Has DMT ever cut any of you off? Options
#1 Posted : 11/18/2010 4:26:40 AM

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Just wondering if DMT has ever let any of you know that you can't come back until you get over something or change something about yourself? She cut me off about a month or two ago, and let me know I can't return until I correct/resolve this thing about myself. I know what it wants me to resolve would be a great thing for me, though I've not been strong enough to do so yet. I've tried to go back twice since being "banned" and they were both horrible experiences, and I'm very hesitant to even attempt to try it again.
*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

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#2 Posted : 11/18/2010 4:42:52 AM

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I've been experiencing this too, but in my case i could explain it by a change in changa composition, or different settings. Theres nothing really mystical about it though, basically you shouldn't do psychedelics unless you are in a good mindset with no pressing issues to address. Face your demons.
#3 Posted : 11/18/2010 4:46:29 AM
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Yup, been cut off before. Listen to it, probably some good advice in there but take it with a grain of salt. Strange stuff indeed.

Don't keep trying to go back without doing what you need to do first, it will find different ways of being very convincing. If you think the change is something that'll be good for you, consider making it in increments or find a middle path if the extreme totality of the issue seems unreasonable Smile
olympus mon
#4 Posted : 11/18/2010 5:02:15 AM

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yes but smoking apparatus has come a loooong way since then. i was using a meth type pipe when this happened so who's to say if it still would have with a gvg.

i had a decent method but it was real tricky. if the melted dmt got too hot it just stopped vaping and burned. this always seemed to happen when your just barley able to function so its hard to wait and let it cool. break throughs were rare for a while with that shitty method.

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#5 Posted : 11/18/2010 5:15:46 AM

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yes, many had nothing to do with DMT cutting me off was me barring myself from the experience becasue my mind wouldnt shup up.
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 11/18/2010 5:31:35 AM

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Might also pay to refine and practice your smoking technique.
#7 Posted : 11/18/2010 8:21:56 AM

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Yeah man these kind of things are reasonably common. Check this out:

FAQ: Denied breakthrough / Dark DMT trips / Not good experiences anymore
#8 Posted : 11/18/2010 8:32:01 AM

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I think it's amazing how common this sort of experience is. I hadn't remembered that section of the FAQ before... but it's gold. "Do not obsess about DMT".

I've found it's very important to OBEY the spice when it tells you not to come back. I tried to come back. Not good. More importantly, not healthy!

It seems so hard to make those changes sometimes, though... I feel like I've tried reorganizing things a dozen times in my life, but failed. Actually the fact that my life is in condition in which spice would not be good troubles me-- not the spicelessness itself, but condition which gives rise to necessary spicelessness.


#9 Posted : 11/18/2010 11:41:07 PM
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mumbles wrote:
Theres nothing really mystical about it though

^ Prove it Cool
#10 Posted : 11/19/2010 3:08:55 AM

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skippyluvs wrote:
mumbles wrote:
Theres nothing really mystical about it though

^ Prove it Cool

Haha prove there is, we know how it works on the brain, but is it more than chemistry and expectation? Thats the real mystery Smile
#11 Posted : 11/19/2010 3:34:02 AM
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mumbles wrote:
Haha prove there is

Are you implying that I believe it is mystical? I surely hope not, for all we know it could be beyond words like "mystical" or phrases like "all in your head", being beyond the comprehension of a human would not be surprising Wink

On the other hand you were quite transparent with your statement.

we know how it works on the brain

Oh do we now? Do enlighten those of us not entirely convinced with "science" coming from a "civilization" whose dominant intellectually "intelligent" species are at constant "conflict/war" with each other.

but is it more than chemistry and expectation? Thats the real mystery Smile

So should one assume you rescind your original statement? Cool
#12 Posted : 11/19/2010 4:03:50 AM

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It happened to me. I took in quite a bit of smoke, expecting a strong trip. But all that happend was my ears buzzed like crazy, I experienced a heavy body load, but no trip. All I got from the trip was an entity telling me that I cannot return to hyper space until I fix a few things in my life. And part of the message was that I can't obsess over things, including spice, because this drains energy. It said only do things when the time is right, you can't force anything. The entity communicated that if I tried to do spice before working some things out, all that would happen is I'd get the same failed trips over again, with no message other than "get your shit together first!", and the message would become more and more pressing until I finally listened. So.... I had to listen to the message, got some stuff together, and felt much better.

It seems like dmt has a natural way of not being addictive. For me anyway, if I do it "too much", it won't make me feel good and it will encourage me to fix myselff up. It's almost as if the message was, "you're trying to TAKE too much. You need to GIVE first" (speaking on a biological level, or energy level, if you will). Maybe doing dmt too often is like trying to get too much sleep, or have too much sex. If you aren't tired, you can try to lie down in bed, but you'll just toss and feel frustrated and you won't sleep. Or if you try to have sex just after having an orgasm, you can try to hump, but you won't climax, and it will be frustrating. Like the right neuro chemistry just isn't there.

But everyone's "too much" is different, and will vary from season to season, and depend on whatever is going on in a person's life. If I don't have much on my plate at the time, and I'm full of energy, I can handle more psychedelic experiences. Now that it is November, I don't have the same energy I had summer, when I first started with psychedelics. I notice with the change in phsiology with the changing seasons, my ability to handle spice has changed. The body goes through peaks and valleys. Sometimes the situations are just ripe for psychedelics, and other times not. You have to learn when the right time is for dmt.
#13 Posted : 11/19/2010 4:12:58 AM

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One time, I couldn't break through after eating a bunch of mushrooms with some friends. I REALLY wanted to smoke DMT, but my friend was going through some intensely emotional stuff, and I think the alternate-dimensional beings felt I should have just been chilling with him instead. No cosmic pineal self-pleasuring for me that night. Razz
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#14 Posted : 11/19/2010 4:03:46 PM

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skippyluvs wrote:
Oh do we now? Do enlighten those of us not entirely convinced with "science" coming from a "civilization" whose dominant intellectually "intelligent" species are at constant "conflict/war" with each other.

What is your point? If science is evil destroy your computer and go live in a cave. We know it fits in the same receptor sites as seretonin because it is so structurally similar, and we know its a endogenous sigma-1 receptor regulator. If you have a problem with humans please remove yourself from our population. Thank you.

skippyluvs wrote:
So should one assume you rescind your original statement? Cool

Nope, just don't want to offend the sensitive types. But they end up twisting your words.

ms_manic_minxx have you considered cross tolerance with the other tryptamine?
#15 Posted : 11/19/2010 6:52:48 PM
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Autodidactic wrote:
Just wondering if DMT has ever let any of you know that you can't come back until you get over something or change something about yourself? She cut me off about a month or two ago, and let me know I can't return until I correct/resolve this thing about myself. I know what it wants me to resolve would be a great thing for me, though I've not been strong enough to do so yet. I've tried to go back twice since being "banned" and they were both horrible experiences, and I'm very hesitant to even attempt to try it again.

Yeah same here. DMT would disable my ability to receive it's visions untill I had resolved my issues; My issues being too self-absorbed with ideas and memories to be empty and receptive enough to receive DMT's message. I know I should meditate frequently to train my pure, undivided attention so I can give that to my visions.

I must say I have a hard time disciplining myself to this. I did not feel "banned" or " turned down" by DMT. Instead I just felt like a student who isn't ready to receive certain teachings yet, because first he has to become a better student: More receptive and clearminded.

It's more like DMT told me "You can't learn that yet, it's a level too high and complex for you as of yet. First you must learn the basics. Be patient, don't skip to the last lesson. First thing's first."
#16 Posted : 11/20/2010 1:30:47 AM
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mumbles wrote:
What is your point?

What makes you think I have point? I hope that isn't the immediate case.
But ultimately to relate with your notion, the most adequate "point" would be to show that your statement was not ultimately true, because you can't disprove or prove the idea that DMT is or isn't mystical (at least in regards to the general thought processes associated with humans). One would go as far as to suggest that you should realize that, if you don't then one would assume that others from the nexus may suggest you've learned next to nothing with your use of DMT (of course I'm assuming you've used such a gourgeous creation).

If science is evil destroy your computer and go live in a cave.

Again, with the assumptions. You're a naughty little lad or gal there aren't you Cool
But let's assume I'll take your statement at face value; that said - why would I destroy my computer if an objective truth exists that science is evil? I wouldn't.

Personally however, I believe as far as science is concerned, it alongside logic have great potential to be critical and extremely useful in a universe like this.

We know it fits in the same receptor sites as seretonin because it is so structurally similar, and we know its a endogenous sigma-1 receptor regulator.

That's it? We just know it fits in the same receptor sites as seretonin? That's it, and it's structurally similar alongside being a endogenous sigma-1 receptor regulator? And so because of that we now know all that there is in regards to a molecule that has the ability to open upon the notion of infantum? I'm afraid Ockhams Razor doesn't quite cut it in scenarios that delve or resonate and/or relate into infinity. Don't let your pride for humanity and most likely western based "accomplishment" overide or more concerningly exacerbate your ego.

If you have a problem with humans please remove yourself from our population. Thank you.

Wow talk about hospitality, you might suggest to one that you've been toking PCP instead of DMT. One's opinion of a species should have nothing to do with their physical well being or personal desires.


Nope, just don't want to offend the sensitive types. But they end up twisting your words.

Cute, very cute, speaking of yourself before one like myself or someone else from the Nexus would have pointed this very concept about you. Except I wasn't planning on it, but I guess your indulgence in regards to it is a great opener to link with you. Nonetheless your lack of rescinding your statement was expected, regardless of what's been conveyed and due to the limited communicative apparatus (experience) I doubt you would ever sway your opinion in order to primarily preserve your ego. The likely way to change your mind would be through a deep exchange after which you would of realized you probably do like me after all upon a physical acquainting. Usually in scenarios like this you'd learn by yourself so you understand intimately and uniquely to you what is being conveyed.

Your life friend, nonetheless I think I like you Cool
#17 Posted : 11/20/2010 2:17:06 AM

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deep breaths people....
Long live the unwoke.
Ice House
#18 Posted : 11/20/2010 4:32:50 AM

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wow.... lol
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#19 Posted : 11/20/2010 2:55:53 PM
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fractal enchantment wrote:
deep breaths people....

Hehehe Cool Twisted Evil Laughing
#20 Posted : 11/20/2010 6:18:27 PM

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DMT urges me to remember..
The molecule urges me to pay pay attention..
Spice requires me to live in a present devoid of yesteday and oblivious to tommorow..only then am I ever in such a state to complete the annihilation and assimilation into hyperspace with an open enough to recieve the downloads that follow..

Hyperspace shows me when to shut the fuck up, why I need to shut up..and ultimatily, how I am the only one here that holds myself back in any way..hyperspace does not discriminate..we however, do..hyperspace does not close, or cut you off..all these things we do to ourselves.

Sit down, close your eyes and remember..remember being there...and learn to shut up.
Do not let your fear paralyize you...

The light beings told me to do what they do..and to remember it..and to go out and do that for other people..they are present..thats all. They are aware of the dream and they manifest it now..always now..they are a higher aspect of the self..of the selves..hyperaware and always present..

Arguing the validity of science or spirituality and all this other crap people are bickering about here is jsut a useless diversion. Hyperspace makes you feel cut off because hyperspace is made of are sooo much more than you give yourslef credit for...noone said this work was easy..but reflection is worth it.
Long live the unwoke.
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