just meditation. As well as people who may cause great pain to themselves to achieve a trance like state with similar results. I think most people use all these different ways to connect to the same place, so how can either tech be wrong?

If you had the same result with meditation would you say meditating is wrong?
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
olympus mon
#14 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:24:21 AM

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i must say jonbono that im not much interested in having this thread again for a second time from you. if you dont like dmt and think its so evil ...great, then stop using it. if you cant, then seek help for addiction.

if you feel were all being fooled by dmt and wasting our time on the nexus while spreading bullshit and false promises then stop logging on. walk away. whats your point of all these fuck dmt posts?

i personally thought your first thread was a bunch of crap but others gave you some very kind goodbyes and best wishes so i chose to not give you my 2 cents. now your getting it.

all you can do is speak for you. your opinion! no body can argue against your perception and reality of dmt use however stop making these blanket statements for the rest of us. stop posting what i consider very disrespectful and arrogant threads in which your views are all dominating. who are you to speak for me? dont tell me that dmt is doing harm to me. how the hell do you know what my experiences are?

enough! if you hate dmt why are you still part of a forum about dmt use and learning!!!!? i dont understand what your trying to prove.

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#15 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:30:08 AM

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I can't possibly see what can be said here that wasn't said in this thread: deja vu
Rolling eyes
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#16 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:31:55 AM

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I dunno..really I mean....REALLY?..we are back to this?..what are you trying to prove here joebono?..sounds like something else is going on in your life that you cant handle facing so you want DMT to clean it all up for you..but when you find out its not that easy you get angry and make these posts trying to prove to us that DMT is horrible or something. Well, Im sure the magority of people dont feel this way about DMT. That is why this stuff is subjective..and reactions are based more on the individual and issues surrounding them personally than anything else. What experience in life isnt like that?

"I swear I am never doing this bullshit, evil, seductive, manipulative, destructive drug again. It’s poison."

You are projecting. If you can find me one single paper with a reliable source from a study that found DMT to be poisonous to the human nervous system I would love to see it. I am sure you wont find any though. I have heard people say relationships are toxic as well, does that mean that any particular person is actaully poisonous to your nervous system?..NO. Such statements are more a reflection of you and where you are in relation to that person, or thing etc..its about how you relate.

You again call DMT evil!..this is projection and it's obvious to everyone else here...seductive-projection..manipulative-projection..I guess all these projection really are destructive in how far you allow them to take on a life of they're own.

The fact that you run here after experiences like this, time and time again saying these same things just screams "help!"..are you here out of fear?..people seem to project like this and get very hostile when something or someone challenges something that they hold idea, paradigm etc..

Are you angry becasue other people here take DMT and dont relate afterwords to it the same way as you?..I am seriousily curious becasue you sound very hostile and angry about something that really shouldnt anger you.

Your hostility is really discusting and I doubt it impresses anyone.
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#17 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:35:07 AM

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DMT does what it has to do!
If you can't handle yourself - that is just your own responsibility!

Maybe it's better for you to quit, but don't insult it, like it would be destructive!

There are plenty of people who believe it's divine.

Hope you calm down and rethink your attitude.

Thank you.

elusive illusion
olympus mon
#18 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:39:00 AM

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joebono wrote:
Lock it up guys. Who needs a different perspective, right?

o give me a break... this isnt about a different perspective its about some guy talking in absolutes and forcing his shit into our mouths.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#19 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:44:53 AM


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olympus mon wrote:
joebono wrote:
Lock it up guys. Who needs a different perspective, right?

o give me a break... this isnt about a different perspective its about some guy talking in absolutes and forcing his shit into our mouths.

I think everyone here is well aware of the fact that these absolutes are subjective Wink

#20 Posted : 12/19/2010 12:47:58 AM

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" I’m angry and if my words offend, then maybe you need to study yourself and see why my words bother you so"

Grow up. Dont try to tell other people to look in the mirror when you obviousily havent.
Long live the unwoke.
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