Is DMT Scary? Options
#1 Posted : 11/30/2010 8:38:13 PM

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Hey guys, I've done DMT 6 times now.

But I am little too scared to actually take off.

Has anyone ever had a bad trip?

Should I loose my fear and do it?

Need feedback, thanks

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#2 Posted : 11/30/2010 8:40:26 PM

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It has the potential to be scary, but it also has the potential to be the most beautiful thing you could ever fathom.. Smile
#3 Posted : 11/30/2010 8:40:42 PM
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What do you mean you've done it, but are scared to take off?

What kind of dose have you taken and what kind of effects have you experienced from it?
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#4 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:08:33 PM

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Entheojen wrote:
What do you mean you've done it, but are scared to take off?

What kind of dose have you taken and what kind of effects have you experienced from it?

My first time I did 10 mg. Just saw lines.

My Second time I did 40 mg, 3 tokes, but I didn't hold each toke in a for a long.
Amazing imagery, but I was thinking too much which made the visions blurry.

All the other times I prob did 20 - 30 mg and I would see 3 dimensional matrix looking objects, and other awesome visions that I can't describe.

My sixth time I did it was the most incredible experience. I think I encountered a being.
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But I haven't taken off. LIke I've read stories on the internet where people feel like they are flying and they see many entities and un imaginable things.

I just wanna know why it would be scary? Has anyone ever had a bad trip?
#5 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:09:15 PM

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aloneits wrote:
It has the potential to be scary, but it also has the potential to be the most beautiful thing you could ever fathom.. Smile

Why can it be scary?

Do the entities love us?
#6 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:12:50 PM

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CanadianResistance wrote:
aloneits wrote:
It has the potential to be scary, but it also has the potential to be the most beautiful thing you could ever fathom.. Smile

Why can it be scary?

Do the entities love us?

I suggest you find out for yourself. It's the best way to answer such questions.
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#7 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:15:39 PM

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I suggest you read some trip reports. Erowid is a good resource for this. DMT can be absolutely terrifying, if you're not prepared for some really uncomfortable stuff to happen, you probably shouldn't partake. That said, 99% of the time it is bliss beyond description.
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#8 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:20:41 PM

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Scary? Its WONDERFUL!!

I guess it could be scary. I haven't had a scary trip with it (yet) but I've had a few ruff experiences. Like having my head warped and pulled apart, or the time this strange cutting machine came at me with all these razor sharp spinning blades and started to drill into my eye ball. That last one almost scared me but I started coming down before it got too far. And one time on changa the trip started going somewhere I didn't feel I was ready to handle at that time; but just when I was about to go over the edge the trip changed directions and turned out to be great experience.

so I think its possible but hasn't really happened to me yet.
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#9 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:26:04 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
CanadianResistance wrote:
aloneits wrote:
It has the potential to be scary, but it also has the potential to be the most beautiful thing you could ever fathom.. Smile

Why can it be scary?

Do the entities love us?

I suggest you find out for yourself. It's the best way to answer such questions.

Well do the entities love you?
#10 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:26:48 PM

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It can be terrifying. One just has to be prepared for anything. No matter what happens, as long as you accept every aspect of the trip, it will work out. Last night for instance, I was abducted and experimented on. Something like that could easily freak someone out but I accepted what was happening and it turned out to be one of the most ground breaking experiences of my life.

I truly believe beings from another dimension sensed my presence and began experimenting on me.
#11 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:26:51 PM

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MySmelf wrote:
Scary? Its WONDERFUL!!

I guess it could be scary. I haven't had a scary trip with it (yet) but I've had a few ruff experiences. Like having my head warped and pulled apart, or the time this strange cutting machine came at me with all these razor sharp spinning blades and started to drill into my eye ball. That last one almost scared me but I started coming down before it got too far. And one time on changa the trip started going somewhere I didn't feel I was ready to handle at that time; but just when I was about to go over the edge the trip changed directions and turned out to be great experience.

so I think its possible but hasn't really happened to me yet.

Please read my experience where I think i saw a being. Do u think it was a being I encountered. PLease read and answer in that post, it would mean a lot
#12 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:27:48 PM

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dream_denizen wrote:
It can be terrifying. One just has to be prepared for anything. No matter what happens, as long as you accept every aspect of the trip, it will work out. Last night for instance, I was abducted and experimented on. Something like that could easily freak someone out but I accepted what was happening and it turned out to be one of the most ground breaking experiences of my life.

I truly believe beings from another dimension sensed my presence and began experimenting on me.

So it's only scary if you try to ignore or deny the trip?
If you go with it, no matter what it may be, the trip isn't scary?
#13 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:38:36 PM


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No i don't think you have to deny or ignore it... to make it scary, infact it might well be impossible.
I think a way to describe it would be akin to swimming in a river. Don't try and fight it, turn around and go with the flow.

It can be very fucking scary. I think it certainly has the ability to be the most beautiful thing you ever saw, but it can be wild and unpredictable at the best of times.

I think we all know this. Just do your best not to be scared going into it. Do your rituals or what ever it is, meditate, clean the room, light incense etc.

Respect it, i think although it is wild and unpredictable taking every precaution to make your your grounded and calm before the experience will make it much more likely to have a pleasant experience. Even when its not 'scary bad' it can be 'scary good'.

Caution and respect.

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#14 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:54:23 PM

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xtechre wrote:
No i don't think you have to deny or ignore it... to make it scary, infact it might well be impossible.
I think a way to describe it would be akin to swimming in a river. Don't try and fight it, turn around and go with the flow.

It can be very fucking scary. I think it certainly has the ability to be the most beautiful thing you ever saw, but it can be wild and unpredictable at the best of times.

I think we all know this. Just do your best not to be scared going into it. Do your rituals or what ever it is, meditate, clean the room, light incense etc.

Respect it, i think although it is wild and unpredictable taking every precaution to make your your grounded and calm before the experience will make it much more likely to have a pleasant experience. Even when its not 'scary bad' it can be 'scary good'.

Caution and respect.

Thanks, i think I will just keep taking small hits until I'm comfortable with taking more.
I've been reading bad trips, and ALL the bad trips I'm reading have to do with snorting.
I enjoy the visualize I see.

I once saw real pyramids made of sand and rock, I also saw eye balls in geometric shapes.
Then all the pyramids combined into sacrade geometry and it grew an eye.

Do u think the eyes I was seeing that were blinking, was that a DMT being?
#15 Posted : 11/30/2010 9:56:31 PM

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I think intentions play a crucial role in how a trip develops.
#16 Posted : 11/30/2010 10:00:44 PM

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I AM SWIM wrote:
I think intentions play a crucial role in how a trip develops.

Thank you for your answer, I agree.

Because the one time I had the intention of coming out of my body, although I never did I saw something strange

I just posted another note, its called "Did I see a Being?"

Please read and respond please Smile
#17 Posted : 11/30/2010 10:10:17 PM
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Yep, if you go in with fear you may well enduce it upon yourself, much like a child in the dark. It's just the dark, but once he starts to let his scary thoughts take hold, the experience snowballs abs worsens - it's only through calming down that he can finally sleep. So like the parent who says "it's just night time and soon it will be day again" you have to accept that while a trip may be scary or whatnot, it's only going to last a few minutes.
I think once that can be accepted, your journey's will be much more joyous. Happy travels.

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#18 Posted : 11/30/2010 10:15:33 PM

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i would say, scariness, and fear and such stem from ego, or personal mind, the things that can be shown are beyond the personal and so in not understanding the mind becomes fearfull, the key is to not to be fearfull of the experience and come from a place of knowing, that it is all love and learning, even if you experience pain (which is ridiculously unlikely) it is still from love and learning. realize this and know that you are in good hands
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#19 Posted : 11/30/2010 10:18:35 PM

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Vito wrote:
Yep, if you go in with fear you may well enduce it upon yourself, much like a child in the dark. It's just the dark, but once he starts to let his scary thoughts take hold, the experience snowballs abs worsens - it's only through calming down that he can finally sleep. So like the parent who says "it's just night time and soon it will be day again" you have to accept that while a trip may be scary or whatnot, it's only going to last a few minutes.
I think once that can be accepted, your journey's will be much more joyous. Happy travels.

Thank you friend Smile
#20 Posted : 11/30/2010 10:23:36 PM

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mrwiggle wrote:
i would say, scariness, and fear and such stem from ego, or personal mind, the things that can be shown are beyond the personal and so in not understanding the mind becomes fearfull, the key is to not to be fearfull of the experience and come from a place of knowing, that it is all love and learning, even if you experience pain (which is ridiculously unlikely) it is still from love and learning. realize this and know that you are in good hands

Thats what I wanted to know. DO they love us?

PLease read my experience when you have time and give me some advice.
I think I've encountered one.

I have taken 3 hits before but i didn't feel launched off but lost complete sense of my body. It was 40 mg but I didn't hold in the hits as long as I can since it was my second time and I'll be honest, it's cause I was pussy. I was trippin hard off the second hit.
I felt SO MUCH love inside me as I watched the hallucinations, but like I said I didn't encounter beings but felt a strong presence.

Honestly I feel like the hallucinations itself is alive, even at 20 mg.

But all I wanna know is, are the beings we encounter, do they love me? If I ever ran into one, could I ask it if it loves me? Is that dumb idea?

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