How to keep on hitting the pipe? Options
#1 Posted : 12/14/2010 4:29:06 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this.

Dr_Sister is a little confused about how to reach a breakthrough dose while using a glass freebase pipe. Everywhere she has read that one should get at least three good hauls to achieve lift off. However about 1/2 way through the 2nd haul, Sister gets so overwhelmed by the onset she is unsure about how she could possibly continue.

Sister has only attempted twice now. The 1st time was 9mgs that she got all in one haul. The 2nd time she tried 32mgs, but halfway through the 2nd haul she had to set the pipe down for fear that she would drop it (in her lap) and the lighter if she continued. There was lots left in the pipe when she came to.

So her question is this, how does one continue hitting the pipe while well into lift off? Is it a matter of simply getting used to the lift off sensation so that one is still capable of functioning while experiencing it/despite it, or should Sister not hold onto the haul so long so she can get three in before the effects take over?

Sister has no sitter or anyone who might assist her, but surely travelers flying solo have been able to acheive it alone.

Thanks in advance for any wisdom you may have to share.

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#2 Posted : 12/14/2010 4:39:48 PM

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I also used to have that problem – after the first inhalation I would usually be incapacitated to the point that a second one was not possible (my depth perception would be affected, so I didn’t know if the flame was over the bowl or not).

The solution was to change smoking devices and technique – I now use a GVG and take a full dose in one inhalation. Problem solved.
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#3 Posted : 12/14/2010 5:51:06 PM

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I think this idea that you have to hit the stuff so hard
Is not always true . You can reach breakthroughs in different ways
One way is to gradually ease yourself in by starting with low
Doses increasing the dose as you go. I've noticed that the dmt will reach a critical mass
In your system and at a point it doesn't take much to push youover the
Edge. I think this idea of 3 giant tokes has probably turned more people off
Than anything . Don't be in such a hurry to get there
I think its better to spend time getting used to the feelings so when the
Big one hits your not completely overcome with fear and panic
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#4 Posted : 12/14/2010 10:10:42 PM
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gibran2 wrote:
I also used to have that problem – after the first inhalation I would usually be incapacitated to the point that a second one was not possible (my depth perception would be affected, so I didn’t know if the flame was over the bowl or not).

The solution was to change smoking devices and technique – I now use a GVG and take a full dose in one inhalation. Problem solved.

Is a GVG an alternative to something like the "machine?"
#5 Posted : 12/14/2010 11:19:56 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Felnik wrote:
I've noticed that the dmt will reach a critical mass
In your system and at a point it doesn't take much to push youover the

By this do you mean that over time (weeks months etc) of regular low dose use you start to hover nearer a breakthrough?


You build up in one sitting to threshold (or critical mass) and then take another hit to blow you over the top?
#6 Posted : 12/14/2010 11:43:36 PM

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Yes, Felnik means within the one session.
#7 Posted : 12/15/2010 12:07:38 AM

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Yes I mean during one session. Also adding caapi
or some kind of maoi inhibitor beforehand is really the way to go.
That way smaller amounts of spice become necessary. I prefer a nice
Cup of caapi tea before vaped spice . Be careful though it can be
Intense beyond all imagination .

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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#8 Posted : 12/15/2010 4:08:27 AM


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I found that you need to hit the pipe slow, I mean sloooooowwwwww. Direct heat, NO twisting (like you would meth) key here is slow slow slow. I can get 50-60mg in one hit this way, no need for a second hit. Then grab on tight cause its gonna be one helluva ride!!!!
#9 Posted : 12/15/2010 4:29:23 AM

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One big long slow hit is the way forward. Just hold that position and keep inhaling slow. This way you don't have to rearrange yourself until the job is done.
Ice House
#10 Posted : 12/15/2010 6:19:16 AM

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25mg 1 toke GVG break through every time.

Every time.
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#11 Posted : 12/15/2010 1:52:18 PM

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Ok Dr_Sister will try taking it very slow

Felnik wrote:
I prefer a nice
Cup of caapi tea before vaped spice . Be careful though it can be
Intense beyond all imagination .

How strong a tea should do you prepare? and how long in advance of the session should it be imbibed?

Ice_House, in what explorers weight range is 25mgs enough to breakthrough?

Thanks for all the advice!
Ice House
#12 Posted : 12/15/2010 4:17:06 PM

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Dr_Sister I am about 225 pounds.

I feel your frustration. I have been there myself.

Let me just say that as a Lab Rat you know that most every procedure has a proper tek to follow to get the optimal results.

In this situation its finding a way to get the entire dose delivered at once. Using anything other than a GVG just doesnt get that done as efficiently. Because of how quickly debilitating the come on of spice is more than 1 toke is not an option.

Just saying, if your magic breakthrough dosage is 20mg vaped then you need to PROPERLY vape that 20mg so that it is introduced into the blood stream all at once.

DMT metabolizes so quickly that 10mg+6mg+4mg over the course of a couple tokes does not equal 20mg in the blood stream all at once.

When its not properly vaporized it tends to smoke and burn and taste bad wich doesnt help at all.

So IMO you should do what most others have done here on the Nexus and get a GVG and a torch lighter. A good accurate scale also helps. Load up 20-25mg. Hold the flame above and make no contact with the ceramic filter and inhale.

Wait, wait, hold on, back up.......

I reccomend that before you inhale you relax a bit. put on some comfortable clothing or not? make sure the room temp and lighting are comfortable. Turn off your phone. Put out the Do Not Disturb sign. maybe a soft soothing number on the stereo. Get cozy and comfy. No distractions!

ok back to the inhale part..... first exhale everything, even your expitory reserve. Then slowly inhale with the torch flame positioned directly over but not touching the ceramic heating element. just keep on inhaling. The ceramic element will glow red hot, thats what you want. You will get the full dose in less than one full inhalation.

lay back and say yes......receive the love.

right on?
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#13 Posted : 12/15/2010 6:19:43 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Right on, Sister is stoked.
corpus callosum
#14 Posted : 12/15/2010 6:42:04 PM

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Much good advice has been proffered in this thread.

The GVG is worth the investment;failing that the Classic VG is also almost as effective.The key is to consume your dose in a single inhalation and you do need to draw in in a long slow fashion.if required one can consume 40+mg in this fashion.This approach is worlds away from trying to take 3 tokes in terms of peak effects and viciousness of onset!!Shocked Laughing
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#15 Posted : 12/15/2010 9:07:43 PM

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Hum, about the GVG I have quite a different experience, I rather need to heat it enough to get a thick hot syrup of dmt in order to breakthrough. To achieve this I heat the
ceramic directly for 2 seconds then I put the flame 2cm higher and usually it does the trick.
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#16 Posted : 12/15/2010 10:58:47 PM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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Thanks for all the excellent advice. Your sister put it to the test and can only say WAHE GURU.

A couple notes:
the glass freebase pipe worked just fine, no need to for GVG. After preheating the bulb with a triple burner torch lighter and creating a molten pool of god, she was able to take in very slowly a full 20mg dose with plenty of lung capacity to spare. She might have been able to consume twice that amount with this technique. It almost felt like there was nothing to exhale.

Dr_Sister predosed by smoking the remnants of the last trip, there weren't even any patterns, but all the fear just melted away.

20mgs was not a breakthrough for Sister, but she is on her way now, the path has been cleared . . .

Thanks again and Sat nam.
#17 Posted : 12/16/2010 12:44:22 AM

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Awesome, Dr_Sister! Also, cannot say enough good things about changa.
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#18 Posted : 12/16/2010 2:24:27 AM
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I have never properly broken through either. It is very difficult to keep it together long enough for multiple hits. My first time with changa it hit me pretty hard after the first one, but I knew I was nowhere near a breakthrough, just overwhelmed. I looked down at my hand to take another hit, but it wasn't just my hand holding the pipe, it was three hands holding three pipes. Now, I can understand seeing double, but triple? I must have had the third eye open for that one I guess. I wasn't sure which one to hit, so I didn't even get the second one done.

I've been hearing a lot about the GVG. Seems like it would definitely be worth it if you can actually get it done in one go.
#19 Posted : 12/16/2010 2:44:53 AM
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Dr_Sister wrote:

Thanks for all the excellent advice. Your sister put it to the test and can only say WAHE GURU.

A couple notes:
the glass freebase pipe worked just fine, no need to for GVG. After preheating the bulb with a triple burner torch lighter and creating a molten pool of god, she was able to take in very slowly a full 20mg dose with plenty of lung capacity to spare. She might have been able to consume twice that amount with this technique. It almost felt like there was nothing to exhale.

Dr_Sister predosed by smoking the remnants of the last trip, there weren't even any patterns, but all the fear just melted away.

20mgs was not a breakthrough for Sister, but she is on her way now, the path has been cleared . . .

Thanks again and Sat nam.

So are you using what is colloquially referred to as a "crack pipe"?
#20 Posted : 12/16/2010 2:53:17 AM

Synaptic cleft explorer

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ragabr - Yes, Dr sister has some cappi leaves on the way, and looking forward to them

TylerDurden wrote:

So are you using what is colloquially referred to as a "crack pipe"?

The owner of the emporium your Sister frequents referred to it as an "oil" pipe. But it looks like this, except that your Sisters pipe is clean.

Dr_Sister attached the following image(s):
images.jpg (5kb) downloaded 48 time(s).
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