I will be visiting an old friend over christmas and was wanting to do an aya brew and drink with him. I have 100g of Red vine and 100g of potent chacruna (others have tried this same chacruna and say its very potent). I haven't seen this guy in a long time, and will only be staying with him for 1 or 2 days. It will probably be the last time I see him for a long time. I want the experience to be powerfull and deeply moving, moreso for him than me because he is dealing with some ugly shit at the moment.
I have tried 100g white vine and didn't feel anything. I have also experimented extensively in taking pure harmalas alone and pharmahuasca. I have since concluded that my digestive system is very slow or that I'm resistant to MAOIs. nothing I have experienced so far would I call 'powerful' I think the dose has been too low. I feel like I'm ready to experience a strong aya dose.
I don't want this to sound like a pissing contest or anything of that sort at all because I am not looking toward aya just for the 'trip' but the healing as well. Ive had this vine and leaf sitting in my freezer for months waiting for the perfect time to use it for a powerfull session. That said I want us both to be blown away. but not a blackout.
Was thinking about dosage and decided to split the 100g of red vine between us but was wondering how much light should be added? On a side note for the sake of knowledge, aproximately how much chacruna is equal to how much mimosa?
All post are made by SWIM. I am not SWIM.