i tried to move this thread from the nursery and wound up embedding it into another thread from way back when.....guess my navigation skills around here need a little polishing...

all that aside, i just wanted to share this with you all. i have met several nexians in the flesh at this point and i can say this much for certain about all of them: they are stupendously amazing people.
are any of you surprised?
so- i'm getting a piece of sacred geometry tattooed onto my crown chakra and in through the tattoo parlor doors walks mailorderdeity. immediately i loved this brother. we chatted for a bit and then he whips out some pics of some of his artwork.

to say that this dude has talent is like saying that i have smoked DMT once or twice. the gift that he brings to us is beyond evident- i have complete faith that we have another alex grey on our hands here folks. this guy has all the necessary skills to honestly bring back images from his journeys and the idea of seeing this has me completely transfixed!!
anyways, long story short (and not to cut into HIS report on the matter), i was allowed the honor of working with him in the ever-evolving healing room...
that's all i'm gonna say. well....that and WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY MAILORDERDEITY!!
with the deepest love and gratitude!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."