Yopo and Cebil snuffs are not appealing to those that seek pleasurable experiences.
I would say these snuffs are for those who seek contact with higher entities to receive spiritual insight and are willing to physically suffer for it.
As for the muscle spasms; completely normal to Yopo-like snuffs if you ask me. I snorted yopo snuff 3 times.
All 3 times I used 3 roasted, crushed A.Peregrina seeds mixed with +/- a similair amount of lime and just enough water to make a paste.
This was allowed to dry to a hard cake, the amonia smell was allowed to evaporise off and it was then crushed again with mortal & pestle.
All 3 times I snorted this snuff I experienced these muscle spasms you speak of. Like twitches and cramps in my thigh, neck and shoulder muscles.
My first Yopo experience I thought: "this headache, noseache and nausea stops me from enjoying this"
But then the most briliant visions of extremely bright-colored, humanoid DMT-entities; countless in numbers all around me. They reached their hands out to me and felt like a very positive, comforting and intelligent presence. I soon realised this(Yopo experiences) was not about pleasure, but about spiritually enlightening knowledge and insight.
In fact the physical suffering may be seen as a sacrament; A hardship you're willing to undergo to find knowledge that is not meant for those that merely seek pleasure.
After this I did it 2 more times. The last time made me breakthrough, pretty much exactly like DMT can.
I left my body, had the choice to return to my body but went along with the dissociation. I ended up in a DMT-like realm; an open spot in a dense forrest, full of tents and celebrating people.
They cheered when they caught my attention and motivated me to dance with them, which I did.
I wanna do this again and am willing to undergo the headache, nausea and spasms/cramps again to meet this intelligence and learn more of existance.
Obviously I'm rather reluctant to just do it; Otherwise I might have done it well over 10 times by now.
If you seek a pleasurable Bufotenin experience, try extracting Bufotenin as good as pure from Cebil-seeds and try vaporising TINY doses of that.
From what I've read around here pure, vaporised Bufotenin seems to produce quite an enjoyable experience, without the physical discomfort.