Hi Nexus,
SWIM's finally undergoing his first all food-grade extraction from MHRB.
SO I've been tasked to ask you for help concerning his first couple of obstacles.
The tek was somewhat unorthodox:
1kg of shredded MHRB was put in a big pot, soaked with white vinegar, and simmered for a couple of hours.
1kg lime was disolved in some warm water, and added to the pot, which was left to simmer for another hour.
1 litre limo was added to the dough.
At this point SWIM realized that his bark is probably too thickly shredded, so he slowly processed everything through a blender. He was left with a brown dough.
THP: Taking a 3liter hdpe jug, SWIM cut off the bottom, stuck some cotton in the neck, and filled it with most of the dough, leaving it to filter overnight.
After 3 days of filtering like this (with some variations tried), SWIM realized that the THP filtering is too slow! This dough will never shed all it's limo, let alone SWIM putting in more limo and letting it filter again.
1)----> So this is the first question. Is the THP extremely inefficient, or is SWIM doing something wrong. Should I add more water to the dough, to make it more easily filtered?
Now some of the limo has already collected underneath the THP, SWIM filtered this through cotton again, and he measured the limo: 350ml (out of 1 litre that was put in).
The limo gathered was combined with some hot FASW, shaken and left to separate, expecting a clear separation, limo on top, water to the bottom, etc etc.
However, SWIM was weirded out when he observed:
2A) the FASW (80ml) floating on TOP of the limo, with visible DMT pieces floating in it.
2B) the FASW not separating completely from the limo. The visible FASW layer is less than what was put in.
So, naturally, SWIM asks: How Come?
Any ideas? Feel free to request any more details. The limo was orange when collected from the THP, it was perfectly clear before.
I used hydrated lime.
Thanks Nexus, I've been doing a LOT of reading here throughout the past few months. I wouldn't be anything like the person I am now if it wasn't for yhis magnificent gathering of exeptionally interesting ideas, and exceptionally intrigued minds.
~Anything I post online is fictional.
..Who said that?