A bump in the night... Options
#1 Posted : 12/16/2010 7:40:09 AM

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The opening paragraphs to a short story I just began writing....

I just experienced one of the most frightening things in my entire life.
An abrupt knock on my apartment door at 2 am and my first thought is maybe I was playing my music a little too loud.
Upon peaking through the peep hole I see 5 men in uniform. Police uniform to be precise.
My heart sinks, knees buckled, a thousand thoughts all at once, prison cells.... I ran to the freezer dump the contents of a beaker down the drain(normally would dispose of properly). Ran to the closest to destroy the crystals growing there and then realizing there was nothing I could do and that I would just have to answer the door and accept my fate. I took a deep breath and as the officer started to pull that move where they push their way in while asking if they can come in I said "no I do mind" and said I would gladly step outside.
Someone had heard a loud pop followed by a thud. A sound I apparently missed. They asked a few questions and I know they picked up on the quiver in my voice. They inspected my ID and moved on to the next apartment door.

I just had to share this with someone. I'm still quite shaken to be honest and I don't think I will sleep tonight. I keep checking the peephole thinking they are coming back...
I'm not sure I can continue doing the research I have come to love toying with. Most nights before I go to bed I imagine a judge laying down a ten year sentence. I think of the pain and sorrow it would cause.

Oh my god...the adrenaline!....What a terrifying experience. I feel like crying to be honest....

How are you supposed to cope?

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#2 Posted : 12/16/2010 8:16:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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haha crazy story. something similar happened to me like 4 days ago. I was toking in my room, and 2 cops came to my house at 1:30am, knocking loudly. i got freaked out cuz i thought that i got busted, since i was talking really loudly on the phone with my friend about dmt and my shroom grow, and my window was open. i thought maybe someone snitched on me, and thats why the cops came to arrest me.
anyways..i realized it was the cops from the loud sound of the knocking, and started hiding my stash of drugs (shit was all over in my room). hid the extraction chemicals, glassware, spice crystals, lsa, and a couple o's of shrooms in my backpack and hid it. but my huge ass shroom grow tub was sitting right in front of my room, and there was no way that i could hide it cuz its so big.
i went ahead and opened the door, and the cops told me that the reason they came was to inform that my dad's car got stolen..(sad news..but a wave of calm settled over meLaughing )
the cops came inside my house, but not to my room. i covered my shroom grow tub with a bedsheet, and sprayed my room with air freshner to cover up the smell of smoking.
the cops explained to my dad what happened though they didnt disclose the whole story...
a cop tried to pull them over, and since the car was stolen, they started speeding like crazy...apparently there was some firing, but those fuckers got arrested when they ditched the car and tried to run away on foot. these same guys have stolen like 10+ cars from our same apartment complex...(payback bitchesTwisted Evil )
anyways..the cops left, and me and my drugs were protected by the psychedelic gods.
next day, me and my dad went to get the car from the impound place where they kept it, and saw swisher tobacco all over inside..(fuckers stole our car and were smoking blunts inside lmao)...i tried to find some weed in the car that they might have left behind, but...nothingSad
...ummm happensLaughing
#3 Posted : 12/16/2010 8:39:56 AM

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If the cops are going to raid your house they don't wait for you to answer the door.
#4 Posted : 12/16/2010 8:43:53 AM

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burnt wrote:
If the cops are going to raid your house they don't wait for you to answer the door.

fuck em then...actually fuck em regardless..
#5 Posted : 12/16/2010 8:52:17 AM

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burnt wrote:
If the cops are going to raid your house they don't wait for you to answer the door.

I'm aware of this fact 99% of the time but when its 2am and there are five cops standing outside your door, calm rational thought isn't so easy to come by.
Even so it's still scary, especially considering all the things an officer can decide to smell or see giving probably cause.
Anyhow, I think I got a glimpse of what it must feel like as your door is being kicked in. Not pleasant...the fear did remind me of aspects of hyperspace. Especially that initial fear upon blast off. That "NO NO NO What have I done?!?" reaction.
#6 Posted : 12/16/2010 5:57:24 PM

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I don't think I would even answer the door for cops, I would yell out a window if you have a warrant kick the door in.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." Oscar Wilde
#7 Posted : 12/16/2010 6:48:13 PM

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Do you live in the U.S.A Opiyum ?
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#8 Posted : 12/16/2010 6:52:29 PM

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justine wrote:
Do you live in the U.S.A Opiyum ?

I do yes.
#9 Posted : 12/16/2010 6:58:39 PM

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Opiyum wrote:
justine wrote:
Do you live in the U.S.A Opiyum ?

I do yes.

Well then you could extract all your remaining mhrb, make some changa with it and hide all your chemicals/glassware. If you are really paranoid
you can also stick to ayahuasca.
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#10 Posted : 12/16/2010 7:02:17 PM

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Yeah it's not a bad idea. The process is often the most enjoyable part, or at least a close second to bio-assay but perhaps it's the smart thing to do.

I can only imagine how it would feel to have that fear wash over you only to stay and become your reality instead of slowly dissipating as it did last night.
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