The absolute BEST way to get the most out of your DMT Options
#1 Posted : 11/12/2010 6:02:12 PM

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Hello all,

So I've been traveling these roads for about a year now. From the beginning it was always intriguing and I knew there was something magical about the whole thing, but it was inconsistent and occasionally frightening. I thought that was just the nature of the chemical, although after much experimentation I have come across a method of using smoked/vaped DMT to its fullest with virtually no negative thoughts or side effects. Maybe it's just familiarity with the drug, but I feel like I could introduce a virgin to the spice this way and guarantee they have a positive, glowing experience. But maybe not. So please please please respond to this, I want to know if anyone else consumes their spice this way. Or if not, I want you to give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

I feel like I was lied to, or I just misinformed myself, about the proper method to smoke DMT. I've always heard, from Mckenna to the Nexus to whoever, that what you do is take three huge hits in rapid succession and then close your eyes and enter hyperspace. I've found that most of the time the rapid onset of the first two hits is unnerving and causes hesitation, often preventing a full on "breakthrough" experience. There are three keys to my trip: companionship, pacing, and music.

Companionship and pacing go hand in hand. Smoking spice alone is not nearly as amazing as smoking it with others, just as the same goes for any psychedelic. Doing it alone you miss out on a lot of the features of a psychedelic trips. The communication between people is profoundly effected by psychedelics and DMT is no exception. Smoking it with a partner also allows both of you to pace yourself. I got the impression from somewhere, I don't remember where but probably the internet, that if you don't finish smoking your dose in like one and a half to two minutes you can't get any farther. Which is absolute rubbish, you can take another hit several minutes into your trip and blast off much much further and go much deeper. It might increase the dose required to reach higher levels but not substantially.

Here's what I typically do: load the steamroller with 75-100mg spice. I know, sounds like a lot. Might partially be because I'm not worried about vaping it super efficiently, I just smoke it, there's never really a shortage on spice. Also, this bowl is meant for two people. I've tried tripping with 3 people but the 3rd person to start their trip is usually so far behind the first person that it doesn't work quite as well. As I said, the third key is the music. You need something with a driving beat and not too many complex layers of sound. Shpongle actually works quite well, mainly because of the interesting vocalizations in a lot of the songs, but tribal beats are perfect. I actually had the most beautiful trip possible last week to music I can't remember because my friend picked it, but it was absolutely perfect and I'll post it up once I find out what it was.

So you have two people sitting there with a pipe filled to the brim with DMT and a driving beat going. You also need a glass of water for the weird throat constriction feeling. Big glass, you dont want to have to get up and go refill it in the middle of the trip but it is entirely possible. Focus on the driving beat and take your first hit and pass the pipe so you both accelerate at about the same rate. This first hit's purpose is really to "lube up" your mind so to speak and relax you so you're comfortable with the altered state. There is no need to close your eyes and dissolve into the visuals, there really shouldn't be a whole lot going on from the first hit anyway. Stay awake (in fact I'd say just stay awake and focused externally the entire time, never close your eyes and -try- to breakthrough. When you get there, you will get there, regardless of whether your eyes are open or not). In fact, move around. This stuff does not induce paralysis. Moving might be slightly awkward, but the effects of that first hit should just feel like you're coming up on some good strong LSD. Same really goes for the second hit, which you should take whenever you are ready. People that have read trip reports before doing DMT often think they shouldn't move or open their eyes. I've found myself perfectly capable of moving and dancing during the come up, or going to the restroom or getting water if necessary. We typically move to the music in sort of a tribal dance, I recommend tripping on a couch but with plenty of floor space in front of you so you can get up and move. Feel the music and the vibrations. Give each other high fives, hugs, and smiles. Positive vibes and laughter. Talk to each other. You should be really feeling the vibes after the second or third hit. Your communication will appear to outsiders to degenerate into laughs and mumbles, the only obvious words being said are things like "I know!" or "I remember!" as you are getting to that eerie telepathic level that accompanies ego loss. The best music should have a build up where the beat gets stronger, louder, and faster (picture a tribal drum circle building up into an ecstatic orgasmic frenzy). You might need to be sitting down at this point. Typically the only sounds escaping you now will be sexual sounding moans and ecstatic laughs (reminds me of my first acid trip, after subsequent acid trips I sadly thought I would never reach that level again, but wow! really easy to get there on DMT). You should still be touching your trip companion. Squeezing each others hands and laughing I think allows an amazing connection as you both know you are experiencing the same thing. If you are still capable, take another hit together. At this point boundaries are so dissolved that as I pass the pipe to my friend, it really feels like I'm just passing it to myself. My hands touch his but "my" and "his" no longer really make sense. Visuals will be extreme at this point and if you smoked enough you can easily have a "breakthrough."

Overall you're probably using more spice than you would need if you just smoked it all at once, but also the nature of the timing of your doses also means the experience tends to be much longer. While taking hits in rapid succession generally gives me like a 5 minute trip with a 5 minute afterglow, this pacing gives me a 15-20 minute trip (albeit gradual and not so much like being fired out of a cannon) and a 30 minute afterglow. Make sure you have a song long enough, or a playlist that seemlessly flows together since a lull in the music can be a real buzzkill. And enjoy the boundary dissolution, say hello the universal consciousness for me.

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#2 Posted : 11/12/2010 6:58:35 PM

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Wow what a wall of text, here's a TL;DR version

Ritualize the experience. Share it. Listen to good simple music with a driving beat and take turns hitting the pipe, loaded with enough DMT for two. Do not rush. You don't have to smoke it all at once, it's perfectly acceptable to ease yourself into hyperspace. Drink water. Stay alert, stay awake, stay communicating with your companion. Move around a bit. When hyperspace finally takes complete control, it won't matter if your eyes are opened or closed. Most of all, relax. You're with friends. (:
#3 Posted : 11/12/2010 7:45:48 PM

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Usefull and informative post!
However I find that shpongle has launched me into obscurity many a time, but also awesomeness... Yet if I listen to fleetwood mac, I have super sedative relaxed trips.
But this is good stuff. Just goes to show the same rules need not apply for everyone, there are better approaches and this makes a refreshing change.
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#4 Posted : 11/12/2010 8:35:33 PM

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I've only had one bad trip with Shpongle, and it was done all alone at home. I think it might have been a Friday or Saturday night and I started getting negative thoughts about how I should be out socializing, not sitting alone smoking drugs. And the music was just way too ominous. Otherwise, I love Shpongle for blasting off. There's a lot of vocalizations in their music but no real lyrics, which is good as I find lyrics to be rather bothersome on DMT. I've smoked DMT to the Moody Blues which is an excellent classic psychedelic rock band, makes for great times on LSD/psilocybin, but on DMT the fact that there's lyrics in music is disorienting and frightening because it sounds like the singer is talking to me.

I did have a fairly good trip listening to Matisyahu once, which has a lot of vocals, but this was done in a similar setting as I described above. Plus Matisyahu's voice is too beautiful and he's singing about God so it's very calming.

Happy travels!
#5 Posted : 11/12/2010 10:57:53 PM

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Ive had many good experiances with shpongle as well but their music does get a bit too busy sometimes. If you like shpongle you should check out bluetech and human blue. Its really chill, yet it has a good driving rythm. Human blue has been around for a while i think. I don't know about bluetech (but i do favor them over human blue). Check em out.

Later Very happy
The tragedy of life isn't that it's too short, it's that we take too long to begin it...

"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in !!!"

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#6 Posted : 11/13/2010 12:41:45 AM

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I like some of the things you said in your initial post. I think there is a tendency to get too serious when using spice.
I've found the best head space is a fun joking laughing humorous vibe. Its seems to set the right tone.
I remember many times with another person being totally obliderated with laughter. Its a deeply wild fun and intense zone when you get there.

I always try to keep my solo journeys fun and humorous as well. It really seems to open things up. Its always in this happy space when the most amazing energy beings seem to show up and commune with me. I love it so much I can't even express it in words.

music is tricky I still cannot grasp some the intense music some people trip with on Nexus. Personally I think the wrong choice of music can really take away from the real essence of a truly deep DMT journey.
that being said I believe it can work its just a different kind of experience. Minimal music, stuff thats not too dark or complex is better in my opinion.

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#7 Posted : 11/13/2010 12:48:50 AM

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Interesting post, Strangeloop. I think if one uses spice long enough, one eventually figures out what works best for oneself.

For me, I cannot even fathom music after dosing; I've tried it (everything from Bach to Arvo Part to MeatBeatManifesto) but usually go too deep to have any use for it (disappointing, actualy, since I am a musician).

I also don't know a soul who has even heard of DMT, let alone anyone who would be willing to try it, so traveling alone is my only option.

And with regard to multiple sequential doses, this can indeed work well, especially when also using harmalas, but I have found that if I don't go far enough to really lose a sense of my body that the body load can be uncomfortably intense resulting in a negative trip.
~ hpp
#8 Posted : 11/13/2010 12:08:18 PM
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I found that aswell, music was a real turn off for me on DMT, on mushrooms it's totally amazing but on DMT i mostly just wanted quiet

However, music like carbon based lifeforms in the afterglow is incredible!

Carbon Based Lifeforms - Betula Pendula

Best music i've ever heard in my life to be honest...
#9 Posted : 11/14/2010 3:58:19 AM


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pardon the hijack.....

CBL is incredible...

vibrasphere is right there with them...

music and DMT, sometimes. music and Aya....definitely!!!

harmalas make the 2 minute mark obsolete. sublingual caapi extract or THH....get the MOST out of your spice!!

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#10 Posted : 11/16/2010 2:43:38 AM
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Wow, now you really really made me want to vape DMT. I've only ever done aya, which seems to be much more of a solo trip (right?). I tried to vape DMT but I have failed to get much of any effect from it. I wish I had some cool friends who could show me what I'm doing wrong... Sad

Or can I do this telepathic stuff on aya as well? And if so, how? After regaining consciousness (they call that coming down?)?
physics envy
#11 Posted : 11/17/2010 9:54:51 PM

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Thanks for the method, Strangeloop :-) I always enjoy hearing how others do it. My most common 'music' is one of those healing frequency clips on youtube - especially this 528hz one: . It is very calming and is nice to have as a 'safety net' for deep journeys.

I have tried several methods and tend to make mine very sacred lately, but I agree with Felnik - it doesn't always have to be so serious for every experience.

Peace 8-)
Salvia quid enthusiast
#12 Posted : 11/20/2010 12:56:45 PM

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physics envy - Thanks for the link, that seems great for a journey! I will test it out soon enough.

I had some amazing experiences tonight. Funny how it takes me a lot of nerve to plunge into hyperspace but once I take the first toke, I'm able to push myself deeper and deeper. I had my brother (who doesn't take any psychedelics whatsoever) watch my most recent journey just so I could try to see it from both my perspective and the sober perspective and it's really quite astounding. I will sit there for a good five minutes or so as the "come up," where I move to the music and take hits as I need to, until I feel like I've had enough and can lay back and dissolve into pure, beautiful experience.

Does anyone else get the weird throat feeling when tripping? When I'm at the peak of a DMT trip, where I feel almost entirely disembodied, I still feel a weird desire to swallow and must continually do so, which is somewhat distracting since it feels so weird although I've gotten extremely used to it by now.
#13 Posted : 11/20/2010 8:22:08 PM

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Based on what you describe in the OP, it sounds to me like you're burning some spice, which irritates your throat.
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#14 Posted : 11/20/2010 11:47:36 PM

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Does anyone else get the weird throat feeling when tripping? When I'm at the peak of a DMT trip, where I feel almost entirely disembodied, I still feel a weird desire to swallow and must continually do so, which is somewhat distracting since it feels so weird although I've gotten extremely used to it by now.

well, yes. and it was accompanied by entities trying to get in my mouth, or something???
so i started vocalizing strange harmonies, and the sound waves transformed into incredible hallucinations, and the entities vanishedSurprised

but then again, i have to agree with ragabr, burning spice is not very pleasant. you can build a machine for a few bucks and vaporize.
#15 Posted : 11/23/2010 1:42:48 AM

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ragabr wrote:
Based on what you describe in the OP, it sounds to me like you're burning some spice, which irritates your throat.

I am almost certainly burning some spice but it's not irritating my throat. I'm a long time tobacco/cannabis user, and I know what throat irritation feels like. I'm not talking about pain in my throat, it's just a very strange feeling when I swallow. The best way for me to describe it is actually a vocalization which I can't really replicate in text, but it's sort of like throat singing or throat vocalizations like in the DMT song by Shpongle interestingly enough, which is what makes me think this feeling happens to others as well.

Definitely not throat irritation though, I've never had much problem smoking spice, it doesn't taste bad to me nor is it harsh. I often use tobacco as my plant material to catch the melting spice, and it still isn't harsh or bad tasting IMO. And doesn't make me cough whatsoever. I'm rather certain that it's just an effect of the drug, it happens when I get to that point of boundary dissolution (which I'm starting to prefer over the term ego loss, I think when people say ego loss they are describing the same feeling I am but maybe not) where everything kind of merges with everything else and normal reality seems like a machine constructed by my brain to trap "my" consciousness.
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