Back to basics : 5Meo DMT + harmala alcaloid Options
#1 Posted : 9/9/2010 5:52:56 AM

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Warning: combining orally 5meo dmt and harmalas may outcome in serious physical discomfort, damaged or might even be lethal- deaths case happened in the past. This is not an experience to take lightly-and downwardly not recommended.

This is a note Dreamer made after a night's sleep:

This is the report the dreamer made after this unexpected journey.
The intentions were along the lines of healing and reprogramming.

"After a good walk in the forest, I went back home and prepaired 200mg harmalas labelled as THH HCL in lemon juice (Yuuk!:for a fast onset he thought).
I ate a salad and a couple of rice toast with butter then had a capsule of light.
I weight 80 mg (which looked little compared what I would have eyeballed) and after making holes in it, just washed it down with mineral water.
After that we start to move compost in the garden ( a new house with lot of work).
Note that I wasn't alone all the time, being with my sweetie.

From the beginning of the gardening, i was starting to feel the onset quite nicely but after an houror less maybe, there was some nausea and weird feeling (not what I experienced with my little experiments with pharmahuasca which were mild but enjoyable in their feeling) and this little trouble soon start to ring a bell. Knowing I had recently put 5MeO Dmt HCL in a jar, I went straight back to check if I could have mistake n,n, dmt fumarate for 5 MeO.
After checking I thought : OH !! I have no idea what a dose like this will behave, beside, I have no experience whatsoever with 5 metoxy and haramlas. Having just testing sublingual once (yuuuk!).

A rapid look at erowid on their dosage info showed me a strong dose would be 30+ mg, I thought if I indeed tared the weighting canoe (unsure given the volume) I may be in for a ruff ride.
I must admit that I start to wonder weither or not I should make myself purge or just surrender..
I just felt my belly wasn't up for throwing out, so I thought to myself, maybe this mislabel is just here for me to experience something beautiful and powerful.
And this was the case.
It was afternoon and was a bit too restless to stay alone still on a matress, with few visuals (and no visions at all) but a strong mental tryptamine feeling.
I start to feel lots of euphoria on the plateau and a strong connection to my soul. The medecine was convincing what a waste for my spirit to drink-binge like I've done this last two weeks (Why do I leave in a alcoholic nation?????).
Plenty of healing fellowed then. Some new body awareness and such.

Overall, this experiment was a positive one, not overwhelming at all (I need to check weighting this 5 MeO to see if the tare was done correctly (if not it's more likely a 20mg dose instead of 80mg), that I wish soon to dig further. espescially now I have some chaliponga, I could see the similarites or difference between this pharma experience and this ayahuasca mixture (given that there is 5 Meo dmt in chaliponga and that I will prepair it well).

This is the beginning of a session of work with pharamhuasca and ayahuasca. It felt like a soul retrieval quest more than a visions quest.
I actually ended the journey with some tiny toke of changa and later as I was just glowing, by a tea of rue harmalas in lemon juice...
Put me to sleep very well for a 5:30 hours and now I feel refresh and full of love and compassion for the next to come events."

Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/14/2010 10:09:45 PM

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Glad to see you back here! Hope to see more posts from you, rOm.

Do you have plans to do more pharma/aya?
#3 Posted : 9/14/2010 10:39:21 PM

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Sure I have !! I feel apeal to work with oral harmals, caapi and rue. I'm in with piri piri combination.
Next will be caapi aya with mescaline hcl, piri piri tincture and mapacho I reckon.
All I need is to let my english flow to report back as best as I can.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#4 Posted : 12/6/2010 6:52:08 PM

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Thanks for report, this looks interesting.
I'm glad that the scale did a little mistake (as I think), 'cause from what I know 5-MeO isn't really soft with dosage mistakes =D

Would be nice to make up a clear topic on dosages and summary of effect with 5-meo and harmalas, infos are so unclear on the net.

Just, I'm not english so I had a little difficoult understanding, in the beginning, that you took something beside harmalas. When you say in the post

"I weight 80 mg (which looked little compared what I would have eyeballed) and after making holes in it, just washed it down with mineral water."

You ment " I weight 80 mg of DMT "ecc., right?

Best wishes
Bad, bad english
#5 Posted : 12/6/2010 7:04:23 PM

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arimane wrote:
Thanks for report, this looks interesting.
I'm glad that the scale did a little mistake (as I think), 'cause from what I know 5-MeO isn't really soft with dosage mistakes =D

Would be nice to make up a clear topic on dosages and summary of effect with 5-meo and harmalas, infos are so unclear on the net.

Just, I'm not english so I had a little difficoult understanding, in the beginning, that you took something beside harmalas. When you say in the post

"I weight 80 mg (which looked little compared what I would have eyeballed) and after making holes in it, just washed it down with mineral water."

You ment " I weight 80 mg of DMT "ecc., right?

Best wishes

I meant weight 80mg of unlabeled tryptamine (thought dmt but was 5 meO dmt) and capped it, made holes innit, wash it down with water..

Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#6 Posted : 12/7/2010 3:10:18 AM

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rOm wrote:

I meant weight 80mg of unlabeled tryptamine (thought dmt but was 5 meO dmt) and capped it, made holes innit, wash it down with water..

80 mg + 200 mg of harmalas SHOULD have floored you. There are only bad trip reports with these two alkaloids (check erowid). And I mean BAD trip reports... those of the kind that end in an hospital with periods of total unconsciousness and even delirium. There is some evidence that suggests that 5-MeO-DMT when ingested orally with a MAOI metabolizes at least partially into bufotenine in the liver and causes major discomfort and vasoconstriction and utter mindfuck and.... And at such doses, i shudder thinking on what could have gone wrong.

Of course everyone's metabolism is different, but if yours was not (and the substances you report are indeed those that you have taken) you are indeed very lucky. Consequences could have been disastrous.

5-MeO-DMT + MAOI orally is a definite no no, for those interested in such a dangerous combination

"The elfclowns of hyperspace are already juggling in the center ring. Hurry! Hurry!" T.M

#7 Posted : 12/7/2010 8:13:19 AM

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Picatris, this was definately 5 MeO but the scale was possibly not accurate.
Now the coming up wasn't like n,n dmt, with more nausea and as you know I felt something was wrong and realized I dosed 5MeO.
About its oral toxicity, I thought there was some talk about it when combined orally with harmalas.
I know an overdose can be seriously dangerous even fatal.
But what about oral harmalas plus sublingual/intranasal 5MeO ?

It looks like we play in unknown grounds here.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#8 Posted : 12/7/2010 9:53:38 AM

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rOm wrote:

But what about oral harmalas plus sublingual/intranasal 5MeO ?

It looks like we play in unknown grounds here.

I will be guessing, but I strongly believe that results depend on the path the drug (5-Meo) follows until it reaches the brain and how long have you ingested the MAOI. If following these ROA (intranasal or sublingual) what one should check is if the MAO-B (those in the blood) enzymes have already been inhibited by the harmalas and then if the blood vessels that carry the drug will transport it through the liver or not. There is some empyrical evidence that intranasal 5-MeO might go directly to the brain, but it is nonetheless true that it burns your nose like the fires of Hell Shocked

"The elfclowns of hyperspace are already juggling in the center ring. Hurry! Hurry!" T.M

#9 Posted : 12/8/2010 9:21:33 AM

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Yeah the ROA comfort/safety is an issue. At least with HCL form. Picatris, you fellow the smoke bridge ?
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#10 Posted : 7/19/2011 8:54:49 AM

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Warning: this is my personnal dosage guideline, this tryptamine is harsher on the heart, it is more toxic than n,n-DMT and certainly this ROA isn't the safest either.

Second essays:

Drunk caapi tea all day (with 7 grams 4:1 extract powder) with guyasa extract admixture.
I didn't want to write a trip report but my dosage guideline.

Evening dosed in a single cap 102mg rue harmalas alcaloids again (same as the first time) with 12mg 5 metoxy.
Cause the weighting of the jar showed 150mg out of 250mg initials, so the 80ish are legit, as I have intranasald once before all.

This time the coming up was not as strong though not comfortable either, I was ble to move and do things.
Some kind of stimulation due to the increase of heartbeat (I can see why it would be dangerous for poeple with weak heart), the heart was pumping and pumping, through nothing bad for me.

Felt a bit of nausea, but I blame the heavy "breaktoast" I had not long before (dumb!).
Once my motions manage to stabilize, th eeuphoria was building and loads of love-wave through my body, brain/heart felt not far from heaven.

Curiously the other experience wasn't very strong compared to this one except the coming up. I suspect the harmalas might not ignite the first 5 MeO correctly and the 5 ignite by itself (from Otts experience, its orally active by itself from 30mg).

Again it was a good one, once the plateau is being reach, with two waves of strong euphoria/love felt @ around 2 hours mark form each others.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#11 Posted : 7/19/2011 7:25:09 PM
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..thank you rOm for your brave test-voyaging in this edge arena..
you mention
this tryptamine is harsher on the heart

could you give any more details of the physical effects (other than heart) of this molecule (particularly by this ROA?)
..have you taken dietary & other contraindications into consideration when experimenting?
where do you think this combo can go (experience wise)?
#12 Posted : 7/19/2011 7:31:39 PM

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In fact Ididn't do anyfeel else tha considering and applying (which is a dayly diet anymay) an ayahusaca brew.
Other than increase heartbeat, which wasn't so discomforting, I dodn't notice anything physically.
Nor from digestive, respitoray etc...
It was good when I attained the plateau. I just wanted to make poeple aware that this might suits me but not everyone else.
each batch, purification, history of drugs (and ethnobotanicals, food suplements whatever you call it)
may play a role in this !
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#13 Posted : 7/19/2011 7:35:13 PM
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..was wondering if you had much visual activity, or how would you describe the 'plateau'? (if not too personal a question...)
#14 Posted : 7/20/2011 4:01:11 AM

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actually 5MeO hasn't been very visual in the ROA and dosage I took, I mean not like N,N-DMT but, there some tracers, some membrane like effects around and some feeling of the body that is quite impressively awesome.
It's not a full 3D show if you want but more like a trytamine dissociative-like effect to me this last time.
Kinda dissociative like iboga is.
Or maybe I do'nt know how to describe it... You feel and see distorted things like the size and textures aand the Senses, more specificaaly the sense of touch !
Freaking good, but the come up is just uncomfortable, past that it has been blissful.
I will carry on working with this one cautiously using different ROA.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
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