Caapi questions Options
#1 Posted : 11/10/2010 2:25:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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alright looking to try caapi only brew to start my journey with aya. Got some questions on ordering on hp what do i wont to order. Twigs, chipped pieces, shredded, leaves, powdered. I know i want the vine right. Is all the twigs, shredded ,chipped, powdered the vine. Thanks for the help very interested in the experience. I have no expereince with aya or freebased, plenty of experience with lsd, shrooms, mesc, salvia. Looking for a spiritual experience these other seemed to lack for me.

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#2 Posted : 11/10/2010 3:38:32 PM

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I had never seen them offered as chips, but looking at the site it looks like chips are just small versions of the whole vine length wise.

I would say skip the powdered unless you plan on using a THP to make your brew. If you plan on doing the standard boil use either the shredded or get the twigs/chips. If you get the twigs/chips you will need to be ok with hammering and manually shredding your vine. Depending on the type of vine this can range from super easy to a little hard. SWIM has hammered some fresh cielo that was especially tough (though no regrets) while others say the white breaks up with ease. It could be a fresh vs older dried thing with the dried breaking easier, not sure yet. Basically you will be spending an hour or more working with the fine to make it shredded which could be a good part of the ritual if you would like it to be. You hammer it to break it up and then flatten it and then you pull it apart into thin shreds to get lots of surface area for brewing. If this doesn't appeal to you or you wouldn't feel comfortable making loud hammering noises where you are then just get the shredded vine instead.

The leaves are not typically for brewing. They are typically used to make enhanced leaf for changa.
#3 Posted : 11/10/2010 4:21:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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thanks for the info. Ive read the yellow vine is recommended for beginners more rounded experience, am i wrong? Oh yeah ive read 50-100 grams for dose somewhere in the middle seem about right, and should i let the brew settle and decant the liquid leaving the material behind.
olympus mon
#4 Posted : 11/10/2010 5:20:43 PM

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LawnMan wrote:
thanks for the info. Ive read the yellow vine is recommended for beginners more rounded experience, am i wrong? Oh yeah ive read 50-100 grams for dose somewhere in the middle seem about right, and should i let the brew settle and decant the liquid leaving the material behind.

yellow is a great vine for you to use. in my opinion get shredded for your first brewings its juts one less thing to worry about. not that breaking up whole vine is difficult but if not done thoroughly will result in weaker brews.

buy enough vine for a few go's. while you dialing in your method and doses you dont need a bunch of unnecessary variables. working with the same stock for a while helps you understand whats working and whats not working.

although ayahusca is simply boiling stuff it can also be the most elusive and tricky when learning. i know i had some bumbs in the roads. Laughing

your dosing sounds good. 50g's never hurts to go slow but if your doing caapi only id say bumb it up a bit closer to the 100g mark maybe 75g. some may disagree with me so get some more opinions. with caapi you have a lot of wiggle room, but when your talking addy's im much more conservative and advise greater caution.

too much caapi= cant move, intoxicated, and purging.
too much light= there no escape, begging your sitter to dispatch you to end the nightmare.

let us know how your doing.
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#5 Posted : 11/10/2010 5:31:53 PM

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I'd trust you on the dosage of the yellow from HP since you are more familiar with it. From SWIM's experience of fresh cielo mixed with shredded yellow, 50g brewed as he brewed it and with his metabolism would be more than plenty. ~40g was what he took and it was "cant move, intoxicated, and purging" Smile.

But for sure I would recommended getting a bunch so you can start on the lower side and still have more available for future attempts. Plus if you are going to be doing long brews you might as well make a bunch at once to save on gas/electricity and to have it available for the future w/o having to brew before each journey.
olympus mon
#6 Posted : 11/10/2010 6:42:28 PM

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great point malcypse about cielo vine. after searching its my understanding (and this is a big grey area) that cielo vine and yellow vine are different varietals. cielo being much stronger than yellow caapi although venders advertise their yellow vine as cielo all the time. it gets confusing and the suppliers dont help the matter. i could be wrong on this but this is what my research has led me to believe.

that being said the bulk of my caapi exp is with standard yellow vine from hp. its not any stronger than whats to be expected from caapi vine. black, cielo, or fresh b.caapi vine are told to be significantly stronger.

but your right about doses, unless we know exactly what vine is being used its better to play it safe. id still drink at least 50g thoughWink Very happy

also LAWNMAN- maybe decant your tea just over night. this will cut down on the nausea. the sediment truly kicks things up a big notch so maybe try first without drinking the sludge. if you didnt get good results next time drink sediment and all.
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#7 Posted : 11/10/2010 7:26:11 PM

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I went to order but there out of shredded. Im going to go with the chipped still some hammering but im guessing a little less. Im going to order the light at the same time. I'm thinking Psychotria viridis Peruvian Chakruna Leaves 1/2 LB Or do you think mimosa. They are out of Chaliponga. Defintly trying caapi only brew first.
Placing order later tonite.
#8 Posted : 11/10/2010 7:43:49 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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As Once told me recently, need much less caapi when there is light involved; they potentiate each other. If you're using an admixture, consider bumping the caapi down to 20 or 40g yellow for a first try, with only a hint of light (maybe .5g mimosa if you went that route). Otherwise, my fellow Nexians are spot on in their approximations of a starting dose, although some recommend starting even lower and working your way up.


#9 Posted : 11/10/2010 8:17:38 PM

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I'm gonna go Chakruna Leaves but not untill i try the caapi only brew. Getting all kinds of different dosages on my searches any suggestions would be appreciated.
#10 Posted : 11/10/2010 8:20:10 PM

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All About Aya <3

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#11 Posted : 11/10/2010 8:32:47 PM

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I read but it didnt register, so I read it again and now i see
#12 Posted : 11/11/2010 1:23:04 AM

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Order was placed. I'll have an update some time next week
#13 Posted : 11/25/2010 5:12:36 PM

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started shredding process. Smaller the shred width wise the better, right? then a 3x3 boil. To acidify or not?

been busy with my cactus.
#14 Posted : 11/25/2010 8:17:23 PM

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Bashing the vine up with a hammer should suffice! When the pieces are small enough to twist apart by hand (twist top and bottom of piece in opposite directions so it splinters), that should be more than enough.

The first time I ever tried shredding vine, I had a paring knife, and it took me about 3 days to do 100g. Embarrased

It shouldn't take more than an hour or two for really tough stuff, knots and all, to do an entire kilo, once you have the hang of it...

I find the process an interesting mirror to one's mental state, as well. Sometimes there is resistance, sometimes not.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#15 Posted : 11/25/2010 9:51:33 PM

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shredded 100g in about 20 min not whole vine but chips. shredded to about a 1/8 inch maybe smaller. thats good right
regarding resistince none to be noted i thought it went smooth relatively easy in my opionin
to acidify or not is the question now?
olympus mon
#16 Posted : 11/25/2010 9:55:56 PM

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yes acidify. 2 tb spoons vinegar per gallon.
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#17 Posted : 11/25/2010 9:57:44 PM

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acidify it is then, now that with every wash right?
olympus mon
#18 Posted : 11/25/2010 11:25:45 PM

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yes every wash. use distilled h20 if you can.

tip # 1
do not, do not, do not!!!! leave the stove unattended when your reducing below 3 cups. keep heat low so theres no chance of a boil over. nothing worse than ruining your brew in the final min.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#19 Posted : 11/26/2010 12:32:34 AM

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got it watch pot while reducing, still on second wash
olympus mon
#20 Posted : 11/26/2010 1:43:02 AM

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almost there then. are you doing a tannin clearing step?
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