my brother the artist.. Options
#1 Posted : 12/13/2010 5:46:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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this is my first post and this was my second trip. My first trip was really amazing, i had no idea what to expect and that was part of the adventure. The only thing i did say on my first trip was i see the people. My friend watched me as my eyes were closed. This time i hooked up with a master tour guide from Nexus (Antrocles) and boy was i taken to a new a place. Almost immediately i was confronted by a huge population of beings. it was really what the whole trip was about. I wanted to say something about them but i was shushed. They wanted me to be quiet. They even held up their fingers to their mouths making the shush signal. Everytime i tried to comment on the fact that i'm seeing real beings in another dimension i was quieted, they assured me that they knew how rad it was and not to continue thinking about it. Also there were some that were a little scary and i saw antrocles in this dimension shoo them away. That was the freakiest thing, was seeing him there in the energy field (hyperspace). He was like like a rock in a psychedelic storm. When i came out and back into the room i couldn't believe that i saw him there interacting with these beings, basically telling them(without words!) to go easy on me. He was a real pro and i definitely recommend having a good companion with you, helps tremendously. It was the strangest experience of my life. I was in HYPERSPACE surrounded by these creatures that are not made up of matter but energy. It was so familiar and yet it was my first time seeing it. It was super clear and crystal and yet it's not in English(no language I know, yet it was totally understood). I've attached a drawing to show what some of these creatures looked like. Some were trying to scare me a bit and others were very comforting. It made me completely reevaluate my view on life and where it exists.
mailorderdiety attached the following image(s):
Screen shot 2010-12-12 at 9.27.24 PM.png (1,644kb) downloaded 491 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 12/14/2010 8:00:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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i tried to move this thread from the nursery and wound up embedding it into another thread from way back when.....guess my navigation skills around here need a little polishing... Pleased

all that aside, i just wanted to share this with you all. i have met several nexians in the flesh at this point and i can say this much for certain about all of them: they are stupendously amazing people.

are any of you surprised?

so- i'm getting a piece of sacred geometry tattooed onto my crown chakra and in through the tattoo parlor doors walks mailorderdeity. immediately i loved this brother. we chatted for a bit and then he whips out some pics of some of his artwork. Shocked to say that this dude has talent is like saying that i have smoked DMT once or twice. the gift that he brings to us is beyond evident- i have complete faith that we have another alex grey on our hands here folks. this guy has all the necessary skills to honestly bring back images from his journeys and the idea of seeing this has me completely transfixed!!

anyways, long story short (and not to cut into HIS report on the matter), i was allowed the honor of working with him in the ever-evolving healing room...

that's all i'm gonna say. well....that and WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY MAILORDERDEITY!!

with the deepest love and gratitude!!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#3 Posted : 12/14/2010 8:34:42 PM

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really nice drawingWink
#4 Posted : 12/14/2010 10:07:24 PM

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That smiling demon looks quite familiar to me. ..yes, I have seen him too.

you dont forget a face like that Smile
Obviously everything the Shaman says is Hyperspace Hyperbole
#5 Posted : 12/15/2010 6:16:42 AM


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That's quite brilliant! The colour theme does seem to be familiar although I've never met the smiling elf/demon yet Very happy
How I'd love to meet some of my fellow SoCal nexians!
This is it. This is what it was. This is what it will be.
#6 Posted : 12/15/2010 8:54:45 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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wow! stunning artwork with such clarity and details. so glad to have you among usVery happy <3
#7 Posted : 12/15/2010 4:49:22 PM

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good report and nice artwork, the faces remind me of the 'wackyness' hyperspace often assumes. And even then it still remains profound in its own way... Good stuff Very happy
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#8 Posted : 12/15/2010 7:11:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report and artwork!

It sounds like it was a great experience, especially having Ant there as a guide.

Definitely inspiring as I'd like to someday be able to help and guide peoples trips.

Welcome to the Next Us ! <3
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
#9 Posted : 12/15/2010 11:22:57 PM

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mailorderdiety wrote:
this is my first post and this was my second trip.

Welcome to the Nexus Mailorderdiety!
Thats a great report and also some great artwork and I'm so glad you met our brother and spiritual guide Antrocles.

I'll be back out to LA in a few months and maybe I'll get to meet up with a few of you if I'm lucky!


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#10 Posted : 12/15/2010 11:51:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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now banshee- if you step into that healing room for a SECOND time, i may have to insist you and i go for a little voyage..... Pleased

you were 99% on that bed the FIRST time you passed through.... Laughing

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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