1st Freebase DMT Experience!! Options
#1 Posted : 12/17/2010 11:24:55 PM


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Hey guys its me harmalosa, This is my first time smoking DMT after many powerful oral brews!!
I loved it. Words only do so much but here is a brief description of what happened!
Really some powerful stuff!

Enjoy thanx for reading guys

So I have had a lot going on lately, but things magically came together
in a way so that I could have a free night, with no responsibilities and no worries,
and it was not to be wasted!

I finally got to taste the elfspice I extracted a while ago, and boy am I glad that I did!
DMT is really something else!
I really know what people mean when they say the experience is ineffible, words can’t describe
this experience!
But ill do the best I can to report what I saw..

Here’s a few notes I took from memory this morning...

1st Try 8-17 2:00 AM

White spice 30mg(shared)?(eyeballed)

Regular pipe with Mullien and Damiana sandwich

Setting: comfy couch, dim lighting with different x-mas lights,
music dvd softly in background, with 2 friends.

Effect: There was some initial fear of the unknown, but the taste wasn’t as bad as
I expected, only one large hit was taken, and then I passed it to my friend who instantly
hit it as well. With this first try we wanted to guage effects and get a feel for it not having a scale and never having smoked spice n all...
There was a fast rise of effects, and it came to a point where I felt like I would Blast off, so I said here we go, but it never got past that initial threshhold..
Very reminiscent (although very briefly) of oral harmala/mimosa brews I’ve had.
Definetly a good small taste..

2nd Try 8-17 3:00 AM

White spice 25 mg (eyeballed)

Regular pipe Mullien and Damiana sandwich

Setting: comfy couch, with friends around. Low lighting and Discovery channel’s “Life”
playing in background

Effect: Started to inhale long and slow, First large hit put me off a bit.. My heart started racing fast
and I felt nervous, It was a large hit and it took me a second to get the second hit down probably 30 seconds inbetween or more. I put the pipe down awaiting effects..
Seamless transition, Profound alteration of consciousness reminding me of peak oral DMT experiences
but distinctly different as well and much faster..
A 3-D visual pattern instantly manifested and enveloped my field of vision. It opened up in the middle and showed much depth, It looked like many intertwining interweaving lines or a web like thing. Entheogenic breathing effect is strongly felt..
Last longer than 1st try

Summary: Very encouraging and exiting. Curious to try again and regretting not going all out by smoking it faster and taking a bigger dose.

3rd Try 8-17 4:00 AM

White spice 50 mg (eyeballed)

Regular pipe Mullien and Damiana sandwich

Setting: comfy couch, friends now sleeping, Life on TV

Effect: A pre flight jitters were felt, knowing it was a larger pile than the 1st two combined probably,
But this time I was determined to hit it harder and faster in order to achieve a more intense peak, and get the whole dose down.
I took in a huge 1st inhalation and held it 15 seconds and exhaled, Immediately taking a second large hit. Before exhaling this hit I started to come up really fast, very unsettling hearing a loud buzz, but determined to go further this time, I sucked down a large 3rd hit and then immediatly put the pipe down and closed my eyes..
My heart started beating out of my chest, things starting to get alarmingly intense like “Uh oh what
have I done” The buzzing throbbing noize is overwhelming, along with the sound of my heart.
For a second I forgot I took DMT, i then remembered and had the though
“At least I did It, Now I took enough”
the visuals were the most vivid profound I’ve ever seen. So very hard to describe, flabbergasted.
Definetly entered a magical dreamspace very different from normal reality.
Everything in this place was breathing strongly in and out pulsating and melting and ringing.
Definetly something significant and magical.
A presence ( a somewhat familiar feeling one) of some entity or being was felt, but not seen or directly communicated with. But I definetly felt the presence!
A commercial suddently came on the tv and snapped me back,
It was for some epic fantasy show with very doomy, dark and brooding music, it was really scary!
Definetly not the right music lol, but I was already coming down at that point.
I felt great once I came down, bursting with exitement.
I felt the need to describe what happend to my friend so I did as best as I could..

Summary: All in all an awesome experience, very glad I did it that last time to get a true taste of smoked DMT. I feel refreshed and invigorated, feeling good and loving life also curious to lean more. Looking forward to exploring again!
Till next time!

Thanx so much for reading guys!!!!!
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#2 Posted : 12/18/2010 2:02:11 AM

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Thanks for sharing these first steps, Harmalosa! Sounds like you have a good start going.
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#3 Posted : 12/18/2010 2:31:19 PM

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Great experiences. When I've loaded up a hefty amount too, I've also gotten that exact thought shooting through my head like, "what the fuck did you just do? why did you go and do that?" I had the distinct feeling that it was an entity telling me that and not my own thought.
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"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#4 Posted : 12/18/2010 6:57:43 PM


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Yeah next time I want to get over that feeling, If thats even possible, Cause I think it activated defense mechanisms in my ego brain and caused me to try to
shut out what was happening and just "ride it out" it was unexpected. But shortly after that feeling arose It gave way to some amazing visuals and sounds!
And I do feel like my memory of all three tries is really clear, but on the third try I was a little unprepared for it!
I think next time I will be better prepared for the oncoming shock
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#5 Posted : 12/18/2010 7:00:06 PM


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Yeah the thought of "what have I done" seemed to come from outside my own head. but maybe I was leaving my ego and it was my ego talking just trying to hold on?
But once the visuals came I did have the distince presence of an entity it felt like a familiar presence..
Thanks so much for reading guys!
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#6 Posted : 12/18/2010 7:05:28 PM

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Can you compare and contrast the experiences with the smoked spice vs the powerful aya brews youve had?

Ive never done DMT via the oral route as my stamina for prolonged psychedelic forays died many years ago after alot of LSD and psilocybin and Im keen to hear your thoughts!
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#7 Posted : 12/18/2010 8:28:03 PM

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Harmalosa wrote:

A presence ( a somewhat familiar feeling one) of some entity or being was felt, but not seen or directly communicated with. But I definetly felt the presence!

Your sister has experienced a similar presence, not seen but intuitively felt, reassurring even. Female without question. Did you get a sense of gender in your experience?
#8 Posted : 12/18/2010 9:05:15 PM


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It was definetly more like aya then I expected, and I can see how if one used changa that effect would be even more prevelant..
It felt somewhat like a the peak of an aya experience, but then it went even further than that..(quite a bit further actually)
I could see why some say its like aya, but is more "clear" less "intoxicating" straight to the point..
It lacked the feeling of love and compassionate guidance that I think is unique to the spirit of ayahuasca vine itself though.
It still had profound spiritual effects, like Aya and definetly felt entheogenic..
I don't however feel it could replace ayahuasca, nor should it..
It has its own very unique spectrum of effects I felt with oral brews, but were much more In your face/sudden when I smoked the DMT.
It is awesome stuff though!
The biggest difference is obvious.. The duration of aya allows for perhaps, better introspection/better able to process the experience, the smoked DMT
allows for instant access to the peak realms, with a quick return....
So they both have their place!!
that being said if you are worried about taking aya,
You could prepare a vine only brew of B. Cappi...
this contains no DMT, and is highly unlikely to get outta hand,
but you will get a good taste of the aya spirit, she is often gentle and loving.

Sister, Like I said I experienced this presence and I feel like ive felt it before, less clearly, on oral brews and I definetly experience the
presence as female! No doubt!

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#9 Posted : 12/18/2010 9:06:46 PM


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I also experienced the presence as reassuring!

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